
Breonna Taylor

Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Thursday, August 4, 2022 6:56 PM
About fucking time. [view link] 4 LMPD officers federally charged in connection to Breonna Taylor raid Four LMPD officers have been federally charged for civil rights violations in connection to the 2020 raid on Breonna Taylor's apartment. Breonna Taylor should be alive today," U.S. Attorney Merrick Garland said during a Thursday news conference. The officers charged are Joshua Jaynes, Kyle Meany, Brett Hankison and Kelly Goodlett. (Click on their names to read their documents) Garland said Jaynes and Meany are charged with federal civil rights and obstruction offenses for their roles in preparing and approving a false search warrant.


  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Garland is the most partisan motherfucker AG in recent memory. Wasn't this case already handled in Kentucky. This is just head-on-a-platter for the BLM crowd - Garland is serving as the administration's enforcer and going after everyone the administration deens as a non-ally including parents at school meetings. Fuck Garland and fuck Briaba Taylor.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    I don't see Garland going after BLM and Antiffa rioters - if anything he's intervened to either have charges dropped or reduced. I just hope when the Republicans are in power they have the balls to go after the progressive scumbags twice as hard.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Briana Taylor just like George Floyd gets painted as an angel - she was previously dating a drug-dealer and her current BF fired at an injured police.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    If Breonna Taylor was white; this may have been in the news no more than a day.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    "go after the progressive scumbags twice as hard." "Fuck Garland and fuck Briaba Taylor." Papi, I remember when you used to be relatively even-tempered and diplomatic about things. I think that changed about a year ago and let me say this: I like the new Papi even better than the old Papi!
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    [view link] Interesting. SJG
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Hey SJG thanks for the link you can't read without a subscription.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    America owes thanks to Mitch McConnell for preventing Merrick the piece of shit Garland from getting onto Scotus. Fuck Breonna Taylor nd hopefully someone shoots her motherfucking boyfriend dead; the rat who caused all this. Burn in hell Michael Brown.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    Papi - Kentucky handled the cases with the officers for the shooting. These charges are related to what happened at the apartment, they are related to what happened before the officers went to the apartment and what happened afterwards. The allegations here are about the officers falsifying the information they gave to the judge to get the search warrant. They are also accused of creating additional false documents after the shooting to bolster their probable cause affidavits that they gave to the judge to get the warrant and conspiring together to lie under oath once a review of the case was ordered.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Let the chips fall where they may - but it seems the AG only goes after one side - I don't see them going after anyone on their side - if Hunter Biden was Trump's son they would be all over that yet they are dragging their feet
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Why would anyone want to be a cop? Political hacks will stab you in the back to pander to their shitty base. Why work your balls off and risk your life to make a drug case and get a search warrant? The detectives should just say, “sorry neighbors, chief, mayor whoever the fuck, we can’t make a case, so enjoy your murderers and drug dealers living in your neighborhood!”
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    The best part about the heat wave is that those suffering the most live in blue cities and are progressive - makes one want to soak some trees in fuel oil and set them on fire at noon.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    “Why would anyone want to be a cop?” When you said this it made me think of my friend who is a city cop. He works a ton of hours, but he makes around $100k a year which goes a relatively long way in our small town. He spends a lot of his days watching movies in his car at construction sites and directs traffic when big trucks come in and out a few times a day. He has worked with federal agents on drug trafficking and all that stuff too but those things aren’t the norm around here for his work assignments. Still, although it seems like a relatively easy job he could pull someone over and lose his life in a flash, a danger the majority of us never have to worry about while at work. BTW when he’s out of state he’s not any different than any of us inside a strip club.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    Democrats have already destroyed the school system, our energy infrastructure, Healthcare, higher education, international relations, and homeland security. About the only thing left is to come into our neighborhoods and communities to destroy our safety and peace of mind. Thank God we have a SCOTUS which protects our right to keep and bear arms to defend ourselves against the democrat criminals and leftist crooks.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    BTW- I'll say her name. FUCK BREINNA TAYLOR, I'M GLAD SHE'S DEAD, AND THE WORLD IS BETTER PLACE WITHOUT HER i just wish her scumbag bf was killed as well. This prosecution us malicious, partisan, wrong, and very harmful to law enforcement and civil security.