
Comments by EndlessSummer (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can work a pole πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‰
    Just curious (:
    The ignore button is my friend!!! πŸ”˜ It's definitely a shame that any girls who are just showing up have to see all the garbage mixed in with the good stuff, but it didn't take me long to figure out how to block out the worst of the worst. To be clear, I don't ignore those whose opinions I don't agree with or who make the occasional questionable comment. Only the truly inane drivel... attention is a troll's life blood and I refuse to infuse! πŸ˜ŠπŸ”†πŸ€ͺ
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    3 years ago
    @heaving- thanks for saying so! Real is all I know how to be, so I'm glad it's appreciated...😘 @meat- Thank you for those very sweet sentiments! I thank God and Dr. Parva every day... lucky genes and a brilliant doc! πŸ˜‰
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    3 years ago
    Going to Chicago 😬😬
    ^My main purpose is to go for a visit, but if I can get my act together enough to find a good place to dance for a shift and maybe coordinate a couple of visitors to join me, then I'll set aside a day for that. When I start firming up my plans, I'll PM you to get some input. Would be great to meet! πŸ˜˜πŸ”†πŸ’‹
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    3 years ago
    Going to Chicago 😬😬
    So, I grew up in the area and lived in the actual city (meaning, not a suburb) but it's been many years since I danced there, so any info I have is probably no longer pertinent. However, I will say that I'll always have a fondness for Scores, and clubs that were in city limits were never that great- with the added annoyance of the city ordinance requiring pasties. Sorry I don't have any good intel but I wanted to thank you for starting this thread... it's made me nostalgic (used to have a membership at the aquarium and I haven't thought about Devil in the White City in years- def a must read) and since I'm planning a trip back in the not too distant future, there's some stuff there that could be helpful for me too... so thanks! Hopefully, you'll follow up when you get back to let us know which club(s) you tried out and how it went? Safe travels and congrats on the new car! πŸ”†πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—
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    3 years ago
    *damn it* Look forward to some day having a quaran-teen! (Ba-dum-bum pshhhhh!) πŸ€ͺ He's supportive of what I do, but let's face it, unless a guy has a specific fetish, he's not gonna love the fact that a woman he cares about is dancing. He sees it for the means to an end that it is though, and appreciates the financial contributions to our new home and child, plus the unequaled amount of time I get to spend with our son. The big picture is online school starting soon and a whole new career working from home when I finish in 15 months, so there's light at the end of the tunnel? πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
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    3 years ago
    ^Well, first let need clear up "exclusively dating customers"... there was about a decade when I didn't dance at all, and that's when I was with my ex husband and when I had both of my older children (tween and teenagers). Now I'm with my fiance and we have a 5 month old Covid baby together. Which means, we get to
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Tagline? Um ... You're it?
    Is it me?
    Listen to these guys... it's NOT you!! In all my years, I've never once offered extras. They know of what they speak πŸ˜ŠπŸ”†πŸ˜˜
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Don't you hate the premature post?! Lol Anyway, if a gentleman or a group wants multiple dancers around, I have no problem being one of them. But, IME one on one is preferred, so I don't cultivate partnerships. All of this is to say- I don't care what the other girls think of me at all- and that is a very freeing thing because I used to, and it wasn't helpful. The best thing any dancer can do for her own mental health is to not concern herself with other dancers. I don't worry about other girls coming in late, or what they're doing in their dances, or what they have to say about so-and-so because none of it has anything to do with me. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ It also helps to have clients that genuinely enjoy talking to because that's where I get my social fix! Ok, I didn't get to proof this so hopefully it made sense and wasn't too preachy or hippy dippy... but if it was, I also don't care! Lol πŸ˜„ And if you still have more specific questions, I'm obviously an open book...πŸ”†πŸ˜˜πŸ˜Š
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    @got- np, they were good questions that I enjoyed answering 🌞 @nice- another good question... and harder to answer than I would've thought. Only because it's hard to attribute my positivity to just one thing. So, I'll try to break it down as I see it... I think the big picture answer is that my faith allows me to remain positive throughout everything in my life- and there has been some pretty heavy stuff at various times over the years. Without it, I know I'd be lost... and I'm not saying it has to be religion, but I can see how lost a lot of folks are without something to focus on outside of themselves. But, the negative things in a strip club are more insidious than those big events... more nagging, annoying, and generally wearing on the psyche. One of my favorite sayings is, "garbage in, garbage out". It's why I get in and out of the dressing room as quickly as possible- to avoid having to listen to any negativity that is pretty constantly flowing back there. I'm not unfriendly, but I don't go out of my way to engage. And every chance I get, I put positive energy out there because people will respond in kind to whatever is around them. (Or, at the very least not be able to spread the negative as easily if I'm not willing to absorb it.) In the example you give about older girls talking trash about younger ones, I would simply respond in a way that let them know, I'm not going to join in the bashing, but without condemning them for doing so either. It's a fine line between being dismissive of a thought and being dismissive of a person. That's probably one of those things that comes with time and age. I've also learned my lesson over the years not to befriend other dancers. Been burned a couple of times so I just won't do it again. I also don't need to team up with anyone else when I'm at work, so I have no need for that type of relationship with any of them either. If a gentleman prefers
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    Dancers, would you also pose nude for art classes?
