
Comments by Dustyhawkins (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    What else are you talking about? Brothels or escorts? Lol
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    They know to respect me after I say no, I'm the real man they can sense it when I talk to them and actually half and half mixture of real pick up and sometimes buy a dance. If anything you guys are the real PL's throwing money and easily giving it away. Real guy doesn't give money to these strippers easily
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    Lol fuck ya'll seriously I've had enough of you fags. I always been nice you guys always talk shit and down to me in posts. They may pull stuff on me but I don't give in. I know not to let anyone throw bullshit my way I don't tolerate it. It happens at different areas or places. And when I say fag I'm using the slang term people just been using since like 2008 or whatever fag just means annoying piece of shit or douchebag.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    Yeah honestly it was my fault I will admit that. Before I used to just walk away and ignore the bullshit. But recently I've been talking or say what tip, some seem really crazy that's why they block your way or don't let you move. I should just stay with ignoring and not giving in that was on me at least I'm honest about it
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strippers forcing tips/extorting you
    And to add some more like yeah when they sit and talk to you I'll say I don't want a dance sorry, then they'll keep talking and at the end say give me a $5 or $10 dollar tip for my time sitting and talking to you, I'm like I said no in the beginning you kept sitting and talking to me you wasted your own time go steal the money off stage from some other stripper as the thief you are. And when they force tips after dances I usually just ignore or walk away or if they talk and don't let me go I'll say I don't owe you anything I'm not giving you a tip, I don't have to, that's optional
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Big Black Guy is the Man
    *way before covid I mean like 2016 2015 it was better
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    The Big Black Guy is the Man
    Yeah before covid wat before u mean like 2016-2017 girls were more chill now a days most strip clubs are ratchety ghetto ass girls extorting you for tips or making threats
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    a year ago
    The Big Black Guy is the Man
    Yeah now I know the reason why people buy 1 lap dance or 2 dances first to test to waters to see if she will perform or actually grind so that way if you get ripped off or cheated it's only like 30 or 45$. Before I used to think why waste money on fag lap dances when you can just save for the big prize. But it's smart now to test drive to know how she'll be
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    RiskA my man why u talking down on me hahahahaha we were friends and cool in message. I notice people comment alot but never get back to messages.
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    a year ago
    The Big Black Guy is the Man
    Yeah black guy he seems mature looks cool probably around age 38-39
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    a year ago
    The Big Black Guy is the Man
    Yeah Industry is way straight up, it's probably the most extras that's what the city is known for the strip clubs. They don't give a fuck theres it's all freestyle. That would be good tho and pleasurable her slamming her crotch against the recipient unless it was harsh slamming where it was hurting. Yeah sometimes I would prefer a real dance and grind also over that. Unless the slamming was in a pleasurable way and not painful as I said lool
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    But not too old!