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Cops are like teachers or pretty much any other gubment employees. Plenty of them want to serve the public, but those are not the ones put in charge. It's funny how left and right do a flip-flop on cops. The right understands about self-serving bureaucracy generally, but not about the police agencies. The left only talks about this problem with police agencies.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Fucking bigots. Cops came into the wrong apt and killed her. Her bf fired at the cops in self defense. Most of you claim you'd shoot during a perceived home invasion as well.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee the cops said they announced when they broke tje door down. Theres no bodycam footage, so you basically have the cops word vs breonna and her boyfriend. We know cops can lie, but so can civilians. So far these cops demonstrated better morals than breonna, maybe her bf too. If you remember, when the incident just happened, breonnas bf said breonna herself was shooting at cops. After he talked to his lawyer the story suddenly changed to him being licensed and shooting the shots. Its very fishy stuff cause its like his lawyer could have manufactured the situation. If breonna was in fact the shooter there would be basically no case at all since the cops shot back at her. If her boyfriend was the shooter, that creates the situation we have now. If the bf was the shooter how come breonna was the only one who got shot? Was he hiding behind her as a shield or something? In the US its up to each individual to make sure they’re not sleeping over at a criminals house. If someone is a big enougj criminal, they can be raided at any time. Breonna wasnt a drug dealer herself but she was the money girl she would stash and store the money from other drug dealers. Someone in that sort of position probably cant just shoot someone breaking in since their lifestyle involved being on the run from cops. Kenneth could be in the right to shoot if he genuinely didnt know they were cops. But the cops had the right to defend themselves. They fired back after kenneth shot one cop in the leg, and somehow all their shots hit breonna.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Her boyfriend should be burned alive on tv. I had good parents who prevented me from hanging around with the garbage that Breonna the druggie loved. Her parents, her community and the democrats failed her.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Ilbba, current cops are state government so the right likes them. The left wants to federalize all cops, which is probably related to why these cop incidents are exaggerated and manufactured. The goal is to federalize all cops. Once that happens we would probably be under more control. And all the bad cop incidents will probably disappear from the media. Even though in actuality, there may actually be more bad cop incidents once they’re federalized
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Skibum, that is hilarious! You sound too angry over the situation imo
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I am 100% on board with Jaynes, Meany and Goodlett getting charged. They lied to get a search warrant. That raid on Taylor's apartment should never have happened and it was a direct result of their malfeasance. To be clear, I am as right wing as almost anyone on this board, but I am right wing in the old school Libertarian mold. I loathe anyone who is given authority by, and the backing of, our government and then abuses that authority and backing. If those 3 all died a slow painful death the world would be rid of 3 Grade A cunts. But tbh my feelings on Hankison are more mixed. Yes he was excessive and reckless, but the police executing that warrant had already been fired on and one was hit. I also don't buy the notion that the police didn't announce themselves when they had already been knocking loudly before they entered. Hankinson was there in a good faith attempt to execute a warrant that he had no reason to know wasn't valid. A jury already acquitted him at the state level - I'm not sure what they hope to accomplish with a federal prosecution.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    If someone barges into your home at night with guns and kills your gf you won't protect yourself?
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Icee the dipshit BF shot first.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I’m going on memory from reading about this case a couple years ago, but the cops fucked up on at least one major point. They had the apartment staked out all day and didn’t see that when Taylor returned to the apartment (from dinner I think) that her boyfriend was with her. They had no idea there was a second person in the place and weren’t prepared. They didn’t even see her return IIRC but knocked without knowing how many people were in the apartment. That’s negligent in doing their job. Nobody needed to die that day, especially when the ex-boyfriend had already been arrested across town, again, if I remember the timing correctly. Not sure if these are the right charges but when you fuck up the surveillance and then someone gets killed, there should be some consequences.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Jimmy nobody would have died if her current BF hadn't opened fire and shot one of the cops. Hindsight is always 20/20 re: what they could have done better, but at that moment they were responding to an active shooter.
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    @Icee = "Most of you claim you'd shoot during a perceived home invasion as well." Yeah you're right about that. But I also know there's no reason for the cops to be busting down my door while I'm asleep. If I was sleeping with a drug-money courier girl, different story.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    They had the wrong place.
