
Comments by Warrenboy75 (page 58)

  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Best House in D.C.!
    I hate to say this as someone who lives near DC and really wishes there was a better club scene but I've yet to find a place in the district I'd walk into and spend my own money........on some level they are all a rip off, the only variance is to what degree.
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    6 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement experience in Vegas
    2.5 k a week is less than 500 per day. For the one girl the day started about 10:30 AM and ended sometime after midnight. I ended up getting a tour guide, a dinner companion, and someone who was hot enough that every night out other guys were hitting on her. I understand some guys want variety and there are times I do as well but the "mileage per dollar" for the week was outstanding.
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    6 years ago
    Seeking Arrangement experience in Vegas
    Vegas is different than what I have found in the Northeast and MidAtlantic areas of the country.. For one thing the women seem to understand they are going to find guys who are coming to town for a week at a time and not looking for anything long term. The reverse of this is many of them really don't live in Vegas either. They come into town to work--it could be dancers, could be convention work, and go back home....lot of LA girls and Arizona as well. I've used SA in Vegas twice. The first time it started off a little cold....sent out ten messages and got a couple back. For me that is a low hit rate--but then later after I sent a second ten out I started to get hits back from the first group--four/five days later. Unlike you I'm looking for someone for the week.......so dinner, drinks, shows, pool time. whenever I'm not working I'm up for someone to be a tour guide and companion. 2.5 K for the week seems to work for me. First time I ended up with a tall hispanic girl that was a physical fitness nut--about the only time we were not together is when she was at the gym working out. Second time out I was more familiar what to expect so I adjusted my approach. Ended up with a nurse at one of the local hospitals. Same rate for a week. Only difference with her is she worked during the day as well but I have no complaints either time. Both of them were fit and fun and not afraid to let their hair down.
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    6 years ago
    Las Vegas
    The Strippers Story of a Gentlemen’s Club
    Actually unless something has changed strippers are in fact registered as sex workers in Las Vegas the very place KattyH appears to be from. How do I know this? The dreaded ex I have referenced on here in the past had to get a card to work at one of the clubs there. Now I can go through each point one at a time but since we have a swing and a miss on the very first item I think we can dismiss this as they type of advice you find on Thrilllist or as mentioned Cosmo.
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    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Male Fragrances & Stripper Reactions
    I've heard on multiple occasions from different and diverse sources most women respond to colognes that remind them of childhood memories.......considering some of the backgrounds and situations some were raised on this could be a double edged sword. During the summer I tend to lighter scents--Light Blue from Dolce & Gabbana. Once it hits late fall I switch to Burberry Brit.
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    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    I neither avoid them or look for them but SA when I first started on the site and now are two different animals entirely and there is little doubt over the past couple of years the amount of sex workers in one form or another have migrated over to SA. I am similar to Subraman in that I can tell the majority of the time by how the profile is written and the pictures and if there is doubt it comes to the surface within the first couple of exchanges of comments. SA is still my best and first source of P4P and has been now for 4 plus years. I've had two what I would consider long term arrangements One in Philadelphia and one in Northeast Ohio --the one in Northeast Ohio went on to become a stripper but was not one when we first met- after we split it was the direction she took. It's a long and somewhat sad situation. The one in Philly got her degree and seems to have gone on to a good life. I tend to be on the clock most of the day so most of my first meets are for a drink at a place they are comfortable with meeting me and I don't expect anything to happen on the first meeting-ever. It has ( multiple times) but it is 100% their choice when it does and they are the one to make the first move. 2nd meet is a different story entirely. In my case I am always away from home base--even if just 20 miles down the road. I've had a few that could pass as school teachers---one that actually was a school teacher ( 5th grade to be exact)
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    "Think I'm dismissing this too lightly?" I think it depends on each individual person. For me it is too much of a risk for multiple reasons I won't comment on publicly. Myself, I try and get the conversation off the site as fast as possible and not to texting but e-mail--through the encrypted account overseas I referenced. Happy to send a recent pic or two (nobody has ever run from my picture nor have I broke any mirrors lately by looking into them)
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    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    Ishmael--they do offer anonymous payment options. I have a separate e-mail address on a offshore provider set up for SA and I do not show any real information. It's all close in terms of my age, look, location ( but I also travel so I can be anywhere in the USA) And no pictures--for me it would be nuts. Ashley Madison ( a rival site) got hacked a few years ago. If people were not being cautious prior to then they sure as hell should be after that little revelation.
