discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for exxotica
Atlanta but I'll travel in a heartbeat if the money is right
Can someone make a black strip club directory
It is not racist. It is targeting a niche market. Everyone likes different things and some guys like ebony girls. Racism would be if a club denies you entry soley based on your race. At black strip clubs, everyone is welcome. The only color that matters is green, or whatever the local currency color is. BlackStripClubs.net
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for BlackStripClubs_dot_net
A semi strip club but girlie bar that wants you to take the girls home
Hahaha! I have fucked many many girls from all over the world. When I was in Hong Kong, I fucked some Hong Kong girls, expat girls, backpacker chics from Europe, and more. For the last several years I traveled the world and was not on this site or anywhere in the U.S. strip club scene. It is still good to see what the U.S. scene is like, but fellas, once you have traveled abroad, you will lose interest in U.S. women quick and catch that foreign fever.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Muddy
Is it only a matter of time before the FBI catches on?
Any website that reviews places that likely engage in illegal activity are a target for law enforcement (LE). Strip clubs, massage parlors, café shops that have marijuana edibles (in places not legal yet), etc. The LE are all over these sites. Usually these naughty strip clubs are too small for the FBI to care about, only local LE will raid these clubs. The clubs shut down, and life goes on. Nothing new. I have seen most of my favorite black/hip-hop strip clubs shut down many times over the years all over the U.S. In the black strip clubs, the ones that stay open usually pay a bribe to the local government due to all the illegal activity occurring in the club (smoking weed, extras with girls, dealing drugs, fights and robberies swept under the rug, etc.)
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for exxotica
Atlanta but I'll travel in a heartbeat if the money is right
Can someone make a black strip club directory
BlackStripClubs.net is back! Well, sort of . . . . Initially launched many years ago, BlackStripClubs.net went offline for several years for various reasons. The owner is rebuilding the site in a new forum format. It will take some time to repopulate the club listings since many of the previous ones listed have closed. It will also take time to remarket the site and gain users. Please be patient. BlackStripClubs.net should be ready to go in early 2022. In the meantime, you can visit the site, join, and start posting black strip clubs that you know of and your reviews in the respective categories. Feel free to share BlackStripClubs.net with others to help the site grow users!
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3 years ago
avatar for londonguy
Breathe, breathe in the air
making it rain?
BlackStripClubs.net is back! Well, sort of . . . . Initially launched many years ago, BlackStripClubs.net went offline for several years for various reasons. The owner is rebuilding the site in a new forum format. It will take some time to repopulate the club listings since many of the previous ones listed have closed. It will also take time to remarket the site and gain users. Please be patient. BlackStripClubs.net should be ready to go in early 2022. In the meantime, you can visit the site, join, and start posting black strip clubs that you know of and your reviews in the respective categories. Feel free to share BlackStripClubs.net with others to help the site grow users!
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for kevinmac
Black strip clubs in houston
BlackStripClubs.net is back! Well, sort of . . . . Initially launched many years ago, BlackStripClubs.net went offline for several years for various reasons. The owner is rebuilding the site in a new forum format. It will take some time to repopulate the club listings since many of the previous ones listed have closed. It will also take time to remarket the site and gain users. Please be patient. BlackStripClubs.net should be ready to go in early 2022. In the meantime, you can visit the site, join, and start posting black strip clubs that you know of and your reviews in the respective categories. Feel free to share BlackStripClubs.net with others to help the site grow users!
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for toysales
Fayetteville NC
BlackStripClubs.net is back! Well, sort of . . . . Initially launched many years ago, BlackStripClubs.net went offline for several years for various reasons. The owner is rebuilding the site in a new forum format. It will take some time to repopulate the club listings since many of the previous ones listed have closed. It will also take time to remarket the site and gain users. Please be patient. BlackStripClubs.net should be ready to go in early 2022. In the meantime, you can visit the site, join, and start posting black strip clubs that you know of and your reviews in the respective categories. Feel free to share BlackStripClubs.net with others to help the site grow users!
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for BlackStripClubs_dot_net
No nudity.