  • chiefwiggum
    2 years ago
    From a procedural point of view, there didn't need to be a dawn time raid and all that nonsense. She was under surveillance and could have picked her up at any time. This was gestapo tactics and cowboy shit. However, have you ever had a cop knock on your door? It's not quiet and loud as shit. And, they didn't need to knock at all. I think the boyfriend was the cause of all this and started shooting. If there really is a procedural fuck up with the no-knock warrant, I guess that merits an investigation, but the locus of the shooting is the bf. Also, I would argue that if no-knock requirements are met by the regular warrant, then there is no harm.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    The federal government is incapable of protecting rights, the recent cop issues are just part of the agenda to federalize all cops. Even in the chauvin case, people have reenacted that neck knee chokehold and that doesnt in itself kill people. Chaivin was much lighter than floyd. So we dont know how mucj chaucin contributed to floyds death vs how much the drugs contributed. It could be 50/50, 80/20, 90/10, 70/30 etc
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    So what I hear some of you copsuckers saying is that Breonna Taylor was a bad person who deserved everything she got, and the officers are being unfairly persecuted for killing her after doing a bunch of illegal stuff that put them in a position to kill her.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    I didn't agree with the original state charges against the cops because from what I saw it was the boyfriend that fired 1st and the officers returned fire in self defense. To me the cops were 100% justified in defending themselves when they were fired upon while they were executing what they thought was a valid warrant. These new charges are completely different. Any officer that falsified evidence or lied in an affidavit in order to get a warrant that they did not have the probable cause to legally obtain a warrant should be prosecuted. Their crimes (fabricating evidence and perjury) started the whole chain of events that lead to the shooting and they should be punished for it. In my mind this is no better than an officer planting a gun on a suspect they just killed after seeing that the guy was unarmed.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ GMD, the need to frame the positions of others using melodramatic hyperbole as an argumentative tool is generally considered a sign of both emotional weakness and intellectual deficiency. Just sayin.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    I seem to remember a similar situation, a recent case of a police raid on a mistaken address in Pasco County, Florida, no one killed and homeowner managed to prevent the situation from escalating, but this has happened before, and this terrible story is an example of a preventable situation, if only the cops had done a little bit of due diligence prior to executing this search warrant.
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    @PC did you seriously just state fuck briana taylor a victim of an illegal police raid. You sound like a psycho. so because she dated a d boy and had an injured police officer for a bf it's ok if she's killed? By that logic, if a friend of Dylan Roof dies for being Dylan Roof's friend, I guess its ok because the person should have picked better friends right?
  • Estafador
    2 years ago
    thank goodness none of you are lawyers. The court system is already bananas without emotional bearing civilians calling the shots.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Rick they weren’t responding to an active shooter. They were serving a warrant. Big difference. They are supposed to be trained at how to do that safely. That is why they had the place under surveillance all day so they don’t walk into a surprise situation. ‘He shot first’ was a cause but it wasn’t the only cause. We can disagree as to who was most at fault but I’m gonna go with the guys who are supposed to be the trained professionals rather than the guy who shot at people bursting through the door of a home with guns drawn and not effectively communicating that they are cops. All the 2d amendment self defense guys should be coming to the boyfriend’s defense, but they won’t, because his girlfriend used to date a drug dealer and apparently that’s enough to merit getting killed by cops in your home.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    They knocked on the door, they announced that they were cops (at least they claim they did, but it doesn't make much sense to knock without saying anything) and then entered pursuant to a valid warrant. The warrant was not just for a person, but also to find whatever illegal items they were seeking before the evidence could be destroyed (like flushed down a toilet). They went in late at night because that has historically been the time that their subjects are least positioned to resist. We can have all of the moronic theories we want about how we might have done it better, but the simple fact of the matter is that the BF shot a cop first and then they shot back. That Taylor got caught in the middle of that was tragic, but whether it was a result of criminal behavior by the police on the scene is an entirely another matter.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Remember that Hankison, the one cop on the scene who they are prosecuting, had no reason to suspect that the warrant was crap. That was on Jaynes, Meany and Goodlett, who I hope all get ice picked to death. For all Hankison knew, this was a drug stash house with who knows what or who inside. He didn't know that those three ginned up the evidence for the warrant - he was just doing his job in executing it. The cops on the scene were neither mind readers nor had X-ray vision. So when the shooting started and one of theirs got hit, they shot back.
