Comments by verdugoversace
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8 years ago
I live in Glendale also! But it is Glendale, California in Los Angeles.
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8 years ago
I once was trying to defecate on the toilet when I had severe constipation. As I was trying to push it out, the pain was EXTREME to say the least. I literally thought that I was going to be found dead with feces leaking out of my ass in the bathroom. Luckily I had some Vaseline and was able to lube my asshole a bit, It eventually came out but only just.
I would say that and an infected wisdom tooth was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.
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8 years ago
Going arriba constantly will make much more money, however, there are women that are just not interested in having sex with random men. They opt to make less money and take on far fewer risks. From what I have heard from various sources the women make around 35 pesos a drink they sell, which is about 1.50 usd, plus tips they receive on the side. So they can make good money comparatively to most Mexicans which make around 12 dollars a day.
The elite girls at HK can easily make more than 500 dollar in a night which is a shit load of money in Mexico, hell, 500 dollars a day here in the US is very good money.
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8 years ago
Not many people know this who go to Tijuana bars/clubs but there are girls who solely make their money on having men buy drinks for them. They have no intention of going upstairs with nobody and at most may do a non-penetrative VIP room session, that's it. Typically when buying a girl a drink she will be cuddling with you and be very hands on. A ficha fuck expert will try her best to keep her hands of you and try to only converse.
These women are the minority in the club so don't be worried. I usually feel them out for 1 drink and up to a 2 drink maximum, if I sense I am being ficha fucked I will politely excuse myself and find another female.
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8 years ago
Wow, the responses I got are very informative. Thank guys.
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8 years ago
I fucked 6 strippers in Tijuana in the past month, using a condom. Is it inevitable that I'm going to get it?
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8 years ago
Somewhere in the club
Sometimes a visual inspection can be an indicator, but in no way should it be used to ascertain whether someone has an STD or not. Often times they can spread shit without even knowing they are infected themselves. It is unfortunate that we have to discuss topics like this because it can be a major turn off. However, discussing these topics can reduce the chances of catching something at a strip club at the same time having a great experience.
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8 years ago
Lapdanceking82 is extremely value minded yet gets a handjob by a tranny in his mini van before picking up his kids?...................What the hell....hahahah.
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8 years ago
desertscrub - I would bet any amount of money that my post struck a cord with you because you actually have herpes. It's ok man, there is help out there.