
Lap Dance Ripoffs

Lap Dances here are supposed to be like $5 to the house and then $20/30 to the dancer depending on topless or full nude.

What the hell is with dancers wanting $50 for one dance?! Have had a couple ask for that and turned down those robbers. Ridiculous. Venus is one of them


  • funonthaside
    7 months ago
    I've found that in clubs, there are cliques of dancers who form an alliance to attempt to raise dance prices. Because they are operating under an agreement among themselves, they know there are others that will also charge more.

    The only way to effectively deal with this is to be very transparent about why you are passing on them. If they are told NO enough times, the foolishness will end. Of course, there will always be guys willing to pay the higher price, so the only choice is to take them out of your rotation.
  • QrickQ
    7 months ago
    I agree with this. Dancers can ask for whatever they want...only choice is to walk away. Lately, Desire dance prices seem to be all over the place. I just say 'no', unless the dancer is really hot, or I am really into her. I'll admit I broke my rule just yesterday. No regrets, but I'm not sure that I would repeat for the same price.
  • nelly76
    7 months ago
    I like the comments. The girls should be able to charge whatever they want, as long as they are honest and clear about it up front before the dance, especially since there's a sign saying $25/$35.

    Our choice as customers is to decide whether to pay it.

    Now, if some girl tries to charge you more without telling you up front, either don't pay it (and club management will probably support you), or at least broadcast it on here and other sites so that you ruin the girls reputation.

    This girl Venus is getting a bad reputation, because I've heard similar bad things about her. I've heard similar things about her, and know enough to stay away, and keep my friends away. Thanks for exposing it here.
  • asotos75
    7 months ago
    They do the same thing at caddilac lounge
    Ridiculous 50 dollar dances.
    Comon now
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    I've had one very attractive dancer do this to me. Her "increase in value" was $10.00 and for that she put herself on the dnd list forever.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    Just an aside here, but raising dance prices is generally bad for the industry, and particularly for non-extras girls. From a customer perspective it severely limits our willingness to take a chance on a new dancer b/c it consumes such a large portion of that evenings budget right away. At $20 or $25 a dance I'll basically say "sure why not" to any dancer that approaches that is either pleasant to talk to or somewhat to my tastes. At $40 she has to have all three of very hot (in absolute terms, not just within that particular lineup), a promising stage act (because it has signaling power) and nice to chat with. Additionally, if I buy an expensive dance, that first song had better be a very good dance; I have zero willingness to buy a second one on the HOPE it will get better. At $20 a song the second and third dances aren't such a big risk.

    I think a big part of the disconnect is that non-extras customers are thinking about dollars per minute value, in contrast, dancers view it as a threshold for making contact with a customer. As in "I'm not doing that for just $20."

    There was a recent thread on another forum where one dancer said she raised her prices and "it worked" because she sold 8 dances. Another one chimed in asking if that was a good number because she sells 30-40 a night at $25. Obviously, without controlling for club it's not a great comparison, but I think the point stands anyway.

    With respect to a $50 3 minute dance at Desire, I'd decline that particular dancer. If the average price rises to that, I'd just cut Desire out of rotation and double down on Foxy.
  • Puddy Tat
    7 months ago
    Desire has been on the downswing for a while. Last year I had 3 bad visits whether mediocre VIP or not enough women my type. After 3 bad visits I give it a break. Then I got more turned off from strip clubs entirely so I don't see myself returning any time soon. More ROBs just confirm it.
  • OldWhiteGuy
    7 months ago
    The stripclub is the ultimate example of capitalism.
    Every girl there is free to set her own price and her own boundaries.
    It is up to the consumers to decide if we are willing to pay the price for the services.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    Strippers can charge whatever they want. We aren’t too worried about the guys that get upset over $50. At the end of the day most dancers, especially the hot ones are looking for a man with money that doesn’t mind paying extra. So we’re pretty much weeding out the cheap ones 🤷‍♀️
  • asotos75
    7 months ago
    That particular dancer at the caddy went up to at least 10 guys asking for lap dances.
    I easily give her a 9 on looks. She's hot.
    But at 50 dollars a song they all declined including myself.
    In my opinion if her prices were 30 to even 35 per song she would be busy all night doing dances. Instead she was looking around like what's going on ?
    I said to her it's to much for me to swing 50 dollars a song and her reply was " but look at me I'm hot "
    Ya instant turn off
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    The price of a lap dance has been 20 dollars for like the last 20 years. The price of everything has gone up. Of course we are gonna charge more. It’s pretty much only baby strippers charging what they are told.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    Molly, two issues here: (1) Should a dancer be able to charge more than the set price for a dance at a club with set prices? I don't agree with you. However, I'd agree with things like a dancer saying things like "if you want to touch it is $X more." But either way...