    Hey man just a question how do you add a club to a discussion. I'm trying to mention it add the club listing when I start my discussion it doesn't show and option to do so, how do you do it? Thank you
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Rude Bitchy Strippers Vs Nice Sweetheart ones
    Also to correct I know there were some slight grammatical errors, I meant *tipping strippers, not ripping And earlier I was talking about how I dealt with alot of rude encounters over the years, to clarify I meant just recently within these past 2 months or so I've become a changed man and got more in tuned into actually talking to strippers and going after the nice sweetheart ones, before when I was slightly younger I would just go to the club not five a fuck about anything, any drink fee, stage show, talking, I would just want the straight up extras or the real fun But now I don't care about that as much anymore, I just want the company and someone sweet and all that, the fun ones personality and as I mentioned, just so tired of the brats and hustlers
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    Huh? English only brother
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    Or still the same amount of it's just a regular hang out like chill cuddle adventure watch a movie go somewhere just a regular hang out spend time together, non sexual. That shouldn't be that much money either since there's no extras and you just want some companionship and affection lol
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    Yeah 1K I understand if your going the traditional old fashioned way doing dinner, going to a hotel, wine, candles, spending time going on a date spending many hours then 1k makes sense. But when I offer 200-$300 I'm not asking for all that fancy stuff or many hours or the whole day. For around $250 or 300 all I'm asking for is like a quick session like 30 minutes or so just some quick car fun
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    Oh shit with all that class you better be a pornstar or some model then if you're trying to ask for all that money hahahahah. It can be worth it if you are as well. If it's just scraps or mediocre girl then not pay that much
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    And thanks CJ Kent, look man u sound decent, no hate man I don't wanna have any beef with each other man. Maybe you are right on some extent, I'm too quick or don't think things out realistically. Thanks for recommending Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club. Yeah man just takes time to build trust and show maturity and get to know them over time and be a real man then they'll meet you
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    I'm actually not annoying at all, I was just being too nice, because in my previous discussions people made it seem as if I am, by posting and complaining but the truth is I'm really not. Fuck them I can post 100 discussions a day and rant about whatever I want, I was being too nice. I'll post whatever I want. I don't care. Thank you @ ilbbaicnl your a real one, yes I don't have a harsh stereotype for strippers of course there's all different kinds you got the sweet ones the, lovely nice ones, bitch strippers entitled ones, druggies, horny ones there's all different kinds but yeah I don't stereotype too much I just let them be and yeah see I like your view point anything is possible man. You can date them hang out whatever, screw people that say your not supposed to go that far for a stripper or they're not meant for that you can do anything, it's possible. Thank you again my friend for being awesome
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Any tips for meeting OTC
    It is better to let someone know from the start that you don't meet out of the club so you don't waste time, and play games like that. Would you rather have a stripper give you her number say she's down to meet up out of the club but then doesn't follow through or just wastes time or would you rather just have her tell you flat out from the beginning I do NOT meet out of the club and problem solved, you thank them and say no problem it's all good. And no time or any bullshit you have to go through. Ahhhhh thought so
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Wasn't about needy or not. Was distinguishing the difference on rude bitch strippers vs nice sweet ones. And who to devote your attention or who deserves it more. I'm not needy I know there's hundreds of strippers hundreds of clubs different days many will keep coming. I was just saying to not spend on the ones that mistreat you or aren't appreciative of anything. Just tell them what they did wrong or avoid them and they'll learn not to act all that or like they can treat you like dust
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    You don't really need to start an altercation or explain why you're not getting a dance or why you don't purchase from her, she will figure out herself over time and correct herself to treat people better and not be fked up for no reason. U can just say something simple like I don't know man u just yelled at me or was aggressive for nothing, u just demanded a tip to a complete stranger, u didn't say thank you etc u can tell her ur reasons, or you can just stay quiet, she'll figure out eventually
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Man thank you guys a lot I love this discussion I guess overall everyone is agreeing that the strippers are all fake so you gotta just enjoy it in the moment and appreciate what you can get, don't make it into something it's not like force to meet OTC or get acquaintanted, only if it really comes or if it's meant that way. But yeah gotta just enjoy the journey there will always be nice and rude mean ones. Just spend your money or time on the good sweethearts, and I'm sure everytime you visit the club the same bitch girl will come up and say want a dance, or talk a bit and try to get you to spend but you will keep saying no, and then she'll learn over time why you are saying no to her services and it's because she was that brat with the messed up attitude. Cause if you say yes and still give her a chance she's not gonna learn she's gonna keep being a brat and screw everyone else over If you say no and don't give her the satisfaction she will learn her fucking lesson not to be that way and change so she can make money haha haha man it's all good!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Yeaahhhh thanks everyone, guess you gotta just enjoy the time with her in the moment whenever your at the club.
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    a year ago
    Real Girls Vs Strippers
    Yeah I appreciate them for always coming and making an effort to talk and follow up with me. When girls are nice and cool like that and come to me every time I go to the club and they're just nice and talk I usually tip them.