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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 50)

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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Women who describe themselves as being career driven as weird as fuck to me.like
I agree with the main premise of this thread. There's nothing inferior about being a housewife.
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6 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Eye Candy OR High Mileage
I actually kind of see Papi and Eva's point even though I'm a fave guy. 6 hours is definitely unreasonable. Two hours is fair. If you want to see her for six hours though, take that OTC.
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6 years ago
avatar for goldmongerATL
The Square Above Charlie Weaver
Eye Candy AND High Mileage?
I think such a place does exist, its called Artemis FKK in Frankfurt Germany.
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6 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Eye Candy OR High Mileage
Is EvaSparkling going to reignite the great PL war of faves vs variation? Can sleeping too long kill your child? Find out more tonight at 11:00.
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6 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Eye Candy OR High Mileage
"But when you’re paying for it, most people generally want at the barest minimum the 7’s, 8’s, 9’s & if possible the 10’s as well..." I agree with that.
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6 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Eye Candy OR High Mileage
^A lot of guys are trying to turn the stripper into a sugar baby.
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6 years ago
avatar for FishHawk
The mustache makes the man
In Defense of Strippers
@TFP No I'm not, I'm done trying to convince him, Pistola is just an ignorant person who will never try and put himself in another person's shoes and understand their life. Either that or he's just lying and trying to look cool. But things might be looking okay after all. I can't say for sure if this will last, but at the moment, I feel content for the first time in a very long time.
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6 years ago
avatar for Evasparkling
Eye Candy OR High Mileage
Here's the real question. Taking a 7 with high mileage over a frigid 9 is a no brainer. Anyone would do that. But would you take a high mileage 5 over a frigid 9?
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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"Okay, they why aren't you and your brother doing as well with girls as everyone else?" Nobody in my family is all that good at getting girls. We don't have any playboy types in our family. But all the guys in my family are very good at picking the right kind of girl and building a healthy, loving relationship with that girl. None of the guys have gotten divorced. Me, my brother, and my cousin have all really struggled. I know that all of us would be amazing boyfriends to a girl who truly loves and accepts us for who we are, but if a girl is so short sighted that she can't get over my shyness and awkwardness in order to have a loyal boyfriend that would do anything for her, then I don't think she deserves to be with me.
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6 years ago
avatar for FishHawk
The mustache makes the man
In Defense of Strippers
I've bought dances from or hired 16 strippers and escorts in my life now. Most of them I made several repeat visits to and was at least a semi-regular. I've never really had an issue with a sex worker. I think the problematic strippers and escorts are a pretty low number. Even if the next stripper I bought a dance from was an asshole, that'd only be a 6% asshole rate which is pretty low.
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6 years ago
avatar for FishHawk
The mustache makes the man
In Defense of Strippers
Almost all of the strippers I've met have been incredibly unique and intelligent people. I don't know why some of the men on here have such a bad opinion of them.
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6 years ago
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Police brutality in America is incredibly exaggerated. Cops who kill you when you have not attacked them are violating the law and can be arrested and prosecuted. There are about 700,000 cops in America, you can't expect them all to be saints. You get asshole cops every now and then but they are not a tool of the government to suppress free speech. At the same time though, the cops are the ones dealing with some of the most dangerous people in the country so there's bound to be instances where a criminal tries to kill a cop and the cop has to fight back. I almost never see cases, however, where a cop just shot somebody for no reason. What's going on on Twitter and Facebook are lynch mobs created by average civilians, that's not a government thing going on. Anyone who says they'd rather be poor in America than rich in Germany is a fucking idiot. I'm not with the "America is #1" crowd, but we are a liberal democracy, we are doing better, objectively, than all of the second and third world nations which are the majority of the world's population. North Korea is competing with Syria for the most brutal dictatorship in the modern world. That's not a power dynamic. Every team and project assigns different roles to different people. Its when one person decides his role in the team is more important than all the others and tries to become a dictatorship that you have power dynamics. Power dynamics are not natural to heterosexual relations, certain people just want to act like they are so that they have an excuse to try and overpower their partner. My parents have no power dynamics in their relationship, all the most healthy relationships I've ever seen, and my family has a lot of examples of healthy marriages, have no power dynamics. None of the guys in my family are playboy types. My family does not try to sleep around, but the guys in my family are great at choosing the right kind of girls because not a single one of the men in my family have ever been through a divorce and given how common divorce is nowadays that is impressive. Power dynamics are absolutely toxic to a relationship, it prevents two people from ever truly loving each other the way you're supposed to. But its okay for people to have different roles as part of a team.