    The gist is that I argue that higher dance prices are bad for the (declining) industry as a whole and more specifically higher than club-mandated dance prices are probably not bag-maximizing for the given dancer.

    All that being said, I'm sure that you know your own bag, and I wish you many big nights.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    I notice a downturn in business pretty much everywhere, but prices are crashing for entertainment, hotels, etc. I notice a big downturn in Desires business during weeknights. As a long time regular I know who approaches me and who never did. I have also noticed that tipping a dancer on stage and asking her to join you results in 100% attendance, whereas until recently one was at risk from the deadly "better offer". In a dying economy luxury items are the first to go. Dancers are the ultimate luxury item. You can raise prices and call the people who cannot or will not pay the extra freight, hoping you make more off fewer, or you could actually lower prices, or give discounts, under the theory that volume can make up for Price. Seems to me that 8 dances at $25.00 is $200.00 and maybe even a tip. 3 dances at $50.00 is less work, but less money. Of course, at $50.00 a dance I can get 20 dances and spend $1,000+ or fly to Florida and spend the weekend getting $10.00 dances in Pompano for the same price and the beautiful weather ......
  • chiefwiggum
    7 months ago
    I agree with blah, if the stated lap dance price is X, then the big reason I go to the club is to pay X. In Chicago, price increases ebb and flow. Anecdotally, it looks like us PLs are telling these girls no to higher prices. I have had girls come down after trying to sell me a $40 dance.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    If you’re looking for a deal maybe go for a lower quality girl it’s that simple.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    ^ when the dance price is on a sign stating 25 topless/35 nude/$5.00 to the house and 20/30 to the dancer, charging more is a rip off, not a sign of quality. Quality doesn't need to cheat.... I would also point out that asking for the stated price to be honored is not asking for a deal. Within a year we will see the 2-1 make a return.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    You are kid of making my point for me. The best way that we identify who is a "quality girl" is by buying an individual dance. The procedure is simple: if a single dance is good we then spend our entire evening's budget on her. If it isn't then we try another girl. Repeat until all the money is spent or no more dancers are of interest. When the prices of individual dances are too high, then the threshold for who is a candidate for "quality girl" is much higher.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    What you’re not getting is that barely any girls in that club go by the sign, not even sure why it’s still there 😂. I rarely even do lap dances because it’s really not even worth it.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    The big spenders at the club never even bother to get one lap dance either.
  • crosscheck
    7 months ago
    Let me ask you a question then Molly? Do you tell the customer that your dances are higher per song than the club's standard price as posted or do you just do the dances and then hit the customer with the higher price when it's time to pay?
  • Jascoi
    7 months ago
    high price lap dances are a one and done for me.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I always tell them my prices. Most people ask upfront also
  • crosscheck
    7 months ago
    ^ Okay, just curious because I've seen it done the other way, and to me there is a big difference between the two. If you tell custies your price upfront, then it's their choice to go forward or not. To me that's not a ROB. Waiting until after the dance to spring the higher price to me IS a ROB.

    Also, while I understand your saying the most customers ask upfront, I'm of the belief that if a club has posted dance prices, then the customer is entitled to rely on that unless the dancer notifies the customer ahead of time. With posted prices, I do not think it is the customer's responsibility to ask.

    That's my two cents, or two bucks or however much anyone thinks it's worth.
  • mickey48066
    7 months ago
    If anyone is paying 50 bucks a song in any club, your dick should be in her mouth and she should be wiping her chin by the end of the third song.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I think a crackhead would suck off somebody for $50. If that is your budget lmao
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    I think he indicated his budget was $150.
  • mickey48066
    7 months ago
    ^$150 would be your take. 3 songs. Not a bad return for 15 minutes in vip. Crackheads will do it for $20 tops, $5 if they're needing their next hit. If somebody wants to pay $50 a song for the "privilege" to be in a dancer's midst, ok but $150 for a bbbj is a good result for both parties.
  • brian551
    7 months ago
    I'll give some contrast here. Saturday I was in Providence, went to Desire from 530 until 800, admittedly this covers shift change. I did not do any dances here, as many have noted the hiring standards have lowered here and at this time there was no dancer that caught my attention. Went to CL, many more girls as it was now into the night shift. Some hot, some not so hot. One absolute smokeshow visiting from California. Price was a non-issue to start, figured i'd probably pay a bit elevated rated and did end up paying $50/song. In my mind I knew the most I would spend was $150 so we did 3 songs.

    Left here, went to Boardroom which is much closer to my home. Saw one of my favs here, did their dance promo and a couple more dances, $70. She came back to talk for a few, we decided to do more LD, not looking for anything extra. $20/song....sure let's do another and another, etc. She made another $200.

