
Comments by Alyssatanggg (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pushy Dancers
    Two of them have. Or at least, two of them have on a night I was working. Otherwise, I'm not too sure if this is a reoccurring thing or an entirely new behavior. From how my managers talk about her, this is probably not new.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The looks of your ideal woman
    It is somewhat difficult to pin point one ideal woman as I have a pretty long list of girls I find attractive. If I were to choose, I suppose my ideal woman would be golden tan (Latina, black, mixed, exotic, ect) with big, afro textured curly hair and full lush lips. Beautiful brown eyes, thick thighs and a shapely ass. Boobs don't do it for me, so tit size doesn't matter. They have to be natural though! I like fit girls with flat tummies...yum. Tattoos are cool, but I wouldn't care if she had them or not...it'd be a bonus! I'm a short girl, so I like my women a little taller than me. An accent would be a plus!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pushy Dancers
    Christ. I'm disgusted by that video (thanks for sharing though!) and all who sat there and instigated rather than break it up! I agree with your comment Papi, and as a blasian girl myself, it sickens me to see my fellow sistas act like a pack of fools! My mom certainly never raised me that way, and the sad truth is, many of these ladies do come from tough backgrounds. Really sad.. The club I work at is mostly white too, with rocker roots and themes. My manager thinks it's just jealousy that fuels her dislike towards me and the other non-white dancers as he said we've taken some of her business. It's competition to her, but instead of acting like such a brat, she could at least focus her insecurities on working HARDER. Seriously, when she gets on stage I have to stifle a yawn! It's almost as If she thinks she's too good to be here. No one likes the boring stripper look. I was so nice to her the first day too, and all she did was purposefully ignore me and a Latina dancer. Right to our faces. Luckily, the SC is pretty upscale and the managers are very kind and family-orientated. I doubt any jumping would occur, but I kid you not..if she dares put a finger on me it's off with her wig! Why can't we all just get a long? Lol
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Pushy Dancers
    Exactly! I'm not sure why management hasn't dealt with her already! They always seem pretty annoyed with her. I feel bad for talking about a co-worker, but she's out of hand. Especially when she tried to steal other dancers' business. A job is a job is a job...if you wouldn't act that way at your retail occupation, don't do it at the SC. -end rant lol-
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
    I'm with PhantomGeek on this one. Stoner movies for the win!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My first night
    Also, when I say "guys", I typically also mean you awesome lady custies too. Thanks for being awesome!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My first night
    Wow, once again, thanks for the comments and advice! You lovely posters (well most of you haha) here have been real gentle with this newbie, and for that I can't be thankful enough. I enjoy reading what you guys post, and I honestly take everything into careful consideration. After all, dancing/entertainment is still a job. I want to hear what custies like to better enhance my performance. By the way zipman...I love that song!! Anyways, have a happy thanksgiving all! :)
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My first night
    Thanks crazyjoe! I certainly will.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    My first night
    Haha, thank you! :) I'm surprised how confident I ended up becoming! Definitely an entirely new environment from what I'm use to.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancing for the first time
    As stated earlier, I appreciate all of your comments. Everyone is different and it's certainly interesting to read. I'm new to this industry after all. Now in regard to extras... I'm not interested in those. I feel dancing is one thing and extras are a separate clause. I'm not talking down on dancers who do these favors in exchange for money, but it's just not something I'm comfortable with. I'll definitely scope out the club and see if this is really something I want to do. Who knows? It may or may not be for me! :) My type of work would be kind of different I suppose. I want the customers to feel comfortable with me. I want them to feel respected, yet seem like a fantasy to them. I feel as though extras ruin the sensual, fantasy element. Maybe that's just me ahh! Lol Thanks again guys!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Dancing for the first time
    Thank you guys so much for the feedback! I appreciate every one of your comments. The club is in South Jersey. I'm still a tiny bit shy in regard to disclose exactly where it is, but who knows how long I'll be there. Thank you Club_goer, I'm a psychology major and tend to love to write! Lol I assure you, I try to be just as eloquent in real life. At my prior job, customers would be pleasantly surprised. It's almost as if they didn't expect to find me there. Certainly not tooting my own horn, I just find it funny as most dancers I know are just as wonderful to talk to. Haha yes! And Jamaican/Asian food is deeelish. I cannot wait for Thanksgiving! Best of both worlds. ;) Thanks for your advice sharkhunter. I always exercise politeness, even towards the more rude customers. At my old job, I would be genuinely happy to get tips so I always thanked them graciously. I will definitely do my best to keep potential tippers in mind as I dance. That's something I'll have to grow accustomed to. Thanks guys, your advice will definitely be kept in mind!