
Comments by orionsmith (page 8)

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    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    Tx you are a dumbass, I didn't mention how many decades ago that was. If you weren't referring to my post, just forget it. Minimum wage back then was about $3 an hour so it was still good money for a high school student. Back then we weren't given anything by our parents. We had to work for anything we wanted, plus do work around the house for no money. Young people today are spoiled.
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    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    In high school, I worked a job cutting grass on a whole city block that took about 4 hours working fast and got paid $18 for the job. Nowadays, a relatives old homeowners association charges about 100 residents 120 a quarter to pay a company $900 a week to cut grass on a lot less land. They occasionally trim bushes and put out some pine straw. Sounds like a rip off to me. I was seriously underpaid though years ago.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    I will need to sell my house to reduce mortgage payments. Just trying to figure out which loan companies work with you if you buy first then sell. I could sell first and store all my furniture but that costs money. One company said they could rework the loan for $100 but they likely charge more in interest. Considering I used up a lot of my life savings while unemployed and might only have 18 years before being forced to retire, and spending a lot on hotels, gas, etc, feel kind of poor trying to move to a much higher cost of living area. Started off making only 26k a year graduating college in a recession. I'm used to low cost of living areas and not spending much.
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    5 years ago
    New York
    Rate this girl
    She looks good to me but I haven't been to a strip club in a long time now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I am depressed
    I haven't heard of any major issues on the ground in South America or people dropping dead of radiation so I'm not going to worry about it. I have fun speculating though.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I am depressed
    Don't worry if the magnetic poles flip and cause increased radiation, the government will try to keep it secret or downplay the hazard. I won't bother posting links to the data scientist that believes it may happen this year or within the next 5 to 7 years nor the link to the anonmaly over South America that nasa and satellite companies already know about. All the other stuff is unlikely in our lifetimes. If you can't conclude that, I won't comment,
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ot Getting Short Changed
    Just a year ago I remember I thought I was splurging if I spent two bucks on a McDonald's shake while unemployed so I get upset if I think someone is cheating me. When money is tight, it's hard to forget. When I ate out back then, it was only the one dollar cheap hamburgers, no fries, no shake, and if I wanted potatoes, I could fix some mashed potatoes from potato flakes and water.
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    5 years ago
    Ot Getting Short Changed
    She brought straws over instead of a bucket of beer. Too lazy or wanted to save ice and the bucket. Not sure which it was, she was hot and very busy, probably part of the problem. Apparently can't remember counts too well, hence she gives people straws if they order a bucket. Problem comes up if she takes a straw away when taking away an empty bottle instead of dropping it off. I didn't think she did it on purpose but I did wonder. I wasn't happy with the experience.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Ot Getting Short Changed
    I had a waitress the other night at a bar and grill try to short change me on they bucket of beer I bought. Apparently she had trouble remembering beer counts and didn't want to bring out an actual bucket to put 5 beers in. She would straws. I had to ask for the beer which was usually brought out one at a time. At one point I asked for a beer. She came over took the empty bottle and a straw. I'm thinking hold on now, she should only take a straw if that's her counting method when she brings a beer. Sure enough she kept the straw and got several other people drinks. Then after 10 minutes brought my beer over and then took the last straw. When I asked for the fifth beer, she said I already had 5. Trying to cheat me. After I spoke up, she suddenly says something about remembering but took another 10 minutes to bring the beer. I didn't care for all that. If she hadn't been hot, probably would have been a lot more upset about it all. Going to avoid going back and have her wait on me though, if I change my mind, not going to order their bucket of beer special.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I am depressed
    Good luck. I once had a local job, now travel about 500 miles a week staying in hotels a lot and some are cheap hotels paying out of my pocket while saving up for a down payment in a much higher cost of living area. Meanwhile responsible for paying bills for a relative who will run out of money within 2 to 3 years or possibly die or have to go on Medicaid to pay for it all. We never thought about her having to go on Medicaid. She won't have anything left and the family may have to pay thousands if any penalties before going on. Life can suck but we're still alive. I'm making more money but spending a lot more staying in hotels for work and paying for food, gas etc. Truth is almost no one cares about other people's problems if it isn't their own. I haven't had time or Ive been too tired to visit a strip club in what seems like months. No one cares except strippers who aren't making money off of me anymore. I'm wondering if I can work until I'm 70. I heard many people get forced into early retirement long before then. If I die old and broke, I doubt hardly anyone will care. However I'm still optimistic about the future. Got to have hope that things will get better. I'm reading the Earths magnetic poles maybe getting ready to shift, possibly causing cosmic radiation to bombard the Earth. There is already an weak field over South America where satellite companies lock down equipment due to increased cosmic radiation as satellites travel through the area. Just imagine if all our electricity went out. Imagine high doses of radiation where it wasn't safe to fly on airplanes. What is the actual poles shifted and the equator was in a new spot and the oceans rose 600 feet due to the earths bulge around the equator. Lots of bad things happen. Enjoy the moment. Pray the worst doesn't happen. Be thankful we can still use our electronic devices. It can get a lot worse. Hey we're still all alive and we have food, air conditioning, etc. when Trump was elected, some thought we were going to have a nuclear war. I probably would have expected that if Hillary had won. Except I think the Russians would have ended the US andHillary. They might have done a sneak attack and knocked out US power. Let us all fight it out for food and water and kill ourselves off. Projections are 90% dead if we lose power for a whole year.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    White Privilege: Fact or Myth?
