
Comments by Thick-5-Incher

  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Ohio has voted in favor of abortion rights and legalized recreational marijuana.
    Feels GOOD to stick it to you worthless piece of shit MAGAs like this in a red state! Sign of things to come in every red state in 2024. Vote Biden or get the fuck outta my country!
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    8 months ago
    Sexy blonde Lana
    Anyone know Lana's schedule? I'm tired of the Cubans and want to spend time with a sexy Euro chick.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "castro was asked if he had anything to do with jfk' death and he replied no way" There's been a lot of circumstantial evidence that Castro and the American mafia were colluding on the JFK assassination. However, I think there are too many loose-lipped snitches in both those organizations to keep a secret that big for 70 years. The whole LBJ/CIA doesnt really make sense either since LBJ didnt run for re-election in 1968 so how would losing power help him or his goons continue to make boatloads of money? However, most rational people find it incredible that Oswald acted alone and actually pulled it off, with Ruby tying up loose ends and going to his grave without giving away any secrets. It's the biggest mystery in American history and will probably never get solved.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "Tetradon.... I don't think he's a bad person" People reveal who they truly are with their words. Both Ski-Fagg and Tetra-Fagg are useless Trumper pieces of shit, fading into obscurity as modern America leaves them behind. Old white men hold less power and influence with every passing year, and Ski/Tetra/Gamma are proof of that decline.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "We just won by a lot less than anticipated" That's putting lipstick on a pig --- Repukes BARELY won the House and didnt retake the Senate --- something that should be easy to do when the opposition party holds the White House for a given election cycle Trumpism had the opposite effect on the Republi-Cunt Party they wished for in 2015 --- it has caused them to lose power for over 7 years with more to come. The repercussions will be felt for decades since Millenials and Zoomers are breaking hard for Democrats and they are the fastest rising voter demographic
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "Covid or rather the orchestrated unnecessary response to it may be the elephant in the room exception" There was no "un-necessary response to COVID. It killed 1.2 million Americans when the average flu season kills around 30,000. Numbers actually matter when it comes to public health emergencies, contrary to whatever a low IQ right wing dickhead says about it on Fox Fake News. But I will agree and say the safety measures put in place were no big deal. So we all had to wear a piece of fabric on our face for a few months and avoid congregating in large groups for a year, so what? Most of us got the vaccine and that probably saved another million lives being lost. These are simple, common-sense measures that every modern nation was putting into place. No amount of right wing lying and propaganda can outweigh the public health recommendations in over 130 countries around the world.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Pro Trump = Anti Cubana ?
    "they are scumbags and thieves" Republicans and lawyers are the true scumbags and lawyers in this country. They can't do anything except parasitize off working people. FACT: Brown skinned illegals are more important to the American economy than any white Trumper could ever hope to be
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Pro Trump = Anti Cubana ?
    "Cheap illegal labor favors business owners" Every time a chicken processing plant or lettuce farm gets busted for using illegal labor -- it's always a Republican owner being dragged out in handcuffs Right wing hypocrisy is everywhere and plain as day
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "here's the thing ... it works very effectively here" It's too easy to bait Tetra-Fagg or Ski-Fagg into bear traps. They can't stand it when a smart Dem like me embarrasses them.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "Republican leadership gets behind the justice department and works to put him in jail" I agree but the Repukes can't make the wheels of justice spin faster. If the indictments don't roll in by May or June 2023 then I don't see how Small Hands gets to trial any earlier than summer 2024, but with his army of lawyers filing all kinds of delays more likely late 2024 or early 2025.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "Democrats got a fucked up retard who cannot even speak named John Fetterman" Fetterman is a Harvard grad, Ski-Fagg. That's a lot better than whatever fraudulent law school you went to (and finished dead last).