  • whodey
    2 years ago
    Rick I agree with most of what you said, except it wasn't a valid warrant and that is what the new charges are about. The officers currently being charged falsified the documents provided as their probable cause to the judge to get the warrant. I don't blame the cops that were on scene executing the warrant (unless they knew ahead of time that it was improperly obtained) for returning fire when they were shot at. I put the blame on the corrupt cops that falsified information to illegally obtain the warrant and the boyfriend that shot at the cops. The corrupt cops that falsified the warrant application and the boyfriend should all be held accountable for her death.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Fair enough whodey and for the most part I agree those are the charges relating to Jaynes, Meany and Goodlett, but they're going after Hankison solely for being the one who shot Taylor on the scene.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I know some of you are defending the cops coz of your own bigotry. The cops are professionals and should be held to certain professional standards. This should never have happened. And of course they're going after the killer.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Not every death is unlawful Icee. They had a valid search warrant (albeit based on trumped up evidence), executed it as they were instructed and then were fired upon by a guest in her home. Sometimes bad shit happens. And as far as these ridiculous "they were trained professionals" comments, either be specific about exactly how they were supposed to anticipate being fired upon or STFU. Once violence breaks out, the results are never completely controllable, no matter how well trained the participants are. The term "collateral damage" exists for a reason. They didn't start the shooting, her bedmate did.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Police are professionals with guns. Killing an innocent person isn't part of the job. They have to be made accountable. Defending them is defending extrajudicial executions
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Can't see it at all how these no-knock raids make any sense. If there's (truth-based) probable cause to think someone will resist arrest, why not: 1) have an undercover wait for the person go in the building. 2) call for backup to watch the entrance(s). 3) yell "police, down on the ground, hands out" when the person comes out. Put some laser sights on them for encouragement if necessary. 4) approach behind ballistic shields ( [view link] ) in case there are pal perps inside the house.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    ^“Knock knock. Police here with a search warrant. I know you’re a violent felon with a gun so feel free to just open fire. Shoot through the door! I’ll stand here and die to make these clueless assholes who don’t know what they’re talking about feel better.”
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    “911 - what’s your emergency?” “There’s people selling drugs day and night next door to me. My kids can’t play outside or even leave the house. Could you send the police?” “No, but I can give you Al Sharpton’s number or you can tweet LaBron James.”
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I cannot understand why democrats think the lives of felons and violent criminals are more important than the lives of cops, innocents, and other civilians. Oh wait, felons and criminals vote reliably democrat. Now it makes sense.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The only reason police engage jn this strategy js trigger happy cops want a show of force. It's not a few bad apples. It's a diseased tree that needs to be chopped down.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    This thread was the first I’d heard of Corrupt AG Garland going after the cops 2-years-after-the-fact – at first I thought he was (re)charging the original 4-cops that served the warrant. Now I understand that 3 out of the 4 currently being charged by Garland were not involved in the raid and were involved w/ the creation of the warrant. If that warrant was not created correctly, then obviously those responsible need to face the consequences - the investigation was centered around Breonna’s ex-BF whom was subsequently convicted for drug-dealing – IDK all the details of the case but it seems in pursuit of the drug-dealing-ex-BF, that the cops had reason to believe Breonna was involved in some way (I believe there were jailhouse phone-calls to the effect but IDK for sure) – anyway; seems the cops believed Breonna to be involved w.r.t. her ex-BF’s drug-dealing and seems that was their motivation for raiding her apartment – IDK how “corrupt” the cops were; could be they just cut-corners since some LE commentators are saying there was enough evidence to have gotten a proper search warrant – but at the end of the day if the cops did not follow the law, cops are as accountable if not more accountable for following-the-law given the power they have; even if they were just lazy or cutting corners, they still can’t be allowed to do so b/c that has consequences for everyone. But I’m pretty-sure if Breanna and BF were Trump supporters, Garland wouldn’t be “working so hard on going after the cops”; if anything that weasel Garland may have been adding charges to the BF if he was a Trump supporter – not saying that if the cops are in the wrong that they should not be prosecuted; my point is the current selective prosecution by those currently in power.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rick: "GMD, the need to frame the positions of others using melodramatic hyperbole as an argumentative tool is generally considered a sign of both emotional weakness and intellectual deficiency. Just sayin." While entirely true, and I'll take that one on myself, I'm also completely justified in making such a hyperbolic statement. The cops' testimony that they did in fact properly announce themselves is irrelevant. While our revenue generating prosecution system (because it's no longer a "justice" system, is well known for putting cops on a pedestal and believing damned near everything they say, the lack of credible corroboration on that score, a long with KY's "Castle Doctrine", is the reason Walker's charges were dismissed. No one would believe a thief if they told a judge "I was there legally and all those things I took were really mine", and so too are these cops' claims of proper conduct rightfully dismissed. Remember, none of the people in that house were actual suspects in the crime being investigated. The warrant was issued based on the fraudulent statement that the actual suspect (who was at that time in custody) was picking up packages there. That raid was based on a fraudulent warrant; it was a crime. Just like the driver of a getaway car is chargeable in a bank robber even if he didn't know that's what he was driving for, <em>all</em> of the cops involved here are criminals, regardless of whether or not they know the warrant was crap.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Yeah, if they yell "police!" when they break into your house, that makes it totally fine. I mean, sure, there are some people who would perpetrate home invasions and murder entire families. But, even so, you can be confident they would NEVER EVER impersonate law enforcement. I mean, really, you're just being crazy cynical if you can't have SOME basic faith in humanity.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    What the bigots in this thread mean to say is the pigs killed a nigger and they're fine with that.lets stop sugar coating
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^I am glad she is dead. She deserved it. Her boyfriend should be doused with lighter fluid and set afire. I hope it happens to you.
