The new national anthem
MAGA-Tards are low IQ pieces of shit
Let this one burn a nice deep hole in ya, MAGA Rodents!
Let this one burn a nice deep hole in ya, MAGA Rodents!
last commentSweet as honey.
This one says it all, folks
Need a tissue, Trucidos?
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^ Tissue?
What a difference 8 years can make. This time around, 21% of black males voted for Trump. For black men under 45, that number was 30%.
Only the Dems could fuck things up so badly that, after everything Trump did, he is more popular than ever. I guess they didn't think that blacks and Hispanics would care about things like losing real purchasing power or about boys being allowed in their daughters' bathrooms and locker rooms.
I think Trumps appointments should be approved, the voters knew Trump was a senile old fool and a serial liar, yet they voted for him, let them live with the consequences of this election.
"This time around, 21% of black males voted for Trump. For black men under 45, that number was 30%."
And yet Trump is the most racist president ever, ahead of James Buchanan who said freedom should not be "inflicted" on slaves and Woodrow Wilson who resegregated the armed forces.
Liberals repeat all these insults without for a second critically thinking about them.
OP will get over his sore rectum someday.
"Only the Dems could fuck things up so badly that, after everything Trump did, he is more popular than ever. I guess they didn't think that blacks and Hispanics would care about things like losing real purchasing power or about boys being allowed in their daughters' bathrooms and locker rooms"
All those working class black and Latino guys will turn on Rapey Donnie once they realize their low-paying jobs won't be able to pay the rent or buy them a new Dodge Charger like they were promised by the Orange Nazi. We're talking about uneducated idiots here, who think Biden deliberately raised the prices on eggs and beer LOL
This one will burn a nice hole in you MAGA Rodents --- keep cryin!
^ you’re just proving that two things can be true at the same time.
For the record I don’t care anymore about the election, AFAIC, it’s over, let the chips fall where they fall. I’ll be fine, I’ll still do the same things that I planned to do for the next four years, good luck to Mr. Trump, he’s going to need it.
"I think Trumps appointments should be approved, the voters knew Trump was a senile old fool and a serial liar, yet they voted for him, let them live with the consequences of this election"
You pretty much nailed it. Just wait until all these farmers who voted for Lying China Donnie start seeing their corn and soybean prices go into the shitter once the tariffs kick in and they start sticking pistols in their mouths! Stupid people need to feel a lot of pain before they change their ways, and so I hope these MAGA Rodent farmers experience as much pain as possible. They deserve all the misery.
Trump is the greatest president America has ever had. Trump haters want to see America suffer, they hate america, Trump, and Trump supporters. It must suck to be you. I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars since Trump's victory, so have my friends.
"We're talking about uneducated idiots here who think Biden deliberately raised the prices on eggs and beer LOL"
You don't need to be educated to understand that you're purchasing power has been pummeled and the Dem Department of Education is trying to force your school to let boys in your daughters' locker rooms.
But if you WERE educated, you'd understand that blowout spending by a fiscally reckless administration absolutely fueled U.S. inflation, especially in categories like food. 80% of our food supply, most definitely including eggs and our domestic beer, are soured within our own borders. This was the painfully predictable result of trillions in unnecessary "stimulus" spending that never should have happened when the economy was already recovering naturally when Biden hit the scene.
But you keep hanging on to all that Thin-1-Incher. 😉
That should have been "sourced" lol.
^ Libtards like Small Dick OP don't know the correlation between spending and inflation, or they wouldn't be libtards. Like corporations that already run on thin margins only got greedy to spite Democrats. LOL. What a maroon.
Trucidos needs to post AI memes here to get over his impotent rage and feel like he's fighting Trump.
Cope and seethe.
"80% of our food supply, most definitely including eggs and our domestic beer, are soured within our own borders"
Spoken like a true uneducated MAGA Rodent. The price of eggs went up because avian flu decimated the domestic poultry population, with an estimated 800 MILLION birds being euthanized in 2021 and 2022. What's gonna happen to the price of eggs when there are no hens to produce them? It figures that MAGA-Tards can't figure this out. Enjoy paying 60% more for all the Chinese junk you buy at Walmart once the tariffs kick in.
