Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 23)
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
You're not getting the point of my argument.
Most of the world does not hold teenagers to wildly different standards from adults because the mindset of most of the world is that teenagers are young adults. So the norms created through law reflect the morals that adults are expected to live by as well. In Europe and South America, the norms for sex are pretty relaxed, so the idea of an adult sleeping with a teenager doesn't cause hysteria. In the Middle East, the culture is strict about sex, so sex outside of marriage in general is unauthorized and would cause a cultural backlash regardless of whether you're a teenager or an adult.
Where I take issue with American society's perspective on this issue, is that we want to have very relaxed sexual norms for adults. Adults can fuck dozens of people per year, they can engage in whatever kinks or relationships they want, a 50 year old can fuck a 20 year old but at least she's an adult. But we simultaneously expect teenagers to completely avoid sex, tell them to be abstinent, break up their relationships, try to delay the onset of their sexuality until they are 18, and treat adults who question this way of thinking as pedophiles trying to "destroy their innocence."
When I was in high school, all I ever got told was to not have sex until I was married, focus on your studies, don't watch porn, don't go to parties. Then I go to college, and the narrative completely flips on its head. Suddenly its "you should be out partying every day, fucking as many girls as you can, don't settle down until you're 30. In-fact, maybe skip out on marriage entirely. Single life is too much fun."
Its all a sign to me that helicopter parents in America just want to delay the maturity of their kids as long as possible. In their teenage years they're expected to act like children who ought not to have any sexual relationships. Then people give up on that narrative in their late teens and 20s and try to stunt their maturity again by telling them to not grow up, just stay single and fuck around instead of finding a nice wife and getting married.
People should not "start" thinking about marriage at 30. They should be setting the goal as marriage by their mid-late 20s so that they can actually successfully conceive a child. How the hell do people expect to conceive children if they don't even start trying to make one until they're 35-40 years old?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I never said that what the law says should be the sole basis of what we follow moral decisions on. In-fact, my argument is entirely against that. I posted that link because Americans have a tendency to think that because Americans treat 18 as the sacred age of consent that all other first world countries do too and the only countries who could possibly think differently from this "enlightened thinking" are barbaric third world nations. When in reality, the American way of thinking about the AOC is actually much more similar to those third world nations than it is to other first world nations.
discussion comment
5 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
21, approaching 22.
Tinder has really changed the game and not for the better. I've seen girls' Tinder profiles and they literally have upwards of 1,000+ matches in my medium sized college town. How is a guy supposed to compete with that?
I'd argue its probably just as bad in urban areas and that one should stay off Tinder entirely. Making real world approaches is a far more effective tactic.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
If somebody was to argue that the AOC should be moved to 20 years old. Is it creepy for someone to counter and say that 18 year olds are perfectly capable of consenting and that such a law stunts their maturity?
This is the same argument, simply different ages.
But you guys are okay with a sadist dating your daughter just because she's 18+? That to me is insane.
discussion comment
5 years ago
money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
To me it doesn't seem like there's many girls waiting to be plucked in college. They seem very closed off to me. Most of my friends have completely given up on the girls at my college and claim to have had more success when they broaden the search radius on their dating apps to girls from different areas and age ranges. Personally, I've had far more success with girls who are a few years removed from college than with college girls.
I'd actually argue that, far from the sexual paradise many have made it out to be, college is one of the most difficult times to get laid you'll ever have in your life. I definitely had it easier in high school, and when I have interacted with girls who are college graduates I have also had it easier.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
"@CC judging by the responses that you leave all over the interwebs, you still have a lot of growing up to do yourself, you aren't old enough nor do you have sufficient maturity, to be treated like a grownup at this point."
Let's say you're 100% right and I am mentally stunted by a few years. How much by? 2-4 we'll say? When I was 18 I paid a 28 year old woman to fuck me. According to the theory that I'm mentally stunted, the prostitute I paid had sex with a guy who was mentally 15 or 16. Did she rape me? Nah. She got paid, I got laid, I enjoyed myself, I moved on with my life.
When I was 15 and 16 myself, I used to tell older adults the AOC laws were excessively high and that if an older woman fucked me it would not be rape. People insisted that I was not old enough to consent and that "I would understand when I got older." Well, its five-six years later, where is this magical understanding that would supposedly come with age? I see nothing wrong with the reasoning my 15-16 year old self had. It seems to me that this supposed "understanding" is simply fear that people will use harsh ad hominem fallacies to force a conformity of ideas.
If you agree that there was a time when 16 year olds could've consented to sex, then how much sense does to make to say they magically can't anymore because we're more technologically advanced? If anything it makes sense that they are more capable of it because teenagers reach puberty at much earlier ages now than they used to and are exposed to way more information from an early age. Also, this isn't a first world vs third world country thing, this specifically is an American vs everybody else thing. Legally, it actually seems to be specifically the Western US vs everybody else thing.
So literally the entire world, except for a few American states, a handful of African countries, some Central American countries, and a few countries in Asia all agree that 16 is old enough. There is not a single country in Europe or South America besides Ireland that has an AOC higher than 16. Ironically, there's actually far more agreement from the third world with American beliefs on this specific subject than there is from other first world countries. What makes the rest of the world's 16 year olds capable of consent but the California teens specifically are not? And even if you could prove there's some reason why American teens can't but the rest of the world's can, isn't that more of a sign that there's something wrong with how we specifically are raising them instead of rest of the world?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
So treat your 16 year old like a grownup because according to nature, they are. Parents these days intentionally stunt their maturity to the point where it is unhealthy because they can't let go and allow them to grow up which is why you have some grown ass men these days acting so irresponsible.
