Avoiding orgasm boundary

avatar for rickmacrodong
Have you experienced or heard of a dancer having a boundary of not cumming during a lapdance?
Are the reasons for this due to a SO, or they just don’t want to orgasm and make crazy faces during the dance or potentially get their fluids on a PL?

An example of this would be a dancer allowing nipple touching, but wanting it to stop if her nipple is being “activated”. Or a dancer who will grind on your crotch and your thigh, but who will switch positions often, so that she doesn’t grind herself on you for too long of a time period and reach orgasm.

Is it something to do with an SO, like not wanting to orgasm during dances so they can go home and still want to fuck their man?

A normal dancer with boundaries might say she doesn’t have sex or doesn’t allow fingering.
But this sort of a boundary is far, far beyond that. A dancer with this sort of boundary would say you can’t finger me, and you also can’t watch me finger myself.
And obviously, a dancer with this sort of boundary would likely avoid LDKing, not only because she doesn’t want you cumming, but because she doesn’t want herself cumming or grinding herself too long.
This sort of boundary is, IMO a dealbreaker. I’m okay with lapdances where the dancer doesn’t allow pussy touching or fingering and doesn’t offer sex.

In an extreme case, if there is some dancer who is able to cum from her ass being smacked or grabbed, you’re looking at a potential “lapdance” where you aren’t allowed to touch the ass halfway through the dance, which is basically a scam at that point.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This is kind of like your too turned on thread. Kind of funny.

I have never heard of that, never seen it in any woman in any situation.

Women can cum many many times. Compared to a man, unlimited.

But consider, dry humping is generally going to be too rough on their privates.

It would be on a man too if they were going to cum and cum and cum.

With women you shouldn't try to "make them cum", and you have to just "let them cum".

And you must resist any temptation to increase the pressure on them to get a bigger response. Keep it very light and only increase pressure if they are forcing that.

FIV is good because a lot of women will just to into hyper DFKing that way and just lose their minds.

DATY and DATY w/ FIV are good. Thumb in V is good, especially when 69ing with her. The thumb gives their muscles something to clamp down on, and that sends them right over the top.

But I would not suggest dry humping. Maybe just a little bit to give her the idea, but then go to something else.

Really, you get hands on with women you want to get them on the fast track to your own bed. FS at the first meeting if possible, after FRMOS. If that is not possible, then DATY.

Don't let her make you cum until it if FS. If that cannot be, let her see that you are saving your load for her. That will prompt her to make outside FS available ASAP.

Guy on this board posted about a stripper who came to his house after closing, just to administer a good night fuck, and then refusing to accept money or stay the night.


Cream - White Room - Chicago School of Rock Live Aid show

avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Who was that guy who fucked the stripper overnight sjg?

Also what would the reasons be for a woman to have boundaries like not orgasming during a lapdance? Is it related to a SO? It feels like cheating?
Fear of making embarrassing faces or squirting in a dance?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Hookers separate sex for pleasure from their work
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
BTE , they never get excited by customer in club during lap dance, they act mechanical. May bee you found a real girl. Enjoy
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
It doesn’t really matter how attractive someone is, girls can cum from biking and horse riding, I feel the thread is not being read. If a stripper grinds back and forth on your thigh enough she could potentially cum from it
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee do u think hookers would not be willing to get fisted or do anything pleasurable
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA)

BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.

But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.

If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.

Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.

~ Call.Me.Ishmael
~ April 29, 2022

“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."

~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
The only boundary I have ever encountered was dependent how much I was willing to pay.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Bte youre trolling. It's all common sense. No mens no no matter how nicely put. Dancers are straightforward. Anything else isn't you
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Public Service Announcement (PSA) CjKent is a dumbass that can only repeat what others have said
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee if they have a boundary of not cumming in dances.

And rules like allowing pussy touching only for a few seconds.
Allowing nipple play for 10 minutes/until the nipple starts to get “activated”
Grinding themselves on you but being careful not to grind too much.

Are those SO related boundaries. Or could there be other reasons
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Don't troll with these dumb questions over and over again.

Would you like getting groped and fondled by strangers who think buying a dance entitles them to it?
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
BTE, please control what you are posting. Every stupid calls you as dump and troll you. Why you need that.
avatar for Estafador
3 years ago
LDK be doing it everywhere and now no girl wants to experience his splooge attacks anymore. It smells like greasy onions.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Icee, if youre in a state/club with full contact lap dances, the purpose of the lap dance is literally to grope. Your logic literally makes absolutely no sense, you’re literally out here claiming if somebody pays for a massage theyre not supposed to feel entitled to a massage.

I didnt say anything about fondling. IF you’re paying for a full contact lap dance then that means you’re literally paying for time in which you can grope that dancer.

If you paid for a 30 minute dance, and after 20 minutes the dancer says no more touching because she got too turned on or is about to cum, then that means you got scammed for 10 minutes you paid for. Even if there was some sort of medical emergency at the 20 minute mark, an ethical club/dancer would refund you for the 10 minutes if the dance ended at 20 minutes.