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6 years ago
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Its not as dangerous as it is in North Korea especially given that the US has an extremely large rule breaking culture. I agree that we have overly harsh laws but its ridiculous to compare us to North Korea. How can you, with a straight face, compare us to a country with absolutely no freedom of speech that would actually kill you if you lived in North Korea and said the same things about their government that you're saying about the US government? People who've escaped North Korea would be the first ones to tell you that there's absolutely no comparison. That's not a power dynamic. Everybody asks each other for advice and it makes sense that a girl would act feminine. I used that as an example that just because they're housewives doesn't mean they fit into the narrative of a locked up and oppressed housewife that feminists push onto people. A woman can be a housewife and still have an equal role in the relationship.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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Having different roles in a relationship/family is not a sign of power dynamics. Traditional cultures respect the role of the housewife and a lot of the women want to be one, that doesn't mean that the man is acting as a king with a subordinate. Some housewives in Japan are known for obsessively contacting and stalking their husbands to make sure they aren't cheating and are the main decision makers over the finances of the family. Apparently quite a few men actually like their wife doing this though cause they take the frequent contacting as a sign that she loves him and some of them don't want to make the decisions regarding money even if they're the ones making the money. North Koreans are brainwashed. The amount of lies and propaganda they are exposed to is insane. No government in the entire world tries as hard as North Korea does to isolate it's population from the rest of the world. But that being said, there is a bit of an underground market in North Korea of smuggling films from the US into there. Some things manage to get in but breaking the rules in NK is very dangerous. I thought you might like her. She kind of seems like a Japanese version of Christina Aguilera to me.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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Nobody really talks about the people of North Korea separated from the implied consequences of what the government has done. The worst thing people really think about the North Korean people is that they are brainwashed by the regime. Its not like the way the people of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Iraq are seen where a lot of people think they might be terrorists or religious nutjobs. I think you might like Kumi Koda, she's got more of a provocative "mature sexy" image and less kawaii sexiness.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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"In cultures with match making, they expect the man to be very dominant." Most of the men I see from those countries are skinny and shy af. Wtf are you talking about? Being the provider for a family isn't being dominant.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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Its not really the people in North Korea who are demonized, its the government. And quite frankly the government deserves all the vitriol they get. Those women are dressed and acting very conservatively compared to the girls in this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkHlnWFnA0c I agree that I'd probably have a harder time in Brazil. Like I said, this isn't about which country is best suited to my personality. The country that would be best suited to my personality is a country with a lot of matchmaking done for you by friends and family so probably one of the Asian countries.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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@Icey But as we both mentioned, there's a difference between very sexualized as opposed to very liberal. You won't find anywhere near as much revealing clothing, prostitution, and PDA in Iceland or Sweden as you would in Brazil. But furthermore, those countries are not part of the list. The US probably has one of the biggest ONS cultures in the world. But I think countries like Iceland, the UK, Sweden, Germany, and a few other European countries have even more of a ONS culture than America does. Having a big ONS culture doesn't make it easy for you to have sex if you don't have a personality suited to that sort of thing though. For example, the culture that would be best suited to my personality would probably be a culture with a lot of matchmaking by third parties instead of a culture that expects each person to independently seek out their own partners. I have told my mom before that I would have no problem with her setting me up with a girl but right now she's too worried about my brother to do that for me, which, I understand because he's a lot older than me.