
Comments by BitCoinHodler (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    This is why Bitcoin: An infinite amount of dollars
    By write me off you mean give up on me ever buying into bitcoin, which would be a true assumption for you to make. I'd like to point out to anyone who reads any of FTS's posts that his goal is not to discuss the merit of bitcoin as a currency but instead to sell it you since you buying into it would increase his holdings too. If his goal were to discuss the merit of bitcoin he'd respond to my posts.
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    4 years ago
    New York
    Trump wants to reopen economy by Easter
    Depends on the stimulus passed. States like Mississippi are fucking us over, Connecticut was one of the first states to go on lockdown and the fact that Mississippi and Florida dragged their feet will probably just extend our quarantine unless we isolate states from the general population. Easter is far out enough that Trump can see how bad it is and extend it. Mississippi in my opinion will be ground zero for the pandemic soon enough with their 20% poverty rate and their obesity rate. Everyone stay safe, hoping we can quarantine Mississippi because their inaction will doom us all to an even longer quarantine.
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    4 years ago
    This is why Bitcoin: An infinite amount of dollars
    I do not see an issue with desertscrub's grammar and I said in an earlier thread with you that grammar corrections do not add anything to a conversation so it is best to avoid them. Americans do not actively think that if they do not spend the dollar they have it would be worth ninety seven cents in a year, they spend money because at the end of the month they have left over money after paying their Bill's. Bitcoin does nothing to solve this issue. However, bitcoin would come with the con that in times of dire need a central authority could not print more to keep individuals and/or companies afloat. Thank you for your facts, they were very nice to look at.
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    4 years ago
    This is why Bitcoin: An infinite amount of dollars
    I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of my intelligence, hopefully one day I can redeem myself. The truth is many countries from China to Iran to Spain have deemed it better to shutdown the economy than let Covid-19 spread. To answer your question regarding how long we can shutdown non-essential businesses its basically indefinitely as long as there is a central authority who can provide for them( ie the fed who can print money to keep them a float). If bitcoin were the main currency this would not be possible. Of course in practice people would get bored and stir crazy from not working so I think they can only be kept this way for a couple of months. I understand your frustration with this whole situation, FTS, perhaps you can use this as an opportunity to learn about economics?
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    4 years ago
    This is why Bitcoin: An infinite amount of dollars
    I like having a central authority there to control the economy when things go to shit. If bitcoin were the primary currency during the corona pandemic a central authority couldn't provide stimulus to those that need it. IMO this crisis shows why bitcoin is not the answer.
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    4 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Even more cult like behavior of a bitcoin hodler that calls people who own bitcoin the new global elite. Ponzi scheme and cult in one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/fnejc5/its_a_pleasure_to_hodl_with_you_gentlement/
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What to do with those stimulus checks.
    Knowing how competent Trump is I wouldn't be surprised if checks were sent out graveyards.
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    4 years ago
    Should we still fear Coronavirus ?
    Yes with how Floridas been handling all of this I think us here in the northeast will either have to quarantine longer or deal with a bounce back outbreak. Covid isn't going anywhere.
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    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What to do with those stimulus checks.
    I'm probably just going to throw it into a sp500 index. Clubs being closed means I save alot of money so I might as well add into my sports car fund.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Reddit thread celebrating retailers who accept bitcoin, first comment is about how they dont actually accept bitcoin. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/fmzbtn/stores_accepting_bitcoin_some_accept_other/ Post note, notice how Amazon is NOT one of them on this list. If the door to door bitcoin salesmen lie about buying something on Amazon using bitcoin what else are they lying about? Make sure to do your own research! They're trying to get you into a decentralized ponzi scheme!
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    4 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Omg yes! Some fresh comedy godl! "Creepard references Goldman sachs banker to help validate his life choices." Please read into sarcastic quotation mark usage. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/Sarcastic+quotation+marks
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    4 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Sir this is not a chain to talk about blockchain fundies this is supposed to be about memes. I'd bite if there could be higher concentration of comedy godl per minute in a video, this is just two crypto "experts" jerking each other off on how "this is good for bitcoin". See my first post on how crypto door to door salesmen are taught that no matter what everything is good is crypto. Now having said all that, amazon doesn't bitcoin.
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Crypto is down during this crisis but holy hell WTF is this meme. https://i.redd.it/9bvgqy6jfqn41.jpg
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    5 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Everything is closing in my location
    Bars and restaurants ordered to close till end of month (atleast). I'm on furlough for 2 weeks atleast, most likely more. Thankfully I get unemployment and I have some hefty savings. Everyone should be self quarantining right now. It's going to get worse and soon NYC will look like Italy
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    5 years ago
    New York
    NY, NJ, CT Jointly Ban Crowds Over 50, Dining Out, Gyms
    For what it's worth I support the decision and wish they'd done it sooner. People either need to take personal responsibility and save/stock up for these things as conservatives want or we need to have strong social safety nets to lower the impact of these events as liberals want. Ideally a mix of both.
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Bitcoiners see its value plummeting from corona. Still desperately to spin it as bitcoin doing its job. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/fihfn5/to_all_who_lost_faith_in_btc_because_of_the/
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    5 years ago
    what's your longest TIME you stayed at a strip club at once?
    I once stayed at Desires in Providence RI for like 6 hours. It's a regulars club to the extreme and they have free food plus pretty good drink deals so I went there to watch some nfl games. Entire time I was there no dancer approached me.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Reddit user starts to question whether or not bitcoin is a true store of value. This is bitcoins first true test through a global crisis, I hope it doesn't kill it forever, I still have more comedy godl I'd like to mine. I'm kind of stuck in a weird place with bitcoin because when the price goes up the bitcoin manchildren are more likely to actually talk to me, when it goes down they stay in their caves :(. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/fhf4qj/shouldnt_corona_make_bitcoin_more_valuable/
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    5 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Democrats to win 2020, no more Donald Trump
    Virginia primaries 70% increase from 2016 primaries is a positive sign for Democrats. Usually the higher turnouts favor them. Looks like the party is energized to beat Trump.
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    In the latest episode of you cant make this shit up, Craig Wright claims attorney client privilege and points to the LinkedIn of Kenyan lawyer which reads "I am lawyer" I think I've gotten more enjoyment out of crypto laughing at the people in the space than most have gotten "investing" in it. https://coinfomania.com/judge-quashes-craig-wrights-i-am-lawyer-linkedin/
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    It would have been hilarious if Craig Wright had the keys to the genesis block basically proving he was Satoshi or had close ties to him. I think given his court case if he were Satoshi he'd prove his keys by now so it's safe to say he isn't. Wright simultaneously created a coin more useful than Bitcoin yet more scammy at the same time.
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Are you sure you're the king of the trolls? Satoshi got a bunch of losers to buy into some imaginary internet coins which turned into some weird cult. Satoshi is the greatest troll ever and creator of some of the best comedy godl. If you told a hodler bitcoin was a scam they'd have the same reaction as someone from ISIS being told Allah wasn't real. Look at this very obvious cult like thread. This is honestly something that's very fascinating to watch in real time. https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ffrese/just_a_reminder_the_yearly_btc_fud_campaign_is/
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Amazon doesn't accept bitcoin. Here's a funny reddit thread about people in a mlm scheme encouraging people not to cash out their funbux https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/ffhyro/buy_1_bitcoin_hodl_safely_forget_the_price_then/
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    I think it's the same idiots who dont know how bitcoin works you referenced in an earlier comment.
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    5 years ago
    Official Bitcoin FUD thread 2020 Q1
    Yeah, can you believe there are people out there who think Amazon accepts bitcoin when they very clearly dont?