
Comments by TravelingGolfer (page 4)

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    8 years ago
    Juice, I've slept with 4 women total through SA. 3 were through arrangements and 1 was just for buying her dinner a couple of times. 2 of the 4 were really hot. The other two were pretty, but not stripper hot. To me, it's worth the $70 fee. If you message a lot of women in that month, you can collect a lot of phone numbers and you'll have your own little black book. You may not even need to pay for a 2nd month on the site. Keep us posted!
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    8 years ago
    There's an app for that too Dougster. You can find escorts on SA. You just have to search the profiles and you can get an idea which girls are SB's and which are escorts. Some of the escorts have contacted me first, introducing themselves as escorts. They weren't what I was looking for, but fuck away Dougster. Fuck away. Enjoy.
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    8 years ago
    Somewhere USA
    Do You Have a Harem?
    No, I don't and I've never even considered the possibility before, up until the last few days. I think it's possible to achieve without paying a king's ransom if you stagger your civi dates, OTC, and arrangements, so you only see certain women once or twice a month. Food for thought..
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    8 years ago
    25, could be, but I've had several women tell me this over the years, mostly civies. This woman was never a stripper and was new to sugaring, with a history of young 20'ish boyfriends, so it could have been the truth. Who knows. Either way, the sex that followed me dining at the Y, was pretty amazing.
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    8 years ago
    Interesting and true goldmonger. Thanks for sharing. One of the women I was with recently (mid 20's, but had dated mostly younger guys), said something similar. I went down on her and she said "I usually don't like that, but you actually know what you are doing. Now I know what it's like to be with a man, instead of a boy."
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    8 years ago
    Bav, I agree with Subra, RM, BH, and Goldmonger. After the initial meet and greet, once an arrangement is agreed upon, every single date ends up in the sack. Also, the hotel isn't necessary, but it's something that I like to do, especially at the beginning. All of these women have been open to going back to my place though and most have offered to go back to theirs as well. A lot of these women do not have the stripper mindset, so they are not looking to hustle and price gouge like the strippers and high end professional escorts do. A lot of the young ones aren't looking to get rich as you mention. However, a lot of the late 20's and early 30's women are competing with the younger women too, so it keeps their rates in check. Last thing. For a lot of the younger women, sugaring has almost become trendy. Some talk to their friends about it and their friends sign up too. It's almost a way for them to be 'edgy' plus they like the money and stuff they can buy with it.
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    8 years ago
    Larry: I'd say so. One of these days, I'd like to meet up with you, just to watch you make it rain. Sounds like an entertaining thing to watch. Motor & RM: For sure. Then, the PL's will start showing up too, to scoop up the unsuccessful strippers that weren't able to land the yacht and Ferrari owners.
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    8 years ago
    Subra, I think those are all good methods. Really, whichever you prefer. For my first arrangement, I sent money via Paypal. Convenient, but there's an electronic paper trail, and she'll know your real name and you'll know hers. We already knew each others' real names, so that wasn't a big deal at that point. I was concerned about a constant paper trail going forward, so I thought about depositing cash into her checking account as you mentioned. I never asked her though, because didn't want to put her in an awkward position, whether she felt comfortable giving me her banking info. Ultimately, I reluctantly realized that giving cash is the easiest thing and also what is most preferred by the recipient. I had hang ups about this at first, but now it doesn't really bother me. I buy a greeting card (birthday, thank you, or whatever), put the cash in the card, don't fill it out at all, and give her the card at the end of the night before she leaves. They seem to think it's kind of cute and they re-use the blank greeting card for whatever occasion. If Mom or Dad knew where their birthday card really came from. :) Also, with cash, just be careful. I don't think they are doing stings on SA, because it would be a long winded process, since stuff usually drags out for multiple dates and several hours before any cash is transacted. During initial meets I never discuss cash for play. It's always an allowance for the woman I'm dating, because I'm a nice guy and would want to help my girlfriend in any way I could, whether it's emotionally, monetarily, or whatever she needs. I'm sure the stings just target Backpage, busy escorts, etc. One last thing on screening women. Surprisingly, almost every women I've met with has given me their real phone number and not a burner phone number. I've plugged those numbers into internet search and Facebook search, and almost every time, I know their real names and life story before our first date. I like knowing this, because: 1. I know they aren't LE, 2. I know if they are married, have a boyfriend, or whatever, and 3. I can see what they tell me and if it checks out with what I know about them, to see if they are pretty honest. In almost every situation, by the end of the first date, the women have told me their real names instead of their SA name. When they've done so, it has matched up with their real name every single time, which was comforting. It gave me peace of mind that I can continue with this girl and feel some level of trust.