    My mindset as the consumer is that I'm much more willing to give up my $$ if the price is right and I feel it's a good value. To each their own though.
  • nelly76
    7 months ago

    Every dancer gets to run her own business, but the ones charging $50 (when a standard dance is half that price) might be hurting their business in the long run in ways they can't see.

    For one thing, you're probably eliminating 95% of Providence guys from looking at you again, since there are plenty of other options to have a "first date" with.

    Secondly, if you did that initial dance, and you were hot or good or sexy or interesting, you'd probably make more money, and increase the chance of making the guy a regular, and making thousands over the long term. I know guys that pay a regular girl $1,000+ a week almost every week. That's a lot of money.

    Thirdly, guys talk, and we learn about the gold diggers on social media. Whether you like it or not, the $50 short term probably loses you a lot of long term money.

    However, if you're charging a lot for lap dances, and finding a steady stream of rich guys in Providence to pay you big money long term, you're running a great business. Good for you. I love to see dancers do well.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    I wonder what the threshold is for someone to be a big spender? I also wonder what the average spend is for a "big spender."
  • funonthaside
    7 months ago
    Molly, many on here can afford to pay $50, but choose to not spend that much when we can get similar (or even better) dances for less.

    Choosing to pass on higher cost girls does not indicate inability to afford something, but rather some common sense.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    Venus is a fucking pig!!!!! I did a CR with her thinking that she looked easy and trashy and easy going. All she does is try these stupid upsells. 15 minute CR and she didn’t even take her fucking panties off. Then she tried to charge me an additional $500 for a vague extra and wouldn’t say what it was but that I would “probably cum”. I pushed her and she said it was first base. I said no. Then she said if I came in my pants that she would charge me extra for that!!! I should have pretended to nut in my pants and then said fuck you. I’m not paying you another dime. She also asked for payment upfront rudely and she cut the time short. She’s sweaty too and has a gross mole on her back. Fuck that pig!
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    In my opinion I’d rather walk out with $800 doing two vips than racking up $2000 worth of lap dances. I’ll pass on having 8+ guys grope me. Dancing for hours to make a couple thousand is not worth it.
  • nelly76
    7 months ago

    Any stripper knows that VIPs are more profitable than lap dances, but the customer side of it is that a lot of guys will try a $25-30 dance to see what a VIP would be like, and if the lap dance is great, and the VIP is great, both sides have a "regular" that they see for a long time.

    If you do anything to mess up or eliminate that lap dance, like charging $50, most Providene guys put you on a permanent "Do Not Dance" list, and can always find someone else out of the 20 girls in the club.

    Most of the guys have money to spend, and some have a lot to spend, but aren't stupid about it.

    If you're getting $400 a lap dance, and doing two VIPs every night, and that's enough money for you, good for you.

    $2,000 would be 40 lap dances if you were getting $50 a lap dance, so your math doesn't work out.

    Having 8 guys do a single lap dance song at $25 each would mean you'd make only $200, but if you don't double that by getting each guy to do a second song, you do a lousy lap dance.

    If you do a decent lap dance, at least half of those guys will do a VIP at $100 each, and now you're at minimum $600, with some of those guys becoming regular customers and all of the guys saying nice things about you to others. That is how the most successful girls in Providence make money.

    Or I'm wrong.
  • asotos75
    7 months ago
    Very well said Mr nelly76
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I never do vip for $100 😂 I think you’re missing the point. Also the most successful strippers charge more. I’m making 1-3k most nights doing no extras.. I’m sure I’ll be ok
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    ^ Sounds like you're doing great, how old are you ?
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    I have been going to Desires since the second day it was open and in all that time, I have had exactly one "cheat" on the lap dance price, so the idea that all dancers charge over the listed price, or even a lot of them charge over the listed price is pure bullshit. 1-3 k most nights without extras? 20-60 $50 Lap dances? I am the lord Jesus Christ.....
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I’m 24. Also maybe you go in the daytime, because go on a weekend night and you will see many girls charging extra. I also haven’t worked there in a few weeks maybe it has changed.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    Molly which club do you work at
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    Hey Venus. Suck my dick! And pay me $150 for the pleasure of it! If you get wet and cum you over me another hundred.
  • motorhead
    7 months ago
    “The stripclub is the ultimate example of capitalism.”

    I always found it odd that our resident Communist CJKent would participate

  • OldWhiteGuy
    7 months ago
    In my experience, Daytime is more about developing regulars.
    Girls will do a lap dance to introduce themselves and then a VIP.
    It is up to each girl to determine her limits in the VIP and she can have different limits with different customers. .
    (I always found it amusing when a guy said a certain girl was "No Extras" but I had her bent oer the couch the day before)
    The smarter girls establish a rapport with certain customers and cultivate a releationship that will bring him back for more and bring him back on a regular basis.
    The higher earners at Desire have a handful of regulars that they can count on to show up, often by appointment, every week and depending on the time demands, spend $300 to $1,000 on a REGULAR basis.
    When there is a break in her schedule, she can work the room or hang with some of the guys that regularly hang out at the bar and buy drinks but not dances.
    Night times, particularly weekend nights, it takes a little more hustle.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    Well, this thread has gone a bit off the rails.