  • yahtzee74
    2 years ago
    [view link] Breonna Taylor was a part of her ex-BF's drug operation - she was his banker and her apartment was a safehouse for his money. It's all in the jailhouse recordings.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Bigots trying to legitimate extrajudicial executions
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    The left is all up in arms about warrants and how they are served; yet they were not "up in arms" when they sent a whole SWAT-team to Roger Stone's house in the wee-hours of the morning with CNN camera-crew in-tow to arrest a man in his late-60s accused of lying to congress (not is the left up-in-arms when the FBI raids the homes of other former Trump supporters or anyone that Biden admin deems problematic to them) - nor is the left "all up in arms" about the BF's use of a gun.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee bigot cannot comprehend reality. Must suck to be such a little douche bag.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    The first cop (Goodlett) pled guilty today to lying to the judge and falsifying the warrant. Jaynes told the judge that the ex-bf was receiving packages at Taylor’s home AND that he verified it with a postal inspector. Jaynes has admitted that he lied. Goodlett added that the ex-bf had been using Taylor’s home as his own address, which was also not true. After all the shit went down and they were being investigated, Goodlett and Jaynes then met and concocted a story saying they overheard another sergeant saying that packages were sent to the home = conspiracy and coverup. [view link] So, the warrant was completely faked, the officers who staked out the place all day had no idea Taylor’s boyfriend was there, the boyfriend fired one shot hitting a cop in the leg, three cops returned fire with 32 shots and didn’t hit the boyfriend at all, but shot Taylor 6 times. Where are the 2d amendment board members who said you always have to know where you’re pointing a loaded gun (Alec Baldwin)? Good cops deserve to be defended. These cops don’t deserve to be defended. They are not good cops.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    Lol - why would anyone want to be a cop? Let these fucking scumbags call a community activist if they need help.
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    “We want you to raid this house with an armed drug dealing felon. The “good people” in the neighborhood and their kids should be able to play on the street” “Fuck them. I quit. I can make more money driving a fucking bus.”
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    Anyone defending the politically motivated persecution of these officers will BURN ETERNALLY IN HELL. Fuck you anti-white racists.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I'm getting tired of this nonsense. As tragic as this was, Taylor was no innocent flower. You keep laying with drug dealer and other armed assholes who shoot first and ask questions later, you risk catching a bullet yourself. It sucks, but it falls under the category of "shit happens." The cops on the scene knocked on the door and announced themselves, as they were required to do by the warrant. The warrant was signed by a judge and the cops on the scene had no reason to question it. They followed procedure and, as a result, were fired upon, with one cop hit. It's as simple as that. All the teeth gnashing, Monday morning quarterbacking by people who have never encountered violence and other melodramatic nonsense doesn't change the core facts of the situation. By all means prosecute the assholes who fraudulently obtained the warrant, but prosecuting the cops on the scene, who were under fire and dealing with uncertainty about who or what was in the apartment, is ludicrous.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick back when this story first happened, Breonna Taylors boyfriend was literally telling the cops and whoever else that Breonna Taylor herself was the one who shot at cops. After he talked to his lawyer, his story suddenly changed to him being the one who shot at cops because he was in fear and didn’t hear them announce themselves. Taylor’s boyfriend was a licensed gun owner. And from what i remember they weren’t there for taylors boyfriend or even aware of him. They were there for taylor herself, and her ex boyfriend drug dealer who they caught at a different drughouse location. It’s very possible that Taylor herself was the shooter. Her boyfriend and his lawyer realized they had no legal case if Taylor was the shooter as she wasn’t a licensed gun owner and it would be an open and shut legal case if she was the shooter and got shot back by cops. People claimed that her boyfriend wanted to protect himself so he initially said Taylor was the shooter and he was the bystander.
