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Joined May, 2019
Last Seen Feb, 2025


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5 years ago
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You NBA fans will appreciate this shot. Even if your not a fan. :)
That is friggin' redonkulous. It must have taken a butt-load of time to get that to work. Incredible.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Best fucking positions to prevent virus spreading.
The Swiss must have seen the sex positions pic that Uprightcitizen posted.…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Austin strip clubs prepare to reopen Friday following safety guidelines
Good to hear, though it's going to be a while before I step into a club. Non-contact is a non-starter.
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5 years ago
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Hotel Reservation
Papi - you're showing your age. Most young strippers would have no clue about your Eagles song reference. And you must have…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Which one of you guys did this?
Notice that the girl in the video has a popsicle in her hand.. I'm just sayin'.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They Open
@Upright - that's pretty funny. I don't know anything about Chicago clubs, but if they're no or low-contact, then you're right. It'll…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They Open
Best case scenario - or perhaps wishful thinking - indicates that a vaccine won't be available until the end of the year at the…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They Open
Some interesting discussion about changes that will be happening at a strip club in the Chicago area once they open the club back up.…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Do you prefer Newbie or Experienced Dancers
I like something in between. The newbies can be really fun, and I've had a lot of fun with newbies. But newbies…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Logging in with Firefox?
Firefox works just fine for me.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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TUSCL Feature Requests
Oh - I see that SirLapDanceaLot suggested the same thing. Well, then I second his request.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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TUSCL Feature Requests
A feature I'd like to see would be a way to mute/suppress pictures in the photo gallery. I don't want to see any…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Photo gallery
@founder - can we have both? i.e., a link for dancer photos, and a link for the general photo gallery? I actually liked…
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5 years ago
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Worst experience
Geez, Papi. You've had some C R A Z Y experiences! If I had even one that was even close to your…
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5 years ago
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Story Time: The Meh, The Bad, and The Platonic OTC
@Roadworrier - just saw your comment. No - the tall MILF blond was not the same girl I had. The one I…
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5 years ago
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So Close ... Yet So Far.
@Papi - wow, good job in keeping up with EH and staying up late. I would have been in a coma if I…
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5 years ago
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What is everyone doing now?
@FLF LOL! A stripper I know said that she's applying to Dunkin Ds for a job. She's def gonna be up for OTC once…
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Strip Clubs During the CoronaVirus Pandemic
It's pretty dead in the clubs apparently. Heard from a stripper in Miami working the day shift that it was incredibly slow, so…
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5 years ago
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what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?
Probably about 4-5 hours, but I've done almost an entire day of clubbing before where went to 3 different clubs in a row spending…
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5 years ago
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A Customer Walks into a Bar...
He says - Mom?!?
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5 years ago
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Going Alone
@CJKent - how did you post an article? I haven't seen a "posting" button on the articles page in a long time.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Going Alone
@FLOrange "How much do you think you typically need to enjoy a SC? When we went I was listening to bad advice and burned…
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5 years ago
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Going Alone
I agree with what everyone's said here (including the financial advice). It's not weird to go to a strip club alone, and as…
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5 years ago
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New article posted; title should be: “Some” Customers Get Ripped Off At Strip C
How did you post an article? I don't see a button on how to do that.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
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Where the English speakers are
Good review. I wondered what Kalani's (sp?) heritage was as she wasn't white, and she didn't look Latina. I thought she might…
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