Joined Feb, 2016
Last Seen Jun, 2022

Are you for real CaraLynn87?TUSCL gets a lot of weird old guys that pretend to be young women. We had a guy pretend to be an 18 year…

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Tuscl MascotThe mascot should be a vulture you bozos. Squawk!
The lion and I have some beautiful photos of John Smith's dream stripper with her mouth…
The lion and I have some beautiful photos of John Smith's dream stripper with her mouth…

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OT: Gender Bathrooms - Someone Please Clarify...I'm mixed about this. I get harassed when I use the men's room despite being all man. My species lacks the disgusting ape penis…

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Ass holesI like it! When you damn dirty apes run over anything it becomes carrion. And carrion is yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy…

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If there is 80°temps and 2 feet of snow in the forcastShut it not a doctor Phool! You're prattling on about comic books when you're debating the king of the beasts. You're a wildebeest. Soon…

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Ok debunking something! How many of you are attracted to these images?Those are disgusting! And I eat rotting meat all of the time. Squawk!

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Jennifer Lopez's HotnessShe's not so hot. After she broke up with that Affleck clown I flew down and tried to rock her world. Selfish bitch let…

I better see some apologies!My lion bud said he'd go all wildebeest on any hairless apes that don't apologize for using the speciesist term "catty". However, I'm not…

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WHAT TO SAY TO DANCER CUNT THAT PISSES YOU OFFPosts like this are why you'll never see a ricktherat. Only the most noble of creatures can become a rick. Being a rick is…

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what is the meaning/purpose to life ?Then you die, rot along the roadside for awhile, and become yummy yummy yummy in a vulture's tummy tummy tummy. It's the circle of…

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what is the meaning/purpose to life ?The purpose of your hairless ape lives is to be kind to each other and all animals on the planet. That's the ticket! Squawk!

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All this trolling. Shocking and disgusting.The last part is just good sense. Why waste your body when it could be yummy yummy yummy in a vulture's tummy tummy tummy.…

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All this trolling. Shocking and disgusting.rick my friend, I agree. Squawk!
These damn dirty apes should post the following every day:
"The ricks are here to save us. rickdugan is the…
These damn dirty apes should post the following every day:
"The ricks are here to save us. rickdugan is the…

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An Erotic Sex StoryI'll have to rock your 23-year old virgin stripper friend's world Nina. She can remain a technical virgin even after she licks my cloaca…

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Strangers Buying you a Lap DanceI'll occasionally buy a dance for a good ape. You apes need fun too. That's the ticket! Squawk!

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Anger ManagementWell, I'm angry about the way you hairless apes have fucked up the planet. But I not a young vulture. Indeed, all vultures harbor…

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Advice NeededLet's do a three way with her. You fuck her in the ass while she licks my cloaca until I cum in her mouth.…

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Rick gets a kiss from his dream stripper!Shut it captain dirtyass. You're already on the list for a visit from a certain lion. Squawk!

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Dougster is a homo fag that gaily sucks queer cockWhich one of you idiots hacked rickdugan's account? The council of ricks is looking into this and when we discover the culprit said culprit…

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How many of you are bi?Tiredtraveler, Big Mo would probably be happy with a threesome. He's been hanging out with my gay bud fredthevulture. However, you'd actually be having…

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Shailynn are you trolling?And I am actually a vulture. Do you know how hard it is for me to type? And iPhone voice recognition sucks. It is…

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Juice is fucking everyoneYou think some inbred hairless apes from the American south scare my lion bud? He's a lion that wears a suit and carries an…

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Are most dancers lesbians/bisexualsDo you like vulture jizz krystal123456789? If you haven't tried it I'll fly down and give you a taste.

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Are most dancers lesbians/bisexualsMany female hairless ape strippers also enjoy licking the vulture cloaca. I give it to them whenever I can. That's the ticket!

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Should we be more considerate?Yes, you should be considerate. Squawk!
When I sit with the girl I'm giving her the privilege of sitting with a Rick. How that for…
When I sit with the girl I'm giving her the privilege of sitting with a Rick. How that for…