    I absolutely would have but never came across (or sought out) the opportunity. However, I did quite a bit of body paint modeling for some really talented artists in Chicago in my early 20s. The mermaid image in my photos is from that time... so glad I did it- so many great memories from those times and the pay was decent! πŸ”†πŸ˜Š
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pam & Tommy
    I've been hooked on this one... super fun brain candy! πŸ¬πŸ”†
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    3 years ago
    ^You flatter me, sir πŸ˜˜πŸ”†πŸ’‹ @Mustard- hmmmmm indeed! πŸ˜‰ @Gob- how about a Bionic pussy that overcomes every man I come in contact with the uncontrollable urge to empty their wallet in my presence!? πŸ€ͺ😊 Ok, but for real? I'll take some Bionic skin that never wrinkles and stays endlessly soft, supple, and hairless! Actually, can some scientists get on this right away, please??? Oh, to never have to shave again!!! And, I ❀ that you knew the reference right away! Over the years, the majority of guys automatically think of Linda Carter/Wonder Woman when I bring this up. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ˜Š 1
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    3 years ago
    ^Agreed... but without more details, I opted not to delve into that one πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ
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    3 years ago
    @gothamyte- ok, your turn! Which 3 songs make your ideal / preferred / favorite 3-song stripper set for you personally? I've danced to different music at different times in my career, so this is tough! I'm gonna do a couple here because it's hard to pick just one set... Dance Set: "Rage" by Hyper Crush (this one has essentially been my anthem for the past 7 or 8 years) "Xxpen$ive To Be Me" by Erika Jayne (she's totally my spirit animal) "Pussy Control" by Prince (I don't care if it's a different genre- Prince can do whatever the f*** he wants) 😁 Rock Set: "Killing in the Name Of" by RATM "Guilty" Gravity Kills "Sail" by Awolnation *if you had a megaphone to blast out any single constant opinion or heartfelt thought of yours what would it be? For example, me, as a poor man's DJ would blast: why do you think I must play your song request within the next 2 minutes? You realize I don't have to play your song request at all, right? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHERE THAT MONEY'S BEEN?? NO, I'M NOT PUTTING IT IN MY MOUTH. *give us a random prediction of yours about the future? I gots 3 more for EndlessSumma (there's 5 here, but I'll allow it πŸ˜‰) *Howd you get your name? My mom named me after Lindsay Wagner because she thought she was just beautiful, but she went with her character name on the Bionic Woman (some of you will have to Google this) So, it was the obvious choice for me! *What's your second name choice? In the past, I've had to choose another name when mine was taken so I once went by Skyy and I once went by Taylor (at the time, it seemed like every guy had a daughter with this name and I was 18 or 19 at the time... not the best choice) πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ *If you had to change your name what'd you change it to? Blake *Describe your feelings about your first moments working fully nude in the club or dancing nude in the club I was nervous, of course... but not really about being naked- I used to wear a thong bikini to the beach and I wasn't shy about my body. I was more afraid of tripping/falling on stage! But, it turns out it was all the stuff OFF stage that I should've been worried about. No job training and no Google in my pocket... those were weird times! Lol *if you could do commercials for any product in the world (no you don't get freebies of that product) which product would it be I have 3... (you had 5 questions, so I think it's only fair 😜) 1.For over 20 years, I've used a nail treatment called Nail Life- it's about $8 at Sally's and I look like I spend a fortune on manicures...awesome stuff! 2. Kerastase- this brand of hair products is the only one that tames this wild mane of mine- I'd go without food to afford it (and believe me, I've tried to find a cheaper alternative that works as well- doesn't exist) 3. The Satisfyer- 'nuff said https://www.adameve.com/adult-sex-toys/vibrators/clit-vibrators/sp-satisfyer-pro-next-generation-104151.aspx I certainly hope I've satisfied your curiosity (see what I did there?)