My previous post got some hilarious and informative responses. I'm really liking this website! Any more stories, suggestions, experiences, ect. regarding fucking hookers and STD? Prevention methods? Thanks people.Got something to say?
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Sometimes when he's feeling extremely horny, he will seek out a transvestite street walked and get a handjob in his minivan before he picks up his kids after basketball practice.
Multi-tasking here, petting my dog, masturbating, eating a sandwich, playing poker online, watching football and trying to give a newbie advice all at the same time.
The baseline defense against STI's or STD's is the proper use of a condom, but even then people catch herpes and HPV because it is transmitted through skin to skin contact. It is a minefield of sorts out there when fucking randoms chicks, hell, even the your wife sometimes.
You mentioned Hong Kong Club earlier. It is safe to assume that almost every girl up in that bitch has been exposed to herpes considering the amount of cock they take on a daily basis, health card or not. Sorry versace, but no reassurance can be given here, just realistic possibilities.
One word for you: Purell.
For the sake of the dog.