
Comments by ArtsBrother

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Gold Investing
    Included in my brother's estate was a substantial assortment of gold coins. Kruger rands, American Double Eagles, British sovereigns, and Canadian Maple Leafs. When I sold the coins the Maple Leafs sold at the smallest discount to spot gold prices of all the coins in the collection. The Maple Leafs are the purest gold bullion coins currently available in the market - five 9s fine i.e. 99.999% purity. I can't tell you the premium that would be paid upon purchasing Maple Leafs. Maple Leafs are available in sizes ranging from one tenth of an ounce up to one full ounce. The Kruger rands and British sovereigns sold at a much larger discount to the spot gold price than did the Maple Leafs. The double eagles were not bullion coins; they were commercial $20 strikes for general circulation from various years in the late 19th and early 20th centuries (none were numismatic rarities).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Burner phones - should I get a new one?
    Don't mock the Blackberry. As far as I know Blackberry's encryption has never been hacked or compromised in any manner. I can still use mine and I absolutely love the keyboard. I detest any device that requires touchscreen manipulation.
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    6 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    what are some of yawl's favorite websites
    economist.com theglobeandmail.com lemonde.fr calgaryherald.com bbc.com lapresse.ca cbc.ca faz.net sueddeutsche.de
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    The physicist Stephen Hawking has died at 76
    Anybody here ever read 'A Brief History Of Time' and............understand it? I did and.........I didn't.
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    6 years ago
    Strippers' Many Names
    @JohnSmith69, Your point about travel is exactly what perplexes me about Toronto Sweetie's various names. She traveled with Art using one identity and returned to Slovenia using a different identity. Dual nationality I can readily accept but not international travel using two different identities, the implication being that a false passport was used. That suggests familiarity with some sort of underworld. As suggested in another comment, there is more than usual stripper stuff going on with this woman. Whatever it is, I am done with the matter and I will never get to the bottom of it.
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    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Why aren't we talking more about the "Hey" Text
    Regarding Huntsman's suggestion that "hey" is a Scandinavian corruption of "nay" - I doubt that. "Hej" is Swedish for "Hi" and is pronounced as "hey". "Adjo" is Swedish for "Bye" and is pronounced "ay-doh".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    New Jersey, near the Shore
    Your Education
    Very interesting thread for a strip club discussion board. My brother was TUSCL member FarmerArt. Art finished high school when he was 15 and immediately went to work in the oil industry. Over the years he acquired 3 trade tickets and made himself competent in 3 other skilled trades. He started his own company, built it to a great value, and died a very rich man. He was definitely a 'doer'. During his life he read so many books that he educated himself to what I think was a post-graduate degree level. I went the academic education route. I have a BA and MA in history. I completed my PhD thesis but when time came to present it for discussion, argument, and defense I completely turtled. I have never had any job that made use of my academic education. My lifetime job? Letter carrier at the Post Office. My education did teach me to think, to do research, and it gave me broad knowledge about many subjects. It also made me a curious man. All these traits made me a successful investor. I retired with comfortable income from my investments, an income much greater than my measly post office pension. I really had no need of the inheritance that I received from my brother Art. Two brothers, two years apart in age, two different education stories. One brother a strip club hound, one brother not.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    If my brother Art were still alive he would wish you well, Shadowcat.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    The Final Story About FarmerArt And His Toronto Sweetie
    Several of you guys asked for more stories about my brother. Since posting this article I have learned a likely(?) source of much of Art's secret horde of cash that paid for the gift to Toronto Sweetie. I passed on a lengthy version of this story via PMs to a few guys that Art shared correspondence with over the years. For any others that are interested, a poker game in Wyoming in the 1970s was the most likely source of the cash. I recently met one of Art's old buddies who was present at that game and he suggested that Art took away at least US$2,000,000 from that night of poker. Other details that I know about my brother suggest that this poker story is most probably true. Art's gambling was nothing like the penny ante shit that the idiot Juice crows about.
  • article comment
    6 years ago
    The Final Story About FarmerArt And His Toronto Sweetie
    @Papi_Chulo: There was no way in hell that I would have made an electronic transfer of such an amount to a person with so many different names. I was only ever going to give the cash personally to the woman that Art had introduced me to at Calgary Int'l. For all those asking me to post more stories about my brother, I don't have any more stripper stories to tell you. I learned Art's stripper stories only when I read his archive here on TUSCL. I could tell lots of business and family stories about Art but those stories would be of little interest to you strip club junkies. Just know that Art led an unusual life with several outrageous episodes of business and work drama that push believability to the furthest outer limits. Art and I were more than just brothers, we were best buds; but like all brothers and best buddies we didn't know all that there was to know about each other. Like - Why did you sock away almost $3,000,000 cash in your basement safe, Art? Or - Why did you give $250,000 of that cash to Toronto Sweetie?