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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@IceyLoco That's not true, its always present in some forms. And by being present in the public life, I don't necessarily just mean you walk around on the streets in a day and see something. I'm talking how public is the culture of that country about sex. What we're doing right now, I consider being public about sex because we're talking about it frequently and without a filter. In the 1700s and 1800s, the way we're talking right now would've been considered extremely inappropriate behavior. Back then you always talked about it in a very indirect way, like this question in the 1700s would've sounded more like "what countries have the most morally licentious attitude towards life." Even that would've been considered a controversial question unless you talked to radical philosophers and academics. Back then it was more likely used as a statement of superiority. Like "the French aristocracy are known for their morally devious conduct in private." Do you actually think people are lying about North Korea and its some country with a relative level of freedom? Its a totalitarian country that has been condemned worldwide. Even China has been trying to distance itself from North Korea lately, although I don't know if its a moral thing for them. North Korea is an absolute shithole, we try to send humanitarian aid to North Korea because we hate to see their people starving and Kim Jong Un just takes it for himself. Its not like they don't have sex but its not like they have all that sexual of a culture either. I don't know where you're getting this idea that they are obsessed with presenting images of beautiful girls. To me they just seem obsessed with showing off military might. @JamesSD They don't wait until marriage. Brazilian girls usually just wait until they go on a date with a guy but they're extremely relaxed about making out with random guys. Like guys often go to nightclubs there or carnival celebrations and make out with several different girls but they don't take any of them home with them for sex. For sex you have to show the girl you'll commit to like a date for example but that's pretty much it. I'm not sure why people talk about girls all wanting to wait until marriage or stuff like that as if its a serious thing. Friends of mine from the Middle East say even most people in the Middle East don't really wait until marriage. And the guys who have harems of wives, yeah they do wait until marriage but its not like a very long wait for them lol, its just show up, get married and fuck. For all intents and purposes its almost as fast as a one night stand.
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6 years ago
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I will give IceyLoco a lot of credit however for the fact that he responded in a list format as the question asked, something nobody else did.
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6 years ago
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@IceyLoco Your theory assumes that people have a lot of leisure time to have fun in North Korea. Living there means you're basically a slave to the government, North Korean citizens are starving and can't even find food a lot of the time, a huge percentage of their population is in the military, and they have very repressive laws that control how people conduct themselves in pretty much every way possible. While I don't think the North Korean government cares as much about repressing sexuality as the Saudi government does, they really are not a sexualized culture in any way.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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@Nidan I'd say you can measure it by looking at laws, the dollar value of the sex industry and total number of prostitutes when compared to the population of the country, how frequently you see girls wearing revealing outfits, how frequently you see PDA and in what kinds of places (anywhere or just in nightclubs/bars), how common it is to see sexual themes or content in their non-pornographic media, how much of daily conversation revolves around sexuality. Stuff like that. Don't take private behavior into consideration. Only take into consideration how much sexuality makes its way into public life.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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@Cristobal Good question. I'd say think about how much sex seems to be important to that country and is it displayed semi or fully publicly. Don't think too much about private behavior. So take into account the size of that country's sex industry, how revealing the clothing that girls wear is, how sexualized their non-pornographic media is, how loose their laws are on sexual behavior, what levels of PDA are acceptable in their country, how much people talk about sex there. IceyLoco kind of has a point that we're not necessarily talking about what the most liberal country is but rather which country has the most sexualized culture.
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6 years ago
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
Rhode Island
IceyLoco ... when a troll persona falls apart
Looking at the past 50 posts for each user. We have... SJG: 3182 words. IceyLoco: 2014 words. Me: 5195 words. NiceSpice: 1947 words. Papi_Chulo: 1993 words.
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6 years ago
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Say yes to the sex industry!
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That was directed to IceyLoco I assume Nidan was referring to South Korean girls.