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    8 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Truth about seeking arangments
    Thanks for posting Juice. Outlandish guy, but kind of entertaining. He's pretty spot on though. Juice, I think you should place an ad seeking a sugar momma. You might have a new source of income! :)
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    8 years ago
    Nice post, thanks for sharing HG. Sounds like great situations you have. Mine are and have been similar. Very realistic GFE, close to a civie relationship, with women who seem to be seeing only me, because of their busy lives. Although their allowances have been weekly, we text every day, share the details of our personal lives with one another, and have no time limits on our dates. We'll often spend 3, 4, or more hours together and we have intelligent conversations or laugh and joke around together. We feel very comfortable around one another, which is one of the reasons that it's much more like a real relationship than simply a transaction. I think there are quite a few SB's out there that are happy to accept a more moderate allowance, along with dinner, hotel, date, and trip costs, if they are in a an arrangement or a relationship with someone they genuinely enjoy spending time with. I think this is why they spend time screening guys, meeting them in person for free at first, etc. If they didn't really like someone, then they would either say no to the arrangement, demand a much higher allowance, and/or cut the dates short. I'm noticing that a lot of these women treat it much more like civilian dating and don't have the escort or stripper mentality, where they feel like they should be gettin X amount of dollars per hour. Anyway, like HG, I'm finding my spending money shifting from SC's to sugaring, because it seems to be a lot more fulfilling and enjoyable for me, and a much better return on my money spent. Also, the women I'm sugaring with are just as attractive as my favorite strippers were. If anything, they are a little nicer and more genuine girl next door types. So far so good.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    And, then of course, there's high profile sugaring gone wrong: The Disturbing Sugar Daddy/Sugar Baby Relationship Between Donald Sterling and V. Stiviano (and How You Can Learn From It) http://www.earnthenecklace.com/the-disturbing-sugar-daddy-sugar-baby-relationship-between-donald-sterling-and-v-stiviano-and-how-you-can-learn-from-it/
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    8 years ago
    @gawker, I'm surprised she hasn't pawned the Rolex yet.
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    8 years ago
    Juice: I am easily amused. Creating your profile now. Your username is DaJuiceMane. Your headline is "Got Juice?" The allowance you are willing to spend on a girl is up to $10k per month and your net worth is $2 million. You are going to have a lot of women looking at your profile. Ha ha. I'll email you the password info, so you can upload a picture.
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    8 years ago
    Ha ha. Okay Juice. I was out last night, so I'm bored at home tonight. Nothing better to do, so I'm creating it now. I'll give you the user ID and password soon. Ha ha.
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    8 years ago
    Tiburon: It depends on what you consider young. I'm below 50, but look a lot younger. A few of the women have told me "you look really young. you're the youngest guy i've seen on here."
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    8 years ago
    Juice: https://www.seekingarrangement.com/ Can I create your profile for you? Or, one of you 50 profiles? Lol. :)
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    8 years ago
    Subra, very true. Also, some girls have shared stories with me of predatory guys who have put them in very compromising positions on the first date, where they literally had to run away, to escape being sexually assaulted. Very creepy.
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    8 years ago
    True. Well said and good point jester.
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    8 years ago
    Papi, you know he's going to sign up for SA tonight now!!!
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    8 years ago
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    8 years ago
    Papi, to follow up on the 8 candidates, one note. A few of the women used old pictures and have put on weight, so I wasn't interested in pursuing them. It's similar to regular online dating in that people will often use their most flattering pictures, even if they don't look that good. I'm pretty picky and out of the 8 women, I'd say 4 of them were hot.
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    8 years ago
    I agree Subra. I don't consider myself a "real sugardaddy" either, although I am financially independent. I definitely don't want to be called one or have any of the women refer to me as "daddy". Lol. Barf. I have the exact same philosophy as you. It's just an avenue to meet beautiful women. Another factor affecting supply and demand is the fact that there are a lot of con artist men on the site. Guys who are completely broke or not willing to spend anything on a sugar relationship, who pretend to be rich, just to get women to sleep with them for free. From what these women have told me, there are a LOT of guys like that on the site. The women are so fed up with the BS and the posers that when a real guy comes along who is actually willing to spend money on them, even if it's not a fortune, they are thrilled to have a genuine arrangement on the table. So, if you have some money to spend and aren't a creep who freaks them out, you are in pretty good shape.
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    8 years ago
    Nina makes valid points and I don't disagree with anything she says. However, I also agree with Subra above. There are so many women on those sugaring sites and women outnumber men by about 10 to 1, from what I've read, that the women are pretty flexible about what they'll accept. Like Subra said, even women in San Francisco, one of the most expensive cities in the U.S. are open to around $250 per date. And, from my experience, I'm finding college educated 8's and 9's who can hold a conversation and wouldn't embarrass you in a restaurant, who are also open arrangements in the price range Subra mentions. For some of these younger women with student loan debts they are trying to pay off, or struggling to make ends meet, an extra $1,000 per month, plus getting nice dinners and staying at 4 star hotels, is a big help to their lives. I've been avoiding the flat out escorts too and just focusing on the women that are looking for just one guy. The classier, lower mileage types. Sure, you can call them prostitutes if you want, but they are educated and girl next door types. My most recent SB is a woman that was a successful stripper at one of the best clubs in the U.S. and got tired of stripping. She's beautiful. Potential SB's like Nina can potentially get the big bucks she's looking for, but there aren't a whole lot of SD's to go around that will be willing to drop that kind of money. And, the ones that will spend that much, will have a TON of women to choose from, so it will be tough to land a guy like that.
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    8 years ago
    RM: gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Which is better?
    Papi's analogy for the win.