Strippers' Many Names

avatar for ArtsBrother
I recently posted an article about my brother, FarmerArt, and his favourite stripper that he called his "Toronto Sweetie". Art knew two names for this stripper, her dancer name and her "real" name. After Art's death I was tasked with finding this stripper to give her some money from Art. Turned out that the "real" name was bogus but I got a third (and different) name from the club when I attempted to track down Toronto Sweetie. Another bogus name so I turned over the search to a private detective. The detective unearthed yet another name that led eventually to tracking the stripper back to her native country in Europe.

I finally met Toronto Sweetie in January to give her the money from Art and asked her about all these names. She wouldn't say a word about all the names. All she said to me - "My name is Pauela." That name, by the way, did not figure in any of the other numerous names for this stripper that I and the detective had unearthed. I counted 5 different names for this stripper when all was said and done.

What gives with all this intricate web of names for strippers?


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They're strippers, it's not supposed to make sense.
avatar for K
New Jersey
7 years ago
She picks a name because she doesnt want to use her real name. She wants to be the only one with that name. As she works other clubs she will need new names if her chosen name is already taken. I have been told some clubs assign names.

Sometimes they get bored of a name or think it doesn't suit the image they wish to project.
Most strippers have 3 names: (1) Stage name--"Candy", (2) real name--"Amy", (3) fake real name--"Mandy." They use a stage name for privacy. Stripping carries a stigma. Dancers don't want their families and friends in real life to know what they do. They also want to protect their identity from customers who may harass or stalk them. Dancers have a fake real name to give to customers who keep asking them what their real name is. Some customers won't take no for an answer and so the dancers will give these guys a fake real name. (I have learned never to ask a stripper for her real name. If she want me to know it, she will tell me on her own.)

Strippers may change their names often. A dancer will change her stage name when she goes to a club where another dancer uses the same name. Or when she wants to hide from a stalker customer or ex-boyfriend or ex-husband. Or hide from the cops. A dancer can change her fake real name at will, perhaps on a whim. Dancers also can marry and change their last name. Or change their names completely to reinvent themselves or to hide from stalkers or the law.

Dancers have good reason to protect their identities. And often bad reasons too.

Obviously 99.9% of dancers use a stage name for privacy purposes. But when there are as many layers as the case Art's Brother encountered, there's clearly more to the story - criminal past, or trying to avoid family or an ex come to mind as most likely, but we can only speculate.

It's probably not the case with Pauela, but I've hypothesized that a significsnt percentage of dancers suffer from Emotional Intensity Disorder (aka Borderline Personality Disorder). One of its characteristics is issues of identity, which could account for multiple aliases/ frequent name changes. Other symptoms include unstable relationships and substance abuse/self-harm - both of which are practically cliches where dancers are concerned.
I found it funny one time my atf at the time called me up telling me her ex bf had called the cops on her because she left him for hitting her....apparently she had a misdemeanor arrest warrant for not reporting to jail or something like that. The ex had a friend who was a cop who owed him a favor, normally the cops wouldn't even bother with a call like that for an out-of-county warrant...Anyway, the club immediately changed her name and when the cops came in they hid her too lol...She called me and told me to come and get her....I swung buy and she snuck out the back in a hoody...I found it very fascinating that these clubs likely don't even have many of the girls real names or check ID or citizenship or run a background check...
I found they’re hiding from LE when they change names frequently, because sites like TUSCL and USA sex guide will have reviewers share details. They change it up in hopes LE won’t crack down on them.

At the Hiliter in PHX, Amanda was a well known provider driving an expensive car. Suddenly she changed her name to Stephanie, and the next time I heard they called her “fired” for getting caught having sex in VIP.

I saw her at another club, but can’t remember the stage name but she did change it once again. Who knows what her real name is. For old time mongerers who fell in love with her, she was at Christie’s in Tempe last I saw of her. Problem is, I don’t know if Christie’s has a private VIP to work things out.
"I have learned never to ask a stripper for her real name. If she want me to know it, she will tell me on her own."

Most of my long term favs have ended up telling me their "real" names, often in connection with showing me a picture or post on one of her personal social media accounts (facebook, instagram, etc.) where I would see her name anyway. Don't think it means anything except she's comfortable with you and doesn't consider you a potential stalker.
"But when there are as many layers as the case Art's Brother encountered, there's clearly more to the story"

That's what I was thinking. Seems that Art's Brother was talking more about actual aliases than just stage names.
While strippers often have many names, it is fairly rare for a PL to have an well established long term otc relationship with a stripper who has given him a false name. It would make me wonder if any of my regulars gave me a fake name, but in my case that is unlikely. I take my best providers on trips and they have to give me their real info to buy a plane ticket. TSA doesn’t accept stripper names.
I never asked for real name...But I end up getting it...I usually run a background check just for I've never actually got a fake "real name"....But I'm sure if I was asking, I'd be getting fake.
My favorite was my CF who told everyone her bf was in prison for attempted murder...She'd then make fun of him because he failed...other guys at the club used to tell me, watch out for the bf, he's dangerous...only thing is, I met the bf and he was job, always high, not intimidating at all...and when I ran his background, nothing....bunch of SS
avatar for ArtsBrother
7 years ago

Your point about travel is exactly what perplexes me about Toronto Sweetie's various names. She traveled with Art using one identity and returned to Slovenia using a different identity. Dual nationality I can readily accept but not international travel using two different identities, the implication being that a false passport was used. That suggests familiarity with some sort of underworld.

As suggested in another comment, there is more than usual stripper stuff going on with this woman. Whatever it is, I am done with the matter and I will never get to the bottom of it.

I have never asked a dancer her real name, but well over 50% have volunteered it. I have often wondered if they gave me a fake real name to somehow make me feel “special.” I have even had a couple show me their drivers license to prove it. Of course fake DLs aren’t that hard to come, but I did believe the ones that showed me their DL (although I still don’t know why they did it—I certainly didn’t ask).
Could be her multiple names had to do with where she was from - either is something people do in her country for w/e reason, or maybe b/c she was an immigrant in Canada and didn't have legal status and used fake identifications to maneuver in the system..
And yeah, often times the more one digs into a dancer's personal/real life, the more they wish they hadn't.
^^^ Papi +1
avatar for rh48hr
7 years ago
What jackslash said. I knew one who's "real name" was too fake to be real.

I also had my ATF who used her real name as her stage name. I saw her drivers license and she had her name on her license plate.
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