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "I think Trump will lose. But his ego will make him declare as a third party candidate so he can continue to milk his followers" I've been hearing this theory a lot lately and it's making a lot of sense. Commie Don never cared about Republicans and their causes. He only hijacked the GQP because it was the easiest way to get into the White House. If he was a strong ideologue and not a weak pussy, he woulda ran in 2016 as an independent nominee of the "MAGA Party", the same way Ross Perot ran as an independent in the 1992 and 1996 elections. I agree he'll likely lose the GQP nomination, but he'll run as an independent just to piss off the Repukes and sink Little DeSatan's chances in the general election. It will definitely work if he goes through with it, because all he needs to do is convince around 10% of the righties who would vote for DeSatan to either vote for Trump or just stay home on election day. It's going to be a walk in the park for Biden's re-election. In that sense, I hope the indictments don't slam-dunk on China Don until late 2023 and then he can spend all of 2024 campaigning his usual bullshit about being a victim of the deep state. If the criminal trials proceed too fast and he gets convicted, then he gets taken off the campaign trail and Little DeSatan has a slightly better chance in the general election. Either way, the Dems are keeping the White House in 2024 but it's a more enjoyable train-wreck the longer Tax Dodger Donnie is out there gutting the GOP like a squealing pig.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    "In my area I walk around the lakes and see nothing but signs for Democrats. It's a very highly educated area with beautiful homes. When I go to rural areas I see Trump signs. Very redneck, hillbilly much less educated areas where you might see Confederate flags. Stark differences in intelligence" Very good point, and it's the same thing I see all over PA. All the backwater small towns full of toothless hicks have the Commie Trump and Confederate flags flying and not a single U.S. flag anywhere in sight. Fuckin' sad mentality for these white assholes. Meanwhile back in September and October, I drove through the affluent neighborhoods in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia with the million-dollar homes and Audis in the driveway and it's all Fetterman and Shapiro signs. All the doctors, lawyers, and business execs are raising their kids to be smart Democrats, and it's what makes America truly great.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    "Fetterman graduated from Harvard" I always chuckle with the Republi-Cunts kept trying convince us that Melania was a better First Lady than Michelle Obama. Really? So a dumb bitch who only attended one semester at some 3rd-rate junior college in Slovenia is better than a black girl who got straight A's in high school and escaped her poor neighborhood in Chicago to graduate cum laude from Harvard Law ?? PLEASE --- I wanna hear a rational explanation from any MAGA-Tard out there about this right wing delusion!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    "If we held Dems to the same standard every time some prominent Dem politican said something stupid" Dems don't say anything stupid --- that's just another example of righties pushing their delusional false equivalencies that nobody is buying The messaging is clear as crystal --- Hillary called MAGA-Tards "Deplorables" and she was 100% correct and Mighty Joe called them "semi-fascists" and he's 100% correct I dare anyone to fight me on the facts.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    "Hershel Walker can barely put a sentence together he's so stupid" I love how racist stereotyping has poisoned the minds of old white Republican men so much that they are willing to lose election after election over it. We all know the GQP high command hand-picked Walker because he's a native Georgian with name recognition but mainly because he's black and that's the only way to beat another black man in a state where the largest urban center is majority black. So in a low IQ Caucasian Republi-Cunt's mind, a really dumb Negro can win over the hearts and minds of other Negroes simply because he carried a football decades ago. The dumb black guy doesn't need to have any qualifications to hold office, such as speak in clear sentences or show his college degree that he fraudulently obtained. Now do y'all see how the racist pea brain of a white conservative operates? We need to eradicate this cancer from the Earth.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "Hershel Walker into a 1st grade class, he'd be the dumbest person in the class" White racist good ole boys in the GQP picked Walker because he's a dumb House Negro they can bark orders to and he just says "Yessa, massa" to all of it. As usual with elections, the Mighty Dems are playing chess and the Republi-Cunts are playing checkers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "George Floyd was another piece of shit thug who got what he deserved" We'll see how you low-IQ MAGA-Tards react when the indictments start raining down on a piece-of-shit career criminal like Tax Dodger Donnie. What's good for the goose is good for the gander -- George Floyd tried to pass a counterfeit bill at a liquor store --- China Don tried to subvert an election and sold top secret information to his buddies in Russia and Saudi Arabia --- now let's see you Communist righties try to dream up false equivalences on that