πŸ€ͺ... thanks for all the great questions!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Ooh, this is fun...happy to oblige! Ladies first- @nice- First of all, good on you for managing the cash flashers! I'm pretty non confrontational (unless pushed) so I prefer to treat those guys like furniture, but I absolutely believe they deserve whatever treatment they get from those they put their deceptive moves on. As for your question- my opinion on younger strippers? I don't have much of an opinion about them at all... but, I think that's mostly because I don't have time to really pay attention too closely when I'm there. I suppose there are the ones who are too consumed with their phones to be bothered, but I don't know if that's completely specific to age. I wish I had more insight, but over the years, I've learned to really just stay focused on why I'm there... it might surprise some to know (others are regularly witness to it) that I even put my makeup on at the bar. I find it calmer than being in the dressing room listening to the day's chatter, but it also means I don't have much of a finger on the pulse of the goings on with the girls... and that's just the way I like it. 😊
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    ^Of course! After all, we don't wanna stop the gob, do we? 😜
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    ^Yep- ❀ it!! @trp- actually Heavenly Bodies was somewhere near Midway airport. That was the name they used in the commercial. But, their sister club- Skybox- was closer to me in Harvey, IL (a Chicago suburb very near the Indiana border) so, I worked there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Hey, you're welcome guys! This was fun for me to do, and the comments just reinforce the feelings of support I've had from this site from day one! ❀️ this fun, dysfunctional online community and ❀ when it spills over into real life too- (see you soon ATAC! 😘) @decline- thank you for your kind words, flattery will get you everywhere! πŸ˜‰ To those asking for pictures... I'll work on that... sure would be nice to have a good camera man around...πŸ€”πŸ”†πŸ’‹
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Y'all are makin' me blush! ☺️ Props to Muddy for making these "interviews" happen... what a nice thing for you to do for all of us! 😘
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    MA born dancing queen <3
    driving in bad weather
    If you're not ready to upgrade your car, something you can do for the current one is to make sure you have good brakes and tires (I know that sounds like stating the obvious, but so many girls don't take care of their cars- I used to be one of em!)...but, of course, the safest thing is to avoid the danger all together. And don't let em make you feel bad about doing that! Even a minor fender bender can cause injuries that make our job harder or even impossible, not to mention the expense. Gotta take care of you, girl! πŸ€—
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    1. When and how did you get into dancing? I was 18, and barely scraping by on what I made at a mall job and babysitting when I heard a commercial on the radio for "Heavenly Bodies". Of course, I knew what it was, but the ad said they were looking for dancers, models, and cocktail waitresses. I wanted to waitress so I went in to apply and marked the box for waitress. When the smarmy manager came out to talk to me, he asked why I wanted to become a dancer (as he looked over my application). Couldn't he see the check mark next to waitress? Of course he could, but he had his spiel ready when I told him that's what I was interested in because he proceeded to tell me what kind of cars the dancers were driving, the ritzy condo buildings they were living in, and a ballpark amount they were taking home each night, on average. I was already a regular at the all ages dance clubs in the area, so I figured what the hell? And the rest, as they say, is history... 2. Can you describe the West Virginia strip club scene? I'd say it's pretty laid back with a neighborhood bar kind of vibe. However, I strictly work the day shift, so nights and weekends probably have a bit different feel to 'em. 3. Met any TUSCLers? Three who specifically came to see me...and there's one other gentleman that I happen to know to be a contributor, but I knew him in the club before I ever joined myself. I hope to meet more!