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Right wing posters getting a serious ass-kicking today ! lol
Can someone tell them the election is over, there is no need to continue with the deceptive talking points that Dems intended to force trans women into female locker rooms, or that government spending was the (implied) main cause of inflation? All lies or distortions.
^ HAHAHA ass kicking? By what, AI memes of Trump in prison? Ignorance of economics? Like inflation was confined to eggs? Keep smoking that copium.
===> "Spoken like a true uneducated MAGA Rodent. The price of eggs went up because avian flu decimated the domestic poultry population, with an estimated 800 MILLION birds being euthanized in 2021 and 2022."
@Thin-1-Incher: Even if I bought this as the sole source of price inflation for eggs, and I don't, do you have a similar explanation for the price increases on almost all of our other food supplies?"
That's the problem with you hyper-emotional half educated dudes.. You assume emotional positions and then scurry to find one-off data points which seem to support your emotional stance, even if that means ignoring the most obvious answer staring you right in the face.
I'm guessing that you never took Economics in college. Or shame on you if you have and you still don't understand this. When you flood an already strengthening economy with a ton of excess money, inflation is the inevitable result.
Biden was amply warned that this could happen, but he ignored those warnings. In the spirit of never letting a good crisis go to waste, he took the opportunity to try to dramatically expand the dependency class and buy votes in the process. One small blessing at least was Joe Manchin finally serving as the adult in the room when the Inflation Enhancement Act was negotiated or it could have been even worse.
Trumps racism as far as Latinos was very limited. He may at one point have made a comment on Cuba/cubans? As far as Mexicans he said Mexico isnt sending their best people. But besides that i dont remember him singling out other latino countries or latinos as a whole.
He is a big time Moslem hater, he is basically anti every Moslem country and people other than Saudi Arabia because of some business connections, Lebanon because his son in law is from there and perhaps because its very Christian, and the specific Michigan area Moslems who he referred to as peaceful simply because they voted for him, lol.
Trump also probably said a bunch of racist things about China and possibly other Asian races. He kept referring to covid as the china virus, probably made anti immigrant comments about Chinese or other Asian immigrants bringing covid into the country. The right is also generally speaking more anti sex worker and anti lgbtq.
At the same time Biden was very pro BLM, which is racist against everyone else who isnt black, and he may have also backed the anti semitism bill, which makes it a crime to insult Jews but not other races/religions.
All in all Trump was and is more racist and bigoted than Kamala or Biden. The more important factor is which sides voters are more violent, and even that becomes tough to determine. Kamala/Biden voters are the types who would go around shooting white people or Christians, whereas Trump voters are the types to go around shooting up mosques, in some case’s synagogues, black people, or latin immigrants like that guy who shot up a walmart in texas years back. Its undeniable that both sides have particular groups of people they hate on and particular groups they favor.
Egg prices from my knowledge did also go up because of supply issues.
Milk and beef prices have stayed almost exactly the same as before covid, only going up 10%, which even that may be because of increased gas/transportation costs.
The restaurants charging more for beef or dairy items, are just doing so because they can, and can use the pandemic or other things as an excuse, and perhaps to some extent because of increased gas costs.
Milk is still around $3 a gallon, or $6-$7 for organic, organic beef used to be $4.49 to $4.99 a pound before covid and now you can still find it for $4.99 to $5.49.
This one is really gonna sting you MAGA Rodents on the inside, but you deserve it because you're all pieces of shit anyway:
"Milk and beef prices have stayed almost exactly the same as before covid, only going up 10%, which even that may be because of increased gas/transportation costs"
That's the true power of Bidenomics --- Joe kept meat prices much lower than whatever inflation was doing --- a true leader and not a low IQ crook like the Orange Cumstain!
^ Biden didn't know which way is up. Couldn't even lead his way off stage.