
Comments by TFP (page 149)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    I am permanetely ruined for u. s mongering part 1
    So glorious! Man you came with a ton of cash. No way you weren't gonna have a good time. Can't wait for part 2, part 1 on it's own already sounds like most people's entire trip.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Sucker for a pretty face and a big butt
    Wanted to check out the changes
    Topless in Northern CA sucks, period.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    DD Review
    Great review, thanks for being open and honest. I've had the same issue in regards to getting it up in a hurry. Which is why I'm looking forward to my TJ trip. Unlike the US I can just buy the vitamin V in Mexico like it's a candy bar and not have to worry about performance issues. I'm glad your doc was able to hook you up and I hope to have the same worry less time you did the second time around.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    August 5th (night) and 6th
    I agree with everything 623 said in regards to Tigerr. Detailed reports might repeat some info but they usually always touch up or update the status on other things. And yes, I'm sure we'd all love some detailed reports on your trips down to South America. That is something we don't get to read about much on this site. Thank you, Liwet, for the detailed and honest trip report. Wanabefrank and Echopizza already touched on the things I noticed. Mainly that the Mina girl and germaphobes in general sound horrible. I wouldn't have tipped her at all. Two, a seven hour drive sounds awful also. At that point, a flight is definitely better timewise and energy wise. Three, the prices you paid seem way above the normal, based just on reading other folks reviews. And finally, I'd no doubt grab the little blue pill or Cialis to make sure I enjoy this paradise to the fullest. Thanks again for the report!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Cherry in the rough
    Excellent! I've yet to get a chance to check this place out during a weekday or even daytime. I didn't recognize any of the names you listed. But sounds like a great time was had. I never noticed the 'touching not permitted' sign but I'm glad $10 extra per dances makes them drop that rule. I am a super gropey mofo so I think I got my $10 worth with every girl I danced with and my hands were never brushed away. How many girls were there on a Wednesday afternoon?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    I Like the New Stage
    Fantastic! Thanks for the review!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    Cheetahs revisited
    You're a good sport. Me? I'd take all my lessons and experience over the years to never visit a club like this again. But for you, I get it. Eh, I guess nostalgia will do that to you. If you were visiting your parents in the East Bay wouldn't the clubs in SF be closer? I know you'd have to cross the bridge, but still closer and more mileage. I just can't bring myself to buy a dance unless I can seriously manhandle some boobs.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Snowbunny saved the day
    623 TBH Sapphire and Rhino were the only two clubs I visited this trip to Vegas. I've read that smaller clubs like Palomino and Chicas Bonita's are cheaper, but I didn't feel like venturing that far north. I know you said Crazy Horse III was cheaper. I last visited there in 2016 and mostly encountered the same pricing: $20 floor dances, $200 half hour VIP, and I don't remember if they have a two drink minimum for their VIP or not. However since I mostly went at off peak hours and days I wanted to be sure I'd still have a good pick of hotties. SR never disappoints, whereas Sapphire had much less to choose from at those hours.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Larger than life
    ^^^^aka it sounds like a club ad. I thought the same thing at first. But then if you check his other reviews, you see he just enjoys beautiful women and a good time and doesn't complain about much. It's a good way to be. However, another patron might quickly find out about those unmentioned negatives once they visit the same club.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    North Carolina
    High priced but it’s vegas
    ^^^^^He is correct, unfortunately. Found this disappointing news out 5 days ago.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Snowbunny saved the day
    DeclineToState yeah this is the biggest club I've ever been to. On Friday/Saturday night there are so many women your head will actually spin. That is because you'll be constantly looking in every direction at wall to wall hotties. You'll get approached every 10 seconds on average, you'll see all the chairs occupied, customers with their dancers straight molesting them all out on the open floor. The place is packed, the music is loud, the liquor is expensive as fuck, but it's still somehow a great time. It's not a place you'd want to be a regular in. Sapphire, as well as Spearmint Rhino have been labeled tourist traps. But when you think about it, damn near every attraction in Vegas is an overpriced tourist trap. $60 buffets, $15 roller coaster rides, $40 giant ferris wheel rides (Hi roller). So these massive clubs for right in with the theme. Thankfully the women are so plentiful and beautiful you don't feel bad for spending much more than you would at your local club. It's a great time as long as you don't visit too often. markydesade yeah I don't think they'll be changing their prices anytime soon, unless it's in the upward direction. I complain about Treasures $100 four drink minimum for their VIP in almost every review of that club posted here. Yet they're still in business and profiting. Sapphire won't be going anywhere anytime soon even though they also adopted this four drink minimum for the VIP. I'll leave those two clubs to the high rollers, that's probably what they want anyway. I'll take myself to Spearmint Rhino whenever I'm in town. Until they also adopt a four drink minimum. Then I'll visit any of the other numerous clubs they have.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Sunday funday
