
Comments by RyanWilliams64

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Perfect Age for a Stripper
    For me (I'm 53), I would have to say the age you generally see referred to as "MILF". Somewhere in the early to mid 30s. Most of the time I have a hard time relating to someone really young (say 20). There are exceptions - if she is in college and working hard on a specific major I can relate to then we have something to talk about. For others of that age (not in college, or in some major I can't relate to) it tends to be awkward. I also find in a fair number of cases that the younger strippers have more of an "entitled" attitude ("where is my tip?"). I think they realize that they have better bodies than other strippers, which is true - but sometimes I think it goes to their heads, and that attitude spoils things for me. I generally am not attracted much to the body of a stripper older than 40. 41 was the oldest age of a stripper I have purchased dances from regularly.
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    7 years ago
    Some SA Questions for those Experienced
    Thanks for all the responses so far. I am considering SA vs. just continuing intermittent clubbing for a few reasons. First, I don't really like the atmosphere of clubs. The loud music, black lights in the dance areas, etc. just does not seem conductive to casual intimacy to me. It's more like "hurry up and get it done - the clock is ticking!" Sure there is OTC, but the club environment to me seems to get things started on the wrong foot for my first impression of someone. Also would like to spend time with someone I may have more in common with, despite the age differences. I've had a hard time relating to many of the strippers. If it is someone say in college, particularly if a major similar to mine years ago, I think there would be more in common. I'm curious as to how things have changed since years ago when I was in school. The mentor in me kicks in. It's not 100% about sex. Playfulness and geek-ness are important to me, and it seems I don't see as much of that as I'd like among those who work the clubs. Maybe I won't see it with SA either, but I think it is worth checking. Not interested in dating in the classical way. I have tried it several times as an older (over 50) guy, and hated it each time. Number one, I'm not really attracted to ladies over 40 (either physically or personality-wise), and number two, I'm definitely not interested in committing to the role 99% of women in the dating scene are looking for. If say a college student or divorced MILF is having trouble financing education, I can certainly see helping them out during their education, financially and in other ways, in exchange for companionship and intimacy, during that period. As has been mentioned here, I do not plan to commit to regular arrangements until after a few meetings to see if the chemistry is right. If I lose the cost of dinner and my time a few times on the way, that does not bother me though - anymore than going to an interview that does not work out for a job would. I don't care if I get "sex on the first date" or third or whatever, if the chemistry is right. Ryan
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    i like this discussion room. but it can be googled...?
    Its easy enough to prevent Google from indexing a site. If it's being indexed, someone here must have decided it should be. Perhaps to help PLs find it then the google related terms. I once got burnt by that on a site I didn't think would be indexed by Google. Lesson learned. Ryan
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    any thoughts on millennials dancing today? do they compare to yesteryear?
    Well not specifically about the dancing, but one thing I notice today different than even 10 years ago is that so many female millenials have tatoos. Used to be only males got them. To some extent, it is a turn-off to me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Too "Sterile"
    Yeah I wasn't talking about an unwashed pussy or ass or underarms - more the scent of the skin itself - the arms, back, chest, etc. Must be some sort of fetish with me since no one else seems to notice.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    OT Rant about Apples new 10.0.2 update for ipad
    To the OP - the reason it is showing the news screen before unlock is probably that you are trying to slide the screen to unlock it the old way. You just need to press the button twice; no swipe at all. That's if the phone is sitting someplace like on your desk. I find if I take it out of my pocket it detects the motion and already displays the screen so I just have to press the button once and then enter my passcode.