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    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    "Warren, I don't think there's much to gain by engaging in this argument, but if you want to do it just for fun.." As a rule I go out of my way to be nice, sometimes to the point of it can come back and bite me in the backside. In this case the back story is the girl didn't bring up her meet fee as I will call it until right before we were to meet....last minute ( see my comment above about waiting until the wolf is at the door --probably a bill was past due----) Had she been honest with me who knows I might have been helpful. One of the red flags for me at least is asking for a fee upfront.......someone who thinks only their time has any value isn't using their brain.for what the good lord gave it to them for....the minute she asked for an upfront fee any chance was past.....
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    Girls do not pay for site membership--guys do. From what I understand the owners of the site --mostly Brandon Wade--have a part of the site that "schools" the SB's on what to say and how to go about getting what they want. I've had a one ask me to pay to meet and when I politely declined she informed me I didn't understand her time was worth something....I pointed out to her what I charge my clients per hour..............as an example of what my time was worth......oddly it seemed to end the conversation :--) I've had a couple of rinsers approach me--all in the Maryland area ---DC Beltway and a bit north.......I don't mind a first date ( no money up front) and to pick up the tab for drinks, dinner, etc but as has been stated before the allowance starts when the intimacy starts.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    PL Seeks Arrangement: My SA experience so Far
    #5--As I have also experienced there are a fair amount of strippers in the making as well......girls who haven't yet but end up working as strippers. Profession number two I might add is bartender and many times they are bartenders at SCs. #4--I can't agree with this statement more--most are not just annoyed they are outright anti-men. I do whatever I can to set myself apart from the local guy ( local to the girl) who seems to lack all semblance of social graces and being a gentleman. #3--So far I've avoided this from happening to me too often--only once was it really bad. It took everything to not say " did you show up to check me out for your daughter?" About 90% of the time when I meet someone they come dressed to kill, especially if we are meeting for a drink after 7 PM. #2-yes, yes, yes......most of the time it is because they do not want to tell us something being a stripper is one--having a kid is two--still being in a relationship is three--and for the real civi's waiting till the wolf is at the door for rent, electric, car repossessed any day now, is four.....you can also do a combo on some of these........ #1--yes and no.....as far as the best sugar experience I ever had on sex and sex alone it was with a girl who wanted 400 a night--not an hour a night. If it wasn't for a ton of other baggage she had including a kid. She was ex-military and she was hot. She had a job and worked promotional work --they are out there.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    My advice for guys I take Strip Clubbing
    "I'm convinced that most guys who hate the idea of going SCing with a group -- usually because of how bad it sucks to SC with amateurs" This is why I walked away the first time and stayed away for years. When I went it was always with a group of guys and it seemed like the majority of the time I was the voice of reason and the lone non-asshole in the group. The only reason I ever set foot in a club again was a series of circumstances where a girl I met on SA was a stripper and didn't want to tell me. She had me meet her at work one night which turned out to be a club after I had seen her OTC a few times. After the initial surprise I had a good time but I've never set foot in that particular club again and the girl and I parted ways a couple of years ago.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Easy steps to navigate a "Black" strip club
    Never been to a Black Club, have however had a good time with a few black dancers, and an interesting conversation with two in the past week, mostly about this article. Over my lifetime and I am a " tweedy little white adult" I have always had better luck and seem to be looked at as attractive to black females--even now as I am an older tweedy white adult. So the other night I was sitting with two dancers and I asked both of the them why me---I was new to the club, and actually new to clubs in general ( recently) There were a lot of regulars there, plenty of guys younger, and if I am honest better looking than me because I am older. They both laughed nervously but gave me honest answers ( I like to think I am pretty good at detecting BS or as this site calls it SS) Good hair, nice watch, nice shoes, good smile, eye contact, nice belt, know how to talk to women in general, and well dressed. I had on black jeans and a grey sweater. I asked them about the young bucks with the gold chain making it rain and they laughed.....the word they used was "oh you mean the posers" I did tip the one for her stage dance---not a single and not raining.....simply walked up and placed a five in her garter.... and walked back........she sat with me the rest of the night until I left.