    Sounds like a great time! Can't expect to them all to give the stellar GFE experience like Sky.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Quiet Sunday
    I always thought one of the most heartbreaking Vikings moments would be that missed kick by Gary Anderson vs the Falcons in the playoffs during the 98 season. The Vikings should have easily won it all that year.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Quiet Sunday
    Tommy01 to each their own. No one will be looking to bar you from the group for anything that heightens your experience at a club, unless it's harmful to yourself or others. You appreciate a dancer who makes the effort to actually try to learn some stuff about you. It certainly does feel better than just 'wanna dance?' Cool review, thanks for posting!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    District of Columbia
    Double dances are a rip off. Never do them. And never catch a cab or Uber to the club in Vegas. Always call for a limo directly from the club so your cover fee is waved. Even after all that, yes, Vegas is expensive and these women are straight sharks.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    Classy club in the South Bay
    Ha, crazy to go back and read this review. I live somewhat close to this club and would never be caught dead in it. No touching for a $45 dance??!! FUCK that! And your last line.....about giving TJ a try someday. Glad 'someday' came along for you and helped you produce one of the best reviews I've ever read.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    First experience at PM
    Nice review! The part about her looking down not bothering you actually mirrors my feelings......sometimes. A lot of guys don't like dead fish girls. I prefer a girl that's into it as well. But if she's fine enough, the simple fact that she's allowing me to bang her is enough turn on for me, even if it is just for money.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    Wow, found a diamond in the rough
    Sounds like this club is a great time also. Not HK level or anything, but at least there's FS to be had.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    My Prilgrimage To The Holy City of Tijuana, Part 2
    Excellent. Simply excellent writing. I was almost disappointed when you wrote that you wanted one more round the next morning but felt drained. I want to read more, damnit! Haha but seriously, good stuff. Now I gotta check out your other reviews and see if any of those even sound like they came close to the amount of fun you had here.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Life is short, bald and smelly
    My Prilgrimage to the Holy City of Tijuana, Part 1
    Dude, this review is almost on Echopizza's level. Amazingly written! I can't wait for the next part. And I can't wait for September 12th to finally be here so I can work on the details of my own review. It won't be nearly as good as yours or Echo's but I'll try to at least include the juicy stuff.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Wow, that's terrible. Sorry you wasted your money. However, I can tell you that it would have been a waste even of you got there 3 hours earlier. This club is too expensive, and the dancers aren't even that hot. Had you heard the prices for dances, or a 30 minute VIP you would have probably ran out of there screaming.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    15 Minute Backroom VIP session
    The brothels in the desert are an even bigger ripoff! Don't go! You'd be better off visiting an AMP and getting FS from one of the Asian girls. I can't get a handle on the prices here. Sometimes I read that the 30 minute VIP is $200 plus two drink minimum (now $53 instead of $50). Other times I read it's $250 + mandatory two drinks. I wonder which one it really is? I'll be in Vegas in 2 nights and definitely plan on finding this out myself.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Nice and Spicey
    Great review! Probably the first I've read that stars a prominent dancer on the discussion boards. You had me at 'large breasted women'. THAT, is what I love! Nicespice definitely looks like she's stacked well, but the pasties would ruin it for me. You said your time here in the club with a person who possibly knows you better than most based on your postings was different. Well I can say that just commenting on this review is different. Because usually I'd ask my usual questions. Which sound pervy now but I'd have no shame if it were a dancer I wasn't familiar with. Usually I'd say how was the mileage? Were you able to freely grope boobs and ass? But since it's Nicespice I won't bother. Come to think of it, I'm glad none of my favorite dancers post on here. I think it would change the feeling. Weird to explain. Thanks for the review!
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
    I Would Camp In Their Parking Lot If I Could
    Excellent review! Wow, those women remembered you from two years ago??!!! Maybe they don't go through as many guys as I thought. Either that, or they have memory rivaling elephants. Or maybe your skills in the sack really made you stand out amongst the rest.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Sucker for a pretty face and a big butt
    July 3rd visit
    They do the flashlight thing in the VIP here??? Didn't even know that. Even when I had my dancer against the soft wall of the booth and grinding her standing you while squeezing her tits I got no flashlight shined in my direction. Maybe they don't shine flashlights in the 30 minute VIP section?