Joined May, 2019
Last Seen Feb, 2025

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You NBA fans will appreciate this shot. Even if your not a fan. :)That is friggin' redonkulous. It must have taken a butt-load of time to get that to work. Incredible.

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Best fucking positions to prevent virus spreading.The Swiss must have seen the sex positions pic that Uprightcitizen posted.

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Austin strip clubs prepare to reopen Friday following safety guidelinesGood to hear, though it's going to be a while before I step into a club. Non-contact is a non-starter.

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Hotel ReservationPapi - you're showing your age. Most young strippers would have no clue about your Eagles song reference. And you must have…

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Which one of you guys did this?Notice that the girl in the video has a popsicle in her hand.. I'm just sayin'.

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Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They Open@Upright - that's pretty funny. I don't know anything about Chicago clubs, but if they're no or low-contact, then you're right. It'll…

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Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They OpenBest case scenario - or perhaps wishful thinking - indicates that a vaccine won't be available until the end of the year at the…

Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They OpenSome interesting discussion about changes that will be happening at a strip club in the Chicago area once they open the club back up.…

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Do you prefer Newbie or Experienced DancersI like something in between. The newbies can be really fun, and I've had a lot of fun with newbies. But newbies…

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TUSCL Feature RequestsOh - I see that SirLapDanceaLot suggested the same thing. Well, then I second his request.

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TUSCL Feature RequestsA feature I'd like to see would be a way to mute/suppress pictures in the photo gallery. I don't want to see any…

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Photo gallery@founder - can we have both? i.e., a link for dancer photos, and a link for the general photo gallery? I actually liked…

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Worst experienceGeez, Papi. You've had some C R A Z Y experiences! If I had even one that was even close to your…

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Story Time: The Meh, The Bad, and The Platonic OTC@Roadworrier - just saw your comment. No - the tall MILF blond was not the same girl I had. The one I…

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So Close ... Yet So Far.@Papi - wow, good job in keeping up with EH and staying up late. I would have been in a coma if I…

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What is everyone doing now?@FLF LOL! A stripper I know said that she's applying to Dunkin Ds for a job. She's def gonna be up for OTC once…

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Strip Clubs During the CoronaVirus PandemicIt's pretty dead in the clubs apparently. Heard from a stripper in Miami working the day shift that it was incredibly slow, so…

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what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?Probably about 4-5 hours, but I've done almost an entire day of clubbing before where went to 3 different clubs in a row spending…

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Going Alone@CJKent - how did you post an article? I haven't seen a "posting" button on the articles page in a long time.

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Going Alone@FLOrange "How much do you think you typically need to enjoy a SC? When we went I was listening to bad advice and burned…

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Going AloneI agree with what everyone's said here (including the financial advice). It's not weird to go to a strip club alone, and as…

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New article posted; title should be: “Some” Customers Get Ripped Off At Strip CHow did you post an article? I don't see a button on how to do that.

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Where the English speakers areGood review. I wondered what Kalani's (sp?) heritage was as she wasn't white, and she didn't look Latina. I thought she might…