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Joined Feb, 2016
Last Seen Jun, 2022


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9 years ago
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Plan B
I hear you brother rick. As you know, I always have a plan B. Squawk!

You stupid hairless apes need to listen to rickdugan. He's…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Trollin with the wrong bait
Wait, she's a hottie, right? I'm not fucking any ugly apes. I have standards. I'm a rick. Squawk!

If she is hot I can arrange…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Trollin with the wrong bait
Just tell her you have a vulture bud that wears a suit and likes to have female hairless apes lick his cloaca. Then tell…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Dork Quiz
This is sad. Squawk!

A stupid hairless ape imitating the stupidest hairless ape on the planet. Everybody knows rickdugan is the world's smartest hairless ape.…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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You Guys are Disgusting
Alternatively, I could introduce her to my lion bud. Some BSLC would do her good. Squawk!
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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You Guys are Disgusting
She does have a point though. All of you hairless apes are pretty disgusting. Squawk!

I'll have to fly down to meet her and help…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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club o Harvey
A1gdsn, are you a vulture? If so, a turkey vulture or a black vulture? If you're one of those horrible old world vultures don't…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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dear rick the slick dungen
I just happened across this thread. Why does this Juicebox idiot have to constantly mock the smartest hairless ape on the planet? Sqawk!

Juice, you're…
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9 years ago
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I just do not understand (most) young black men.
And your stupid hairless ape rap is crap. Squawk!

I like the banjo. I'm a bluegrass vulture. Squawk!
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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I just do not understand (most) young black men.
You goofy hairless apes and your concern about skin color. If there were real differences like there are between turkey vultures and black vultures…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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If some bad shit looked like it was going down I'd bring in my lion buddy. Nobody fucks with a lion that wears a…
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9 years ago
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club o Harvey
Now that I think of it the bitch definitely drank my vulture jizz. Squawk!
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9 years ago
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club o Harvey
I flew up to Club O once and I do believe she licked my cloaca until she drank my vulture jizz. Squawk.
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
DAMN! Squawk!
Damn right there are too many damn threads already. Squawk!
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9 years ago
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First TUSCL Discussion Topic
Why would you want to do that? None of us ricks were posting then. Squawk!
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
To the female TUSCLers...once you go BLACK
You never go back. How many of you agree?

BTW, I'm talking about black vultures. I don't really care about hairless ape skin color.
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9 years ago
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OT: 70 Sharks Eating A Whale
My bud ricktheshark was in on this. He feels a bit bad but it's the way of the world. Squawk!
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9 years ago
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I miss porn

If you'd like it I'll send you a video of my lion bud fucking your first DS in the ass with his BSLC while…
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9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
TheeOSU, I wasn't targeting CaraLynn because she's a female conservative. I'm not sure if she is female or conservative. I'm not even sure if…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
Hugh_G_Rection...disgusting name. You hairless apes constant feel the need to try to impress others with your penises. You'll never be as well-hung as even…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
And CaraLynn87, if you are female I could arrange a three way with budtheduck. bud is bi and he'd love to give you the…
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
You clearly do not realize that most birds lack a penis. We mate by the cloacal kiss, and that's what I like the slutty…
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9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
san_jose_gay, I find the hairless ape penis kind of discussing but if you're interested in action my buddy ricktheturtle has a good friend that's…
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9 years ago
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Are you for real CaraLynn87?
You don't understand beguiled. Any true hairless ape slut is in love with vulture jizz. If she can tell me what she would do…
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9 years ago
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Dealing with Racist Strippers
Some strippers are speciesist against vultures. Squawk!

But then they learn that once you go Black vulture you never go back! Squawk!
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