  • how
    2 years ago
    Senator Rand Paul of KY sponsored the legislation that outlawed the "no knock raids" that many blamed for this tragedy. The police were under no obligation to just get shot at without returning fire, regardless. They were acquitted because of that reasonable fact. I'm not sure exactly what AG Garland is up to, but given the kind of snake he is, his motives are not likely good.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    @rick you’re right, the subject is getting tired, however, yesterday’s guilty plea puts to rest the argument that the police entered the apartment legally. They banged on the door at 1a and then broke in. The warrant was a no knock warrant and they weren’t required to announce themselves. Whether they did announce themselves is disputed and you can’t assume that disputed fact away. Also, the boyfriend was charged with attempted murder for shooting the cop. Those charges were dismissed with prejudice. Not withdrawn, dismissed, meaning a court found he was not guilty before it even went to trial. I also have a problem if you’re trying to day Breonna Taylor was not innocent. She literally was innocent. If not, of what crime was she guilty? I think you were just exaggerating but the legal distinction is important. She has 4th amendment rights to not be subject to illegal search, which this clearly was, and it doesn’t matter if the cops who came through the door didn’t know their coworkers had lied to the judge to get the warrant. The police force as a whole was incompetent. These guys got fired for incompetence. She is dead and the fact that she was innocent makes this tragic.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Jimmy, again you're confusing the legality of the behavior of the people requesting the warrant vs. those executing the warrant. The warrant itself was valid insofar as the police executing it were not doing anything illegal. As for those who gave sworn affidavits to the court, that's another matter. You also have your facts wrong. It was originally issued as a no-knock warrant, but was modified before it was executed. They were required to knock and announce themselves and there is no evidence that they didn't. Indeed the shooter inside the apartment heard the knock, which is how he had time to get ready to shoot. Does it really make sense to believe that they pounded on the door but didn't bother to announce who they were when doing so? Finally, how the fuck would you know who was incompetent? Have you been trained to deal with an active shooter situation? If not then maybe you should stow your theories about who should have done what and when. I'd be fine with charging the detectives who made false statements with the court with manslaughter and anything else they can throw at those cunts. But I'm not going to criticize cops on the scene for firing back when someone was shooting at them.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    This issue has been adjudicated it’s over what’s the point
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Charges dismissed with prejudice means the court made a decision and dismissed the case without trial? Fucking beyond stupid thing to say. They made a ruling on a motion filed by the Prosecution so that the left could pretend the piece of shit boyfriend didn't cause this. The loss of Breonna taylor made America better, but to be fair the fact her boyfriend was shot 32 times is a terrible mistake.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    “The warrant itself was valid insofar as the police executing it were not doing anything illegal.” This is just wrong. The warrant was illegal. Whether or not the cops on scene knew it was illegal doesn’t change the fact that it was an illegal entry. You’re confusing legality with intent. I agree they didn’t intentionally break the law but this was an illegal entry. On the knock/no knock issue, fine if it was modified. But, everything says that whether or not they announced they were police before or when they came through the door says it’s ‘disputed.’ If they announced ‘police’ as you assume, and the boyfriend shot at them, why were the attempted murder charges dismissed? Because they couldn’t prove they identified themselves. On the issue of whether they were incompetent, I have no special training. But, when you have multiple members of the force lying to a judge to get a warrant, bursting through a door without knowing how many people were inside despite being assigned to watch the apartment all day duong which Taylor and her boyfriend left and then returned, shooting wildly through another apartment, shooting at the boyfriend and not hitting him but hitting Taylor 6 times, all the while the ex-bf target of the warrant had already been arrested? Yes, I’m qualified to say the police were incompetent. That said, this is a hard case. I do see the side that the police were returning fire. I’ve never said they shouldn’t. It’s a hard job and this was a fluid and intense situation. Ive also never said the shooters were murderers. But, the police department as a whole violated her 4A rights and killer her.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "But, the police department as a whole violated her 4A rights and killer her." I agree. I am only arguing in favor of Hankison, who is the cop on the scene who is being charged yet again. I hope they throw the book, the sink and anything they can at the cunts who filed for that warrant. But Hankison was only responding to an active shooter on the scene and is now being brought up on federal charges even though he was acquitted by a jury of his peers at the state level. It is just crap politics now.