    Some additional thoughts: I still maintain that with a declining customer base that higher LD costs are bad for the industry as a whole, and that will be bad for most dancers over time as demand declines. Also, because lap dances prices aren't something that typically gets discussed around a water cooler, when some PLs leave the scene they may not even know if prices get reset.

    However, it's a classic tragedy of the commons. It isn't on Molly (or even Venus) to hold the line on prices. If the club doesn't prevent them charging more than the stated price, and they are successful in doing so, then they absolutely should. It is really on the clubs to enforce pricing to maintain demand and, in the case of clubs that compete on price, maintain competitive advantage.
  • bostonarea
    7 months ago
    Blah is right, it's on management. And I'd be surprised if Gerard would let things get out of control. He's worked too hard to build his business and run it right. The last thing he wants is a reputation like the Cadillac.

    Molly, $1-3k a shift, and no extras? Extras girls aren't doing that on most nights. I gotta call BS.
  • WiseToo
    7 months ago
    The dancers that charge more than the standard rate are simply following the model established by car dealerships which add a "market price adjustment" to the MSRP. They will charge what the market will bear.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    😂 you can't believe I make that much money, is it because you can't? Stop projecting lol!
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I'm currently working at the Mynx in Hartford. But I was most recently working at desire and yes girls at every club charge more.
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    You guys are cheap nerds writing paragraphs about strip club economics online. Get a life babe
  • nelly76
    7 months ago

    We were being nice. We saw your picture online. There's no way you make that much money.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    Having read what Molly wrote and having seen the pic she posted, I would say that I do not believe anything she posted and that my interest in spending any time with her would be somewhere south of not a chance. Calling people cheap because they do not view something as worthwhile is simply stupid and why most people, including Molly, live paycheck to paycheck: No understanding of value as it relates to cost. Smart people with money are always cheap about something. When the recession hits, cheap nerds such as me will live the same life. The suckers Molly relies on will be selling apples on the street.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    "You guys are cheap nerds writing paragraphs about strip club economics online."

    Two outa three ain't bad. I'm a nerd and I did post paragraphs about strip club economics online. There's a concept in Econ called revealed preference. As applied here it would be as follows: since the girls which I find hottest at a given club continue to seek me out as a customer even when the club is busy, then if follows that I am not cheap.

    I do believe most of what Molly says though: she's gone to the effort of creating a TUSCL account presumably to understand customers and possibly to recruit them. If she was desperate for new customers she wouldn't be fighting with some here.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    ^She could also be a man trolling us and trying to get into fights. I fine "her" to be suspicious, not that there are more than 2-3 people on earth I believe anyway.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    ^ Who cares ? I believe everyone until they ask me for money
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I save my money 😌I also plan to retire within the next year and focus on my career so that’s ok if the stripclub goes downhill.
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    ^^ Who cares? Obviously, you care.
  • twentyfive
    7 months ago
    ^ Obviously not as much as you
  • WiseToo
    7 months ago
    I expect lap dance ripoffs and am prepared to deal with them. How about waitress ripoffs? You would think they are playing by the rules and not charging more than the menu prices, right? Nope, they can be ripoffs and scam artists, too.

    I ordered some simple finger food and the price was clearly stated on the menu. The dancer with me at the table also ordered some finger food. It was easy to determine the total cost because the prices were clearly stated and there is nothing on the menu stating that dancer food costs more. The food arrived and the waitress said that she'll get the check. She returned with the check and the total amount was about $15 more than the menu prices. WTF?

    I immediately knew it was a ripoff / scam when I saw the check. The menu items and prices were printed in a microscopic font making them impossible to read while the total amount was printed in a font Ray Charles could see. Obviously, they added some charges / fees they didn't want the customer to see.

    I didn't want to argue, paid the check and haven't returned.

  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    You should have said something.
  • blahblahblahs
    7 months ago
    Was this at Desire as well?
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    Well some food options on the menu are 15 dollars extra if you add chicken or steak. I really doubt any of the bartenders there would do that. When I was there they wouldn't even make me fake drinks lol.
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    What was you name at Desire Molly?
  • Mollybanks
    7 months ago
    I mean if you weren’t such an asshole I might have told you but I might go back in a couple months so no 😂
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    Oh come on I wasn’t that bad!
  • skibum609
    7 months ago
    She was the hot one with the sweet body....
  • Hungryhunnypot
    7 months ago
    We got a few of those in here.
  • skibum609
    5 months ago
    Dancers return to Desires all the time and they seldom, if ever, get their old name back.
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