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "I never understood the obsession with JFK. He was a pinko sunuvabitch" You can't be a pinko if you're staring down Soviet nukes in Cuba and telling Khrushchev to go fuck himself or get turned into molten glass, ya dumb cunt If JFK was pink then it makes Commie Donnie redder than a virgin's busted hymen on prom night --- we all saw what he did in Helsinki and that one sentence he spewed like a traitorous pig is enough to get him the firing squad according to our Founding Fathers
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "2020 election was average at best" 2016 election was average at best --- Commie Trump wasn't a "movement" because he only got 2 million more votes than McCain in 2008. That's just solid proof that Republi-Cunts are fading into obscurity and Democrats are only getting STRONGER as the years go by.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Life changing events
    "People voted in record numbers in 2020 largely because many people despise Trump" That's what all these MAGA-Tards never understood --- just because they attended Trump's fascist hick rallies and put a sign in their yard, doesn't make them part of the majority. It just makes them look like squealing stuck pigs! The real majority in America are the many millions of proud Democrats who go to school and work every day and make this country truly great with their words and actions. They are the "silent majority" that the MAGA-Tards always feared when heading to the voting booths in the last three election cycles.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Pro Trump = Anti Cubana ?
    "President who proposed a simplistic medieval solution to a modern complex problem" 2000 years of history have proved that walls DO NOT work. Whether it's the Great Wall of China trying to stop Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes, or the Berlin Wall trying to keep people from being free, they just tumble down into a pile of rubble sooner or later and become a stain on history. I think about 30 miles of Commie Trump's wall actually got built and Mighty Joe ordered it torn down the very first day he was in office. That's how American democracy is supposed to function. Little DeSatan will probably try to amp up the wall bullshit in 2024 but it won't work. 99% of Americans want hard-working brown people to come here and fill all these job vacancies that old, fat Trumpers are too lazy to do. That's the clear message that was sent in the 2018, 2020, and 2022 election cycles.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Jailbird Commie Donnie says "terminate the Constitution"
    "like a loyal dog who one day bites your fucking face off" I'm like Michael Vick to all you conservative mutts --- try me and you'll get the rape stand or the 800-volt doggie dildo up the ass!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
    Conservatism is dead
    "If Trump had the option of being President today but 10 million of his followers had to die today" That actually happened but on a smaller scale --- China Don's deliberate funding of COVID-19 research in Wuhan using his secret bank accounts over there was an attempt to eliminate as many of his elderly white voters as possible. It managed to kill a million Americans, the majority of whom voted for the Tax and Draft Dodger and sent him money for his various grifts as they gasped their last breaths on a ventilator in the ICU. Talk about really stupid people, eh? I've said it before and I'll keep saying it --- Commie Donnie is the most invasive cancer upon the GQP that the Democrats could ever hope for
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Pro Trump = Anti Cubana ?
    Commie Trump's stupid wall is a lame attempt at keeping hard-working brown people out of America. What the MAGA-Tards learned the hard way is that 99% of America wants and NEEDS brown people in America. They are doing all the low-paying jobs that old, fat, lazy white guys who vote for China Don don't wanna do. Bring MORE of them into our country, and do it NOW. The election cycles of 2018, 2020, 2022, and soon-to-be 2024 prove that Trumpism is just another failed form of fascism. Been tried in 1930's Germany and it failed there, too. Every now and then, a ball of noxious gas will rise to the surface and blow itself up and then homeostasis is restored. That is the best to describe the kooky white nationalist bullshit that started in 2015 and has abruptly DIED in 2022 with a spectacular implosion of orange-tinged fuckery.