avatar for guy2222

Comments by guy2222

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2 months ago
avatar for WavvyCain
Degenerate gambler and virgin
Simps are ruining clubs
I go to the strip club to simp. I love to simp hard. If you do too you will know its the best feeling simping hard on the dance floor and then going to the private room to have the girls brush on your cock through your pants and humiliate you on how much you simp, that you could never get pussy and that you are a strip club loser. I'm a proud PussyFree virgin and simping is the only thing losers like me can ever do.
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7 months ago
avatar for guy2222
Biggest Simp stories in the Strip Club
Maybe he asked her not to take it off? I usually asks girls to leave on their clothes for dances and VIPs
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7 months ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Subtle Hints a Dancer is Totally Not into You as a Customer
I just let the girls come up to me, I'm way to shy to talk to girls anyways
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7 months ago
avatar for hotgirlsplz
spend too much on dancers 🤯
Who here goes to strip clubs and stay sober?
I used to drink a lot at the strip club and never remembered shit the next day, but the effects on my bank account made it clear what happened. Now after months of being sober completely, I only get a seltzer water and lime at the strip club. The waitress would look at me funny but I would get her and the other girls drinks.
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7 months ago
avatar for 54kevin
Taking a stripper on a trip - Dumb idea?
I would bring the stripper on the trip and have her fuck a bunch of guys, while I jerk off in the other room
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7 months ago
avatar for 1q2w3e4r5
Sloppy seconds
I usually like when I take my girl to the VIP after she done a bunch of VIPs. She tells me all the dirty details while jerking me off and tells me how much of a loser I am
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a year ago
avatar for guy2222
Goodtime in a while at Flashdancer, wide Varity of girls
That's how it be out here bro