
Comments by Dustyhawkins (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Yeah it's cool man, some pretend to like you I get that for the dance and money. But some are actually genuinely interested in you maybe not romantically or sexually. But I mean once your a regular they care about you like they're your friend and everything some actually genuinely care to talk and see what's up in your life and you guys enjoy each others convo, that's not fake or pretended. You can tell when it's fake like heyyyyy babyyyy I love thoooseeee glasses, ur cuteeee, omg ur my favoriteeeeeeee obviously there's a difference u can tell hahahahah
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Yeah it's all for fun man, enjoy what you can. Like I said strippers anything goes, you can talk, touch dance say whatever, fuck around joke, they don't care. As long as you give them money. Thank you guys very much I liked your comments once again always enjoy reading. Yeah strip club u make it whatever fantasy u want, most are down for anything hahahah
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Lol why, you get my point what I'm trying to get across. I know it's not perfect and super spaced out paragraphs. But the main jist of the story u understand
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Loool hahaha. Yeah I know u were a stripper urself right?
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Yes of course strippers are still real girls they're humans I didn't mean to make it sound like that they're way different or a different species. I just mean regular girls as in girls you pick up in public without money involved, genuine pickup actually working for it and earning the pussy hahahaha rather than just taking the easy solution and going to strip club
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Tinder for that?? Loool I don't know if that'd work, tinder is old AF anyway like 2016 when everyone was big about it now probably not. Just go to strip club as customer and talk to other guys they might be down after all they're there for the girls and your a girl yourself
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Obviously not that bad, but you get my point. Its just way harder since your a stranger to them or just another horny bastard in their eyes, the girl gets approached alot and assumes it's gonna be bad or messed up experience Strippers are cool cause it's their job they know your gonna pay them or they'll get you somehow through time to pay them
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Its much easier to approach strippers for anyone, cause they will talk and be receptive and be cool with anything. Approaching non strippers outside the club you'll get charged for harassment for saying hi.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    White American Strippers
    I feel you man same with me in my area, these past years it's just been ghetto ratchety girls, some latina or mixed girls. I remember when I first started strip clubs in 2014 there were a lot of white american girls back then I remember the true white blondes or red heads the standard typical strip club girl. Now it's very very rare to see that, like those true American girls that understand things well use big words the smart ones. Its all like weird chicks now I mean some still can be hot but a lot of worn down or druggies lol. 2014-2015 was when I was new to strip club scene it was way better than hahahah
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If a girl blows you off
    Damn thanks my buddy I liked hearing that. Yeah man you never know in strip club it's always very unpredictable as I keep repeating. It always turns out the opposite of what you expect
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If a girl blows you off
    Yeah hahahahaha I like that analogy very true man. Yeah it's all part of the game it's confusing, so many different encounters and situations you face along the way. U go through so much different personalities and weird scenarios. It is part of strip club life yes always gonna face different things
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If a girl blows you off
    I don't mean to sound so weird myself and to mix things up but I actually noticed that sometimes the dancers who do that or make you wait or hard to get or to get a hold of they blow you off for other customers eventually when you do get a hold of them and talk to them u think if she's this much avoiding me or not interested in fking with me or talking to me she's obviously gonna give a scratch ass whack dance but in my experiences I actually noticed and just realized they surprise you and give you a real good dance so it pays off sometimes to take the risk and it's different than expected
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If a girl blows you off
    Yeah that makes sense just like when we see our regulars in the club we know they're for sure gonna do good service or whatever we request. We still may look around for other girls first since sometimes we wanna try someone new or have options, but usually if all else fails then it's no biggie since we can just go to the regular that we have trust with and won't do us wrong So yeah I kinda see what you mean, man the whole strip club game is a lot hahahah. Like it's confusing like some girls can talk and sit with you long and seem nice and perfect but end up giving a shitty air dance Also some girls can be rude blow you off but then come back and give the best grind ever, it's just confusing sometimes what girls to go to, or what situations, it's a mixed bag
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    If a girl blows you off
    Yeah I know that about who cares it's not a big deal. Well it's not to pick up chicks your right, cause picking up regular girls is outside world on your own time. This is just getting dances and their service, so it's not picking them up genuinely without money
  • review comment
    a year ago
    The Most Dreadful Establishment of All Time
    Same bro I was gonna say this club used to be poppin back then between 2015-2018 those 3 years was a good peak. But I wrote a review myself, and I went like a month ago it was dead same thing Friday night but a little more girls like 5-6 but still I was the only customer. This club sucks lately I don't think it's gonna have. turn around for a while. Its too industrial street as you said and hidden
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers being rude and harsh
