Easy steps to navigate a "Black" strip club

So unlike one of those high brow"Gentleman's Club", jeans are perfectly acceptable and expected. Come in with a suit looking like you came out of a business meeting, you best hope you are the best looking amongst a sea of bums because the name guy walking through that door with a big gaudy chain on will be quick to take your stripper if he wants to. Not to say all the gaudy chain wearers get the best looking dancers but you just look too out of place and may come off as high nosed and better than thou which no dancer wants to deal with. Your better off with Ed hardy shirt rather than a suit.
To continue the subject, your appearance matters. Contrary to popular belief, unlike your standard clubs, unless you make your presence known or are a serious regular, fat old guys are not the most sought after here. Those that look the coolest can have the best time. I know I just said don't wear a suit, but that doesn't also mean come with a stained T-shirt and super baggy jeans. You have to keep up with the trend or be good looking enough to have your clothes acceptable. Not to say no girl will not give you a dance, but the man with the designer belt and nice watch will do better. Unfair, absolutely but in black clubs there's an odd balance between acceptable and peacocking. Of course muscles and nice abs trumps all but the audimar or the Rolex watch.
Why, because here girls actually do like to have fun. And they have even more fun with a good looking guy. And a young guy. That's right young bucks. Due to stereotypes the young buck walking into this is EXPECTED to have money. And your also expected to be at least marginally good looking. Most other clubs, the young buck may have to work harder but not here. But this also means your held to a higher standard. So good luck with that. At the very least get your shoe game up. Ain't nothing worse for a young brother in these black clubs than having goofy shoes. I remember on a Saturday where there was a line to get in the club, a guy actually got turned away because his Jordans were busted. And this ain't your white collar type strip club either. I was shocked and nervous because I was wearing Levi kicks, but thankfully they were clean. It was also getting pretty packed so that was a thing. Never seen that in a strip club before but hey you learn something new every day.
I shouldn't have to tell you this but booty bouncing is a regular thing here so if you expect less booty shaking and more erotic dancing, your in the wrong club. And prepare to also start your time with a dancer by standing and getting danced on (ass first). In most black clubs however, your just tipping for as long as she dances on you in that position and not the 3-minute payment plan. I have yet to do vip, but depending on location, it can be the same as your regular strip club.
Which moves into our next topic which we love and hate: stage tipping. Don't do. Simple as that. I don't care how cool you want to look in front of the boys because that's all your doing. Fronting for the boys! Do you like boys? No you like women!? Phew me too, got me you got me worried. Making it rain only works for the coolest of people or nobodies that wants to be cool. If you ain't Drake, your not getting pussy stage rain. Just stick to offstage tipping if you must. Otherwise women expect more than just your 20 singles.
Lastly, everyone is there to have a good time. Don't be acting all tough just because a bunch of big strong black men are throwing around their weight and money. And don't be scared just because you may the only white guy or Indian guy in the club. Just smell nice, dress nice (wear chino's if it makes you feel better) and enjoy the company of bootyful women.
I'm sure I forgot a couple things, so if you have any suggestions or questions leave them down below.
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I have ventured into a few of LA's best "black" clubs (Starz, KH8, Ron's BC) from time to time and as a white woman have never had any problems. As a daytime clubber I'm sure that I get a more mellower experience than what probably happens at night when all the ballers (and wanna-be ballers) show up. But I always have good experiences with both the dancers & the staff. The customers are usually cool to me too. The only time that I ever had an issue was about 4 years ago when I was walking towards the restrooms when a very large guy said "you know where you at, white girl? You lost or something?" I replied "yeah I'm looking for the ladies room so that i can freshen up to go take Aaliyah for dances." He smiled and chuckled and silently just pointed in the direction of the shitter.
I have seen older guys in suits get a lot of attention in Black clubs. No matter what you're wearing if you have a stack of ones on the table you will get a lot of attention.
I agree with you about making it rain. Making it rain is for losers. Like you said I am not trying to impress other dudes and the guys making it rain usually get less love from the dancers.
I concur with most of that. Being that Im from Georgia, AA, 33, married, with fantasy sports money to throw around I visit the strip clubs quite often. But yea the main thing is to come in there and enjoy yourself. You can tip the stage but just don't stand by it and throw money. Walk past it, throw the money, put a smile on your face and keep moving.
The girls are real cool. But the young ones will try and hustle you for a dance which can get annoying as hell.
@lowpaw lol should have told him your here to show his girlfriend a better time than he can. That would have bruised his ego.
So the other night I was sitting with two dancers and I asked both of the them why me---I was new to the club, and actually new to clubs in general ( recently) There were a lot of regulars there, plenty of guys younger, and if I am honest better looking than me because I am older. They both laughed nervously but gave me honest answers ( I like to think I am pretty good at detecting BS or as this site calls it SS) Good hair, nice watch, nice shoes, good smile, eye contact, nice belt, know how to talk to women in general, and well dressed. I had on black jeans and a grey sweater.
I asked them about the young bucks with the gold chain making it rain and they laughed.....the word they used was "oh you mean the posers"
I did tip the one for her stage dance---not a single and not raining.....simply walked up and placed a five in her garter.... and walked back........she sat with me the rest of the night until I left.
Lol then he would have bruised my face!
Like the she said "If you got the money honey I got the time"
I do not ever wear a suit to a club. My usual attire is dark pants Dockers, Chinos, cargo pants, etc and a collared shirt. I have been told by more than one dancer they they do not like jeans on the more tender parts. I am polite, pay the cover and I tip the barmaid/waitress, the doorman if required, the bouncer at the gate to the private room etc.
I mind my own business, after all we are all basically there for the same reason!
If I sense any hostility I simply leave after a polite amount of time. If any trouble starts(another reason to tip the doorman and bouncer)I make for the nearest exit just like any other club.