Β  4. What kind of customers tend to go after you? Typically, I attract discerning guys...if a guy doesn't particularly care which girl pays attention to him that day, he'll most likely end up with someone else because I'm not very aggressive.Β Β  5. What kind of customers do you go after? Avoid? I try not to judge a book by itsΒ cover, soΒ I smile and say hi to everyone. It doesn't happen much during the day, but if a guy is overly intoxicated, I'll avoid him like the plague.Β  6. Any stripper drama stories? At the risk of sounding like a diva (which I'm definitely not), I once told a manager that I couldn't work with a certain girl and that it was literally her or me. Ultimately, she ended up getting herself fired, but, prior to that, the resolution was that we wouldn't work the same shifts.Β The reason for this was that she was like a ticking time bomb around me and I felt unsafe. She would act like my friend one minute and then make snide comments the next. That part wasn't a big deal, but the part that caused me to issue the ultimatum was when she tried to choke me with my own seat cover! 7. Ever seen a pimp in the club? Not that I know of 8. Drugs you've seen? I've only smelled 'em and seen their effects 9. Do you do extras? None needed 10. Hot VIP experience? I once had a hot dancer friend from another club join me in a dance for a gentleman that I knew from that same other club...I don't typically team up with other girls, and other than a little experimenting over the years, I'm not one to usually play with other girls otc either...but I think I enjoyed myself more in that dance than either of the other two!Β  11. VIP experience that you regret? Not exactly...more like an experience that didn't happen so I regret that. I was supposed to do a shower show (which I'm not accustomed to doing) and the guys were in a bit of a hurry, so they ordered a few shots in quick succession. I knocked 'em back so I'd be nice and loosened up for this unfamiliar type of dance and ended up drinking myself out of the show and sleeping it off in the dressing room the rest of the shift- what a loss all the way around!Β  12. Ever try to get over on a customer? Customer ever try to get over on you? Absolutely not on my part- not only would it never occur to me, but I think it's pretty impossible (unless I went to extreme lengths) at theΒ clubs inΒ my area because dance prices are set and prepaid.Β No one has ever tried to get over on me thatΒ I'm aware of, but there haveΒ been a couple of times when aΒ guy has flashed a very large wad of cash in order to lure me to him and then spent very little of it in the end. Lesson learned on that one, and now any time a guy tries that, I say the same thing- now that I've seen that, I know it won't be leaving your pocket.Β  13. Dances with you are like... I guess See #14, only shorter?Β (We don't have floor dances and I don't do many one song dances, so this one doesn't really apply) 14. VIP with you is like... A tailor made suit...fits perfectly for the gentleman buying it 15. Ever dated a customer or fell for one? I've almost exclusively (yet extremely selectively) dated customers over the years because it's the only place I meet people- if I'm not at work, I'm with my kids. Aside from that, I can't imagine having to disclose this job to anyone who didn't already know (especially in the conservative area I live in) 16. What is the spot to eat at in West Virginia? I don't live there so I'm the wrong person to ask...however, if it were me, I'd probably choose one of the restaurants in the casino in Charles Town (aboutΒ 20 mins from club) 17. Other cities and/or clubs you would like to dance in? Anywhere near a beach, but I've done some traveling when I was younger and I didn't really like being the new kid on the block so I'm most comfortable at home where it's familiar. 18. What is your ethnicity? 100% Mutt (and they make the best dogs so I say that with pride) The mix is: Swedish, Czechoslovakian, French, & Irish 19. Any outside the club stories with customers? I make an awesome travel companion so back when I had the freedom to do so, I took a couple of nice trips with customers that I grew to trust over the years. Had an awesome time and I think they'd say the same! 20. In the bedroom what's one move you love to do? You'll have to pardon the pun, but I'm a sucker for using my mouthΒ  21. In the bedroom what's one move you love that guys do? Anything from behind