
Comments by blahblahblahs (page 9)

  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How to Turn Texas Blue
    Quebec's culture is freaking great. Montreal's restaurant and bar scenes are top notch. The festivals in both (Montreal and Quebec) are great. It's a bilingual city with very good universities in both languages. Major party towns. They also really embrace nature and outdoor fun. Rural Quebec is a total trip. The quebecois population does have a thing about Canadians that don't attempt to speak french, but if you just make it known you are an American they don't care at all. Quebec's internal politics are completely distinct and baffling from ours (with the noted similarity to Texas in terms of having a successionist movement that gets a lot of press, but is a very small part of the population)
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How to Turn Texas Blue
    editL"plenty of very very hot girls"
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    How to Turn Texas Blue
    Look tastes differ, but if you can't see plenty of pretty girls walking down the street in Montreal then your eyes are poorly calibrated.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    What Knockers and Other Body Parts!
    Other reviews made it sound like Venue was closing, but you can confirm it is still there? Any idea when they start charging a cover?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Cowboys and Strippers
    I believe Georgie's quote was: “I spent a lot of money on booze, birds, and fast cars. The rest I just wasted.”
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    First visit
    They just have read the long thread on dancers at Desire overcharging and figured that they still have a competitive advantage at 30. (mostly kidding). That's a real bummer though.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Cowboys and Strippers
    So um, I feel like this is casting shade on dancers. At least the way I act as a customer, lap dances are the ultimate impulse spending.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    History Lessons
    May I suggest, History Lesson Part II? https://youtu.be/KZvsAh5VFRw?si=RNhCiI02sEcp8ZP3
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    Was this at Desire as well?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    "You guys are cheap nerds writing paragraphs about strip club economics online." Two outa three ain't bad. I'm a nerd and I did post paragraphs about strip club economics online. There's a concept in Econ called revealed preference. As applied here it would be as follows: since the girls which I find hottest at a given club continue to seek me out as a customer even when the club is busy, then if follows that I am not cheap. I do believe most of what Molly says though: she's gone to the effort of creating a TUSCL account presumably to understand customers and possibly to recruit them. If she was desperate for new customers she wouldn't be fighting with some here.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    Well, this thread has gone a bit off the rails. Some additional thoughts: I still maintain that with a declining customer base that higher LD costs are bad for the industry as a whole, and that will be bad for most dancers over time as demand declines. Also, because lap dances prices aren't something that typically gets discussed around a water cooler, when some PLs leave the scene they may not even know if prices get reset. However, it's a classic tragedy of the commons. It isn't on Molly (or even Venus) to hold the line on prices. If the club doesn't prevent them charging more than the stated price, and they are successful in doing so, then they absolutely should. It is really on the clubs to enforce pricing to maintain demand and, in the case of clubs that compete on price, maintain competitive advantage.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    First time at Boardroom Cabaret - very nice
    Perhaps he's thinking of The Club, which is right on the border?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    I wonder what the threshold is for someone to be a big spender? I also wonder what the average spend is for a "big spender."
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    I think he indicated his budget was $150.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    My take is that heavily reviewed clubs give a very nice portrait of the club, and probably indicate that it is a good club. However, a lack of reviews doesn't imply the opposite. I've enjoyable visits to infrequently reviewed clubs. IMO, TUSCL's utility would go up if infrequently reviewed clubs received more coverage, but what can we do beyond reviewing them ourselves?
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    You are kid of making my point for me. The best way that we identify who is a "quality girl" is by buying an individual dance. The procedure is simple: if a single dance is good we then spend our entire evening's budget on her. If it isn't then we try another girl. Repeat until all the money is spent or no more dancers are of interest. When the prices of individual dances are too high, then the threshold for who is a candidate for "quality girl" is much higher.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    Molly, two issues here: (1) Should a dancer be able to charge more than the set price for a dance at a club with set prices? I don't agree with you. However, I'd agree with things like a dancer saying things like "if you want to touch it is $X more." But either way... The gist is that I argue that higher dance prices are bad for the (declining) industry as a whole and more specifically higher than club-mandated dance prices are probably not bag-maximizing for the given dancer. All that being said, I'm sure that you know your own bag, and I wish you many big nights.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Lap Dance Ripoffs
    Just an aside here, but raising dance prices is generally bad for the industry, and particularly for non-extras girls. From a customer perspective it severely limits our willingness to take a chance on a new dancer b/c it consumes such a large portion of that evenings budget right away. At $20 or $25 a dance I'll basically say "sure why not" to any dancer that approaches that is either pleasant to talk to or somewhat to my tastes. At $40 she has to have all three of very hot (in absolute terms, not just within that particular lineup), a promising stage act (because it has signaling power) and nice to chat with. Additionally, if I buy an expensive dance, that first song had better be a very good dance; I have zero willingness to buy a second one on the HOPE it will get better. At $20 a song the second and third dances aren't such a big risk. I think a big part of the disconnect is that non-extras customers are thinking about dollars per minute value, in contrast, dancers view it as a threshold for making contact with a customer. As in "I'm not doing that for just $20." There was a recent thread on another forum where one dancer said she raised her prices and "it worked" because she sold 8 dances. Another one chimed in asking if that was a good number because she sells 30-40 a night at $25. Obviously, without controlling for club it's not a great comparison, but I think the point stands anyway. With respect to a $50 3 minute dance at Desire, I'd decline that particular dancer. If the average price rises to that, I'd just cut Desire out of rotation and double down on Foxy.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    Milf lover and newbie nerd
    What to wear?
    Painter's smock, clogs, ski pants.
  • review comment
    6 months ago
    A Gem: Quality and Quantity
    Loper's accessment is correct.
  • discussion comment
    6 months ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Out for vote
    Put him on probation.
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Spring Training--Force Ranking the 26 MLB markets
    How do we order these ones: Cleveland Cincinnati Minneapolis Kansas City Milwaukee
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Spring Training--Force Ranking the 26 MLB markets
    Harderlap, So your revised bottom 10 ranking is this? I have to say, from TUSCL I don't see anything in most of them that get reviews as good as Boardroom Cabaret (Boston) receives. Chicago San Diego Pittsburg Cleveland Cincinnati Minneapolis Kansas City Milwaukee Boston Jack4thson: How far down do we push Baltimore? DC
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Spring Training--Force Ranking the 26 MLB markets
    How so?
  • discussion comment
    7 months ago
    Atlanta suburb
    See what happens when you don't tip.
    I hope she payed her $500 bond in singles.