    I was getting unemployment assistance not that long ago. Certainly not rich. Go ahead and claim everyone is a spoiled white complainer though.c it's racist in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    White Privilege: Fact or Myth?
    I don't see it as an advantage when 3 out of 4 candidates are say white males and the fourth iis female or a minority and if all equally qualified, I believe the female and minority have better odds of getting hired. That's what I call a female and minority advantage. It's not fair. Hiring in my opinion should be based on qualifications and have nothing to do with sex or race. However that would violate our laws.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Everything written by this member is a fact.
    White Privilege: Fact or Myth?
    . I see other groups as having a black advantage or female advantage. The only white advantage I can think of is if you have a ton of money and want to move to a racist neighborhood. The old white guy is one of the first to get let go as a cost savings in a big company. They make sure to fire entire departments or the second oldest, not the oldest to make sure statistics are on their side before there is only one old white guy left and he has to successfully train his replacement too. They constantly manage quotas to make sure there are enough minority groups and females. If there are almost equally qualified people and one is a white male versus female or minority, they are going to likely forget the white guy. He gets shafted. Happens all the time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are dancers running out of stage names to use?
    Star Trek dancer fans could pick names like 7 of 9, 6 of 9, etc, etc. Fans of monopoly could pick names like Board Walk, Park Place, etc, and make jokes about what customers get if they find the dancer called Go. Greek Goddess fans could look up various names. Any regular female name sound better than those originally mentioned.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Hmmm, this thread is making me hungry for pizza. When I was in college, any leftover pizza was still good for breakfast. Nowadays if I have leftovers, I put it in the fridge. Worst drink I made in college was chocolate milk with vanilla instant breakfast. Best unusual drink was Miller lite and vanilla instant breakfast. I had to improvise when I ran out of milk with the instant breakfast stuff.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    $60 a night? Isn't that close to minimum wage? Considering I've known strippers who only work 3 or 4 nights a week, doesn't seem like much.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    There should be are you a stripper making upper class income with no taxes calculator too. I bet the income level drops low if you pay little to no income tax.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    Prices in California and New York would make me feel poor. Relatives in California looking at house that is less than 900 sq ft. I think that's like a garage and a room in the Carolinas unless you buy a shed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Quotes from texts from dancers (and what they really mean)
    Another I've heard, " Where have you been?" She's been missing my spending.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    On the other hand if you go to a strip club and convince a stripper you have lots of cash, you will be upper class as far as she is concerned.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    There are probably some cash poor upper income people with all their cash tied up in mortgage payments and other payments. I remember my younger brother who was married probably making as much or probably more than me asking his wife if he could spend $25. I thought woahh, that is like being broke or letting your wife control all the money. I'd hate to see new socialist democrats call me upper class. If I am, just a little bit of inflation without indexing and those making 38k a year can get there too. Then watch out. I don't consider myself upper class even though I'm saving a lot right now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    I think they simply used twice the medium income which is probably around half the 78k number for one person to count one person as upper class. 38k seems like close to poverty levels where you get Income assistance for health care etc.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    I always thought upper class, I'd be swimming in money, maybe making over 150k a year or more,far above anything I'm making now.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    I was making a lot less just last year so that might be part of it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Are you considered part of the upper class of the US? New article may surprise
    Don't care for the crap at the prices I see that is, stupid auto correct