    Wow thanks again guys hahahaha. I appreciate everyone contributing to the conversation and helping out. Yeah everyone got their own takes on what to do. And yes I understand of course you can't sit down with a customer and spend like 30 minutes or an hour talking yes I understand that I don't expect that. Sometimes that happens where a girl just talks long and doesn't expect anything she's just cool talking to you Yeah I know I don't expect her to be super super nice and do everything for me, yeah I know she has to have a time window so she doesn't get cheated also and no money, but you gotta at least sit and talk a few minutes like 5 minutes or something I'm not asking for an hour. Cause some are just rude from the get go within the first 15-30 seconds for no reason they're like want a dance want a dance? You ask a question sure maybe but let's talk first I wanna get to know what I'm getting into, they're like wtf I don't have time, or stop being stupid. But yeah anyway as we all majority of us agreed don't waste your energy fighting with these girls, just let them leave, usually u don't got to explain anything or owe her any reason. If anything she'll be like why don't u want a dance, just be like maybe I would've had earlier but how you were rude and acting so better than me and treating me like nothing now I don't want a dance, that's not the best way to get customers, that will own here she'll just be all silent and walk away knowing what she did
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers being rude and harsh
    Man I know this is my own thread and I don't mean to comment a lot myself, but I appreciate all you guys comments and participating I really like it, this discussion is really going and alive thanks guys. And yeah I agree you shouldn't get into too much of an argument like I already said, unless she's super super fked up to you then you should call her out or tell her some bullshit back about her But generally just handle it maturely just say I'm not interested, just hanging out, usually they run for the hills, the second you say I don't want a dance they fucking run a marathon away from you if your not spending money so usually that's not the problem anyway but if it does happen where the girl keeps pushing and won't leave you alone, either just walk away move seats, or just put her in her place say listen little one I don't want a dance stop bothering me, I said no now leave me alone before I tell the workers ur going overboard and keep asking when I said no
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers being rude and harsh
    Hahahha yeah that's funny man good stuff I like your comebacks. But first of all you don't have to explain shit to these little brats anyway, also it's probably not always the best to start an altercation with the dancers, cause then she's just gonna snitch to the managers and be a little bitch. I only start an altercation when it's some really untolerable shit like she leaves a dance or walks away that's happened and the manager was on my side cause he knew the dance ended in like 15 seconds and refunded my money that's the only types of cases I'll call her out If she's just asking why or why don't u like me, I mean yes you can fool around with it sometimes and fuck with her or annoy her back, but is it really worth it, it's only gonna make things more bad especially if it's a club you frequent regularly she's always gonna be mad and try to extract revenge on you
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Thursday Night - Lesson Learned
    What why are you disappointed, she was going for it. Even if she doesn't do a little dance before the act, that's the main thing you were after anyway. If anything most people get upset when it goes that way if they just dance and not do the full package whatever thing you were after. She was going after what you wanted so what are you upset about
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Synn Industry is pretty good sometimes
    Thank you man, you seem really nice and cool, I didn't mean to say it like that. We should get along, I appreciate you being really proper and nice feedback, I thought you were gonna say more things or make me feel stupid haha, but you didn't And yeah I agree, some club details are obviously important as you mentioned, like entry fee, how many dancers, the area, how sketchy it is, what days to come etc, but some people say that it's incoherent. I mean yeah I may write a little fast, and maybe not super clear. But people make it seem like mine is completely un readable and can't understand anything, maybe a few words or some phrases may be slightly confusing to understand, but also some people can tell what it means, or use their own sense what I'm saying,
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Synn Industry is pretty good sometimes
    Another thing I don't understand why everyone always rips on my reviews or makes me seem like a dumbass. I mean I talk about the club and tell about the girls and how they are or what they do. They say I don't provide enough this detail or it's not proper or whatever Like what?!?! Are you only gonna talk about how you tip the bartender and buy drinks all night or kiss the doormans ass, if anything those people are the douches, wasting time talking about things no one cares about, you gotta get to the juice and the meat of the review what people really are after hearing. I'm not here reviewing the painting and structure of the strip club like wtf
  • review comment
    a year ago
    You guys think it's funny to make fun of me, I'm trying to help you and I post reviews to save people from shit experiences. But no no go ahead, go to the club and experience yourself and get scammed and have a shitty experience
  • review comment
    a year ago
    I should add another reason why this club may not be good is because it's a Los Angeles club where it's out in the open and like well known. Clubs in LA like that, like this one or Synn Beverly Hills, Seventh Veil etc, it's all a hype, never go to LA clubs where it's on very main streets and where everyone is around those ones are more for show and usually not as good It has to be more of a small city or industrial area or somewhere basically not too crazy where there's lots of people around, then it's more of a club where stuff goes down. Especially like I mentioned how this club it's by LAX and Synn Beverly Hills and Seventh Veil are like on main big streets with lot of people and nightclubs and everything around, so LA clubs are usually not worth it, it's too well known and nothing good would be there Also one more thing to add, it always tends to be the opposite, whenever you hear good reviews or good things about clubs they usually end up being trashy and shitty, and whenever you hear bad reviews or not so good reviews those ones actually end up being the good clubs with the stuff you didn't expect. I don't know why but it just seems that way at least to me. Ahhhh man haha alright thanks again just wanted to add that