And you really think that a 16 year old girl is safer around high school hormone monsters than she is around a 24 year old? Quite frankly I think you need to be far more worried about the boys her age who are way more likely to peer pressure her into drinking excessively or doing drugs than an older guy would.
And this isn't to say that you let any ole 24 year old date her. A guy of any age should be screened but I'm not gonna give a special consideration based on age unless it is wildly different. As for why he is choosing a 16 year old instead of a 22 year old. Who knows but I don't think it's nearly as much of a red flag as you are making it out to be. I dated and got along perfectly fine with a girl 6 years my senior. Human relationships don't always form in ideal circumstances but there's no need to intervene and destroy a human connection because you've been taught that people of certain ages shouldn't date each other.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Twisting her nipples til it hurts. Playing with them is fine. Its the pain aspect that I have a strong problem with.
And what is our basis for thinking that it can't possibly be consensual for someone well past the age of puberty to have sex? It seems to me this is just one of those things people have been told so many times and it is so socially taboo to question the sacredness of "18" that a legitimate debate can't be had on it. I don't see any benefit to treating a 16 year old like she's a child. One of my best friends' at the age of 16 moved out of his parents' house, went to college in a foreign country, and displayed far more maturity at 16 than I see lots of people in their 20s showing. 16 year olds are fully capable of behaving as proper young adults if people don't stunt their maturity like helicopter parents in America do. The idea of him at 16 being unable to consent is so absurd it's laughable.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
And I don't want her being surrounded by people who normalize that kind of behavior, making her think "oh it's kinky and fun."
Sex is fun. S&M is not. Linking the two does a tremendous disservice to the joys of sex.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Yeah I do have a problem with people not being concerned about it.
I plan on having a daughter someday. Long ways from now but I think far into the future. Now if my future daughter is 16 and a 24 year old guy falls in love with her. I'll be honest, I don't see what the big fucking deal is. Him being older than her does not mean he is incapable of loving and cherishing her as he should. If I think he's a nice guy, then I'm not gonna hold his age against him.
However, if I hear that some piece of shit gets off on slapping my future daughter around and twisting her nipples. I'm gonna shoot that fucking nigga's balls and I don't care if she told him it was okay. Loving someone and wanting to cause them pain is an inherent contradiction and I'm not interested in people's bullshit excuses for it. Honestly ask yourself if any man who gets pleasure out of hurting the woman he claims to love can possibly be a good person and you have your answer to why I think it's not okay.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
S&M is literally getting off on another person's pain yet people don't seem to be bothered by that for some reason? At least this guy isn't technically hurting anyone.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Because it needs to be government policy lmao.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
And I forgot to add if you fail to use this money for its sacred purpose. Yo ass is gonna lose it. We can't be having people spending hooker stamp money on useless shit.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
^Never have I been given a sweeter compliment. Thanks bro.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I've always thought Lady Marmalade was just a general song about sex. I've never connected it to prostitution.
Honestly, this song I posted and Pornstar Dancing are the only songs I've ever seen that is about prostitution and is just fun and doesn't try to be like "look how dark and depressing our world is!"
discussion comment
5 years ago
I feel like AssManJoe and APoopDeep have gotta be strip club buddies.
Question is, does APoopDeep want to gangbang a girl or get gang banged himself?
discussion comment
5 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
I like the southern girl accent and look. Not super deep southern accent but a mild-moderate one is pretty kawaii.
We should be funding government programs to help girls reach squeakier and higher pitched voices. The national debt can obviously wait.
discussion comment
5 years ago
New York
Lol at option 4.
I can never deal with the "kill" option it just feels too mean lol. I guess, marry Katie Lee, fuck Rachel Ray, and the other two can just cook me some food lol.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I've gotten the impression before that Indian and Egyptian guys have a particularly strong reputation in strip clubs for trying to get cheap extras.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I might've thought like that a year ago.
I think in our generation, and I've gotten the impression you're like me, on the younger side, we're overly concerned about whether the girl is being "authentic" so to speak.
For a lot of the guys I know and myself a year ago, the feeling was that if a girl didn't make out with them or have sex with them because she genuinely thinks he is a great guy, it ruins the whole thing.
The way I see it now though... Sex is scarce, I don't have time to be picky about how or why I got it. So now, I just take what I can get and pursue opportunities when it presents itself to me. In situations like this, I've learned, psychologically that you enjoy yourself a lot more if you don't concern yourself a whole lot with what her motivations might have been. Maybe she wants money, free drinks, seemed like a fun thing to do at the moment, doesn't matter. As long as she's consenting, I say just enjoy it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Baby steps @SJG
Decriminalize prostitution first. Change will naturally flow from there.
discussion comment
5 years ago
New York
Some advertisements are meant to bring in customers...
Others seem designed to drive them away.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Until US strip clubs are looking like Tijuana Hong Kong, the mission is incomplete :)
And none of that $1,000 per hour shit in Nevada.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Yeah a lot of those girls strike me as really spontaneous, spur of the moment type girls. They might say they want to meet you with every intention of doing so, but when it comes time to do so, they might be hungover, they might be busy, or maybe they just felt like going to IHop instead.
The hottest at any strip club? I don't know, I've seen some stunning girls at strip clubs before. I met this one girl who looked like a mix between Ariana Grande and Mila Kunis. That girl was one of the hottest girls I've ever seen. In the 9/10 to 10/10 range. That being said, the girl I made out with I'd say there are plenty of strip clubs out there where she would've been the hottest girl working.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Let's face it too, stereotypes are pretty funny lmao.