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    I agree, politics are at play. Hankison was the guy who from outside the apartment fired 10(?) shots through a glass door and the wall? Missed the neighbor and her kid, missed Taylor and her bf, and luckily missed his fellow officers despite not having a clue about who was continuing to shoot (it was the other cops after the first shot) or where they were. We hold gun owners to the standard of knowing what they are shooting at. Police should be held to at least that standard. He is lucky he didn’t hit anyone. I have a tough time defending his actions though.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    And … his continuing to shoot may have led to the officers inside thinking they were still under fire and in turn, their continued pulling of the triggers.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    It's one thing to question Hankinson's judgment, but quite another to bring him up on charges - not once but twice. It's not like he was randomly shooting his gun completely blind. He was firing into the room where the original shot came from. Again it sucks that Taylor was in there too, but they had no way to know exactly what kind of resistance they were facing or what kind of danger they could be in.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Hakinson was already acquitted by a jury of not just his peers but her peers as well, which included four women and at least two people of color (and likely more - details are sketchy). They had access to all of the evidence, including an on-site walk-through of the apartment and 5 days of testimony. It was a unanimous verdict, after only three hours of deliberation. Again, crap politics.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    The outcome of the court case means absolutely nothing as far as what’s constitutional or right or wrong etc.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ BTE, he was found not guilty on three counts of wanton endangerment. I invite you to think very carefully about how that connects with both "right or wrong" and the federal charge of unconstitutional excessive force. Take as much time as you need. Hopefully I don't need to connect the dots for you.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
    @rick: None of the previous testimony concerned the current charges.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    *Sigh* I guess I do indeed have to connect the dots. The new federal charges hinge on exactly the same question as the state level charges: At the moment when he fired his gun, was he justified in acting as he did or not? It is completely a facts and circumstances judgment call and those 12 jurors evaluated the same data points that a federal jury will have to evaluate. Now perhaps the federal government will trot out a couple of Constitutional shills, er, I mean scholars, in an effort to buttress their position, but at its core the ultimate question remains the same. A diverse jury of 12 people, evaluating that singular question in the context of everything that was happening when he decided to fire his weapon, needed only 3 hours to conclude that he he was not guilty.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    New Federal charges. The Federal Government is the fucking enemy of all decent people. Hankinson is the fall guy, to satisfy the filthy thug base of the democratic party i.e. Bernie Kapos Sanders, Ilhan Adolph Omar, Chuck suck off little boys Schumer et al.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @how basically what you're arguing is that whoever fires first is the one in the wrong. I don't think any cop would agree with you. The main problem with no-knock warrants is that, you'd have to be a serious shit-for-brains to assume someone is a cop, just because they yell "police!".
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Rick I mean generally speaking the outcome of a court case means nothing since the juries are inherently biased in some way and especially biased in modern times. One truly moral person is going to be more objective than millions of biased jury members. It’s good if the jury comes to the correct conclusion but its not guaranteed. Some juries are even threatened or harassed by people in attempts to control them
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Simple fact is that they were drug dealers and assumed those breaking in were criminals like they were. Thats why she died. Lefties can make excuses all they want because without the communities they cause to fail perpetually, they have no one to support them.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It's not the polices job to engage in extrajudicial executions. If being accused of a crime is enough for a cop to kill you in your opinion. Then ask one to shoot you execution style the next time you have an encounter with one. But of course you don't believe that. You're just chanting your bigoted mantra on here
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    LMAO bitch. The only crime was not shooting the boyfriend fifty times. Go make some fries boy.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    They don't need to defund the police. Policing budgets will shrink as all the good, honest cops quit. Only thugs with badges will be left.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Breonna Taylor and her boyfriend werent good people. Chances are they thought its cool to be gangsta. Like Icee and others, chances are they knew it was cops entering the house, but they believe cops should be viciously attacked anywhere and everywhere for being cops. So they shot at the cops just for their career choice. Since police departments should all be blamed and held accountable if even one cop is a murderer does the same apply to sports teams, nba? School teachers? Students? Everyone should just be held accountable for something a coworker, training partner or family member did?
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