Icee what exactly are you proposing a lap dance even is? Are you saying that if you pay for a 30 minute dance, youre only paying for time, and the dancer can do whatever she wants in that time? That isnt how things work.

Theres specific things a lap dance involves. That includes groping and grinding, sitting in your lap etc.

I think people are being manipulative and saying “buying dances” nobody is buying dances. People are buying lapdances. When you claim its buying a dance that makes it seem like youre saying you just paid to watch someone dance. Its not a dance and the payment isnt just to watch someone dance. Most people are paying for lapdances which have specific criteria and a definition much different from a regular dance.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're not entitled to grope or fondle her if she doesn't allow it. Heightened or lessened contact at the end if a dance is just a strategy to get you to buy more dances.

You keep asking the same question over and over again. Either you're trolling or are retarded.

This shit has nothing to do with her being so turned on she has to stop
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago

Ive seen you address some users on the site and tell them buying a lapdance doesnt entitle them to have sex with the girl. You are correct there.

Youre taking things to the other extreme.

Youre saying buying a lapdance doesnt entitle you to grope the dancer? Are you serious? So what are you buying the lapdance for, to watch her dance?
The literal point of a lapdance is to grope the dancer. Groping means squeezing, touching, etc.

So yeah, if you pay for a 15 minute dance, that’s 15 minutes of time you get to touch the dancer and grope her. That is literally what you paid for. It’s literally what a definition of a lapdance is.
Yes you don’t get to fondle or touch the pussy, but that doesnt apply to other areas like the tits and ass. That’s literally what a lapdance is. If a lapdance is just paying for time to look at the girl or conversate with her, then barely anybody would buy a lapdance.

So if you pay for a 15 minute dance and the dancer at 10 minutes says no more groping because shes getting too turned on or her nipples are getting activated, and she doesn’t refund you for those 5 minutes then you essentially got scammed for those 5 minutes.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
You can look at and converse with dancers in the front room. If youre buying a lapdance, you’re buying at minimum, groping time with the dancer, and some dancers take it further and allow even more.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
BTE, maybe you are interacting with these girls, stimulating them, in a way they find unpleasant.

You can meet a girl in a strip club. And on that first meeting things might go quite far. But after that you want to be bedding down with her ASAP. You want to be in situation where you and she can interact more freely. Outside is the best. But the front room is better than buying dances. Buying dances is a gimmick and a chump's game.


Jane - School of Rock
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
SJG, some girls have this is as a boundary. Im assuming it’s something with their SO where they arent supposed to cum or orgasm in dances.

What do you think reasons would be for this boundary sjg? The terminology used was, one dancer wanted me to stop playing with her nipples because I was activating them.
And the same dancer, would do things like switch positions often throughout the dance, so her pussy wouldn’t get overstimulated from rubbing, and reach orgasm.
Do you think it’s something to do with the dancers sex drive? Like if she orgasms in dances she won’t want sex from SO?
Or some sort of cheating thing where she considers it cheating if she orgasms during a dance or from nipple touching? Too sexual?
I wish rick dugan could contribute
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I don't think it is because of the girls' SOs. If that restrained them they would not be in that situation with you. It has something to do with how you are stimulating them and how you are relating to them.

You should not be a strip club regular. You select a girl there, regardless of what happens, you try to get her outside ASAP.

And then when you are meeting them, try to interact and get intimate in the front room. Save the backroom until needed, like when your pants are to come down.


Jane - School of Rock

The Pretty Reckless - Take Me Down (Official Music Video)
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Isnt the SO what would make them do things like allow touching but then want it to stop if nipples are being activated... or
Or for example beinf careful not to grind and rub their pussy too much. Switching positions often. SO fold them not to cum in dances or, the dancers avoid cumming in order to stay more horny for the SO at home...?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
BTE your touching may be unpleasant for them, over stimulating.

Play with the girl in the Front Room, then when you have a FRMOS underway an it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room.

Then take her home with you.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
BTE, you've talked about this cluster of issues a lot. I think you are over stimulating them on the nipples.

But more important, you have to get to where you can just interact with them in a more relaxed and reciprocal way.

You don't MAKE WOMEN CUM. You LET THEM CUM. And when it comes to grinding and pressure on their privates, better to let them do that.

I for one would not seek to see a woman come from dry humping. While it does happen, I think it is still generally too rough.

FOV and FIV are good because you can do it while DFKing and that will often send them into orbit. But a lot of times they don't want FIV.

DATY seems to always work. You just have to be gentle and patient about it. And often you can do them a few times. Like once when she is on her back. Then soon after in 69ing.

DATY w/ FIV usually goes over well cause you with hold FIV until she is really revved up.

And then using you thumb, when she is ready, in 69ing usually works. Some external lube can help. But with that for her muscles to clamp down on, she will usually just short circuit right away.

Usually you can do her two times DATY, then go to full service. BUt you just coax her along, letting air get out to make vacuum, gspot massaging, and using deep strokes sparingly but deliberately.

Strip clubs might not be the best place for all this. A civvie GF, or AMPs are totally oriented towards sex acts.

Good Luck!


School of Rock - Jane
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