I will say whatever I want. All of you can suck an aids dick bitches!
review comment
7 years ago
avatar for Agent_Zero
Charlotte, North Carolina
Don't come here.
I just went on a Friday night and it was only female dancers. I was told that they stopped having male dancers altogether recently, and the male dancers were only on Sunday night, so I avoided Sunday nights. Yes, the owner was a faggot which is why he did this, but I hear it stopped. My advice to everyone, ASK IF IT IS FEMALE DANCERS ONLY BEFORE YOU PAY YOUR COVER CHARGE!
review comment
8 years ago
avatar for Oliver_Clothesoff_66
Sinsaysionals has changed...and not necessarily for the better
Good info. I guess it is gameover in the DMV for strip clubs. Sinsaysionals doesn't sound like it is worth my time anymore. I remember when this spot first opened like 15 yrs ago it was butt-naked girls doing everything with full contact for $5 a song over the whole club. The only other ghetto strip club left is Ebony Inn, but there is no nudity there, except in the expensive VIP. The good old days of PG County strip clubs are gone. I won't be going anymore with all these crackdowns. At least now I will save money!
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for Percentage
Audition review
WARNING: Do NOT come to this club on Thursday or Sunday night. The House club now has MALE dancers on Thursday and Sunday. I haven't been here in years. I started to go here on Thursday and wondered why it seemed dead from the outside, where I was used to seeing the door open and a line a guys going in, so that should have been my first clue that something was up. When I went through the first door, some guy came out and said that men were in there dancing. The other customer that was about to pay said to the teller "aw hell naw! You can just give me my money back!". LOL. I was shocked and turned around and left immediately. Never even touched my wallet. I'm not sure why this club did this, but I'm starting to notice that DC is becoming a bit of a Fag Fest.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for fattezzy23
ladies & Gentelmen I have some...
I just went to this club on a Thursday night. It is not closed, but by all means should be closed. I haven't been here in a few years and nothing has changed much except the people running the club and the inside layout. The club sucks. Cover charge is $10 before 9:30pm, and $20 after 9:30pm every night. Luckily, I got in free because I slid past the admission window while they were distracted and took a seat inside. lol. The club never gets live. There use to be more space in the front of the club but now that is all boxed in like some fake VIP area. The main area has one center stage with a pole and dozens of chairs surrounding it for guests. You are lucky to see any girls get on the pole all night, and the girls never get naked. The girls and the guests sit around in the chairs on their phones all night looking bored and pathetic. There were about 5 girls and 6 or so guests this night, all sitting around on their phones with no action going on. I can confirm that the one bathroom does have running water, but no soap, and the door doesn't close properly as mentioned. You can bring your cell phone in now, they used to not allow it for whatever reason. I think lap dances are still $5 on the floor, but the girls don't take anything off and the dances aren't all that great. This place is dead and I do not recommend coming here. I left within like 20 minutes, good thing I didn't pay to come in here. The glory days of this club are gone. Oh, and on a side note, for those that remember the connection between Sinsaysionals and Irving's/Plush, it is somewhat still there. But Irving's/Plush in Capitol Heights has been shut down and I hear this club may be the next to go in PG County, as all the PG County ghetto black strip clubs are getting axed.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for BlackStripClubs_dot_net
first time, Tuesday night review
I would like to change that first review I wrote. I gave this place another visit on Thursday around 6pm for a couple hours. No cover charge, and I got some great $5 lap dances in the chair booth areas. My beer was only $3, which was a good deal. The $5 hennessy and coke isn't worth it, the little plastic cup was only filled up half way, the bartender must have put in half a shot of hennessy and a splash of coke. A few girls strutted around the club naked the entire time I was there, which I like because I love seeing nude girls. As usual in Miami clubs, marijuana was available if you partake in that sort of thing, which I don't, but no one tries to hide it. Girls danced on all three stages that are in there while I was there. The have girls with super big ghetto booties, and thinner flexible girls that can do tricks on the pole. I like this place. I'll return next time I am in Miami.
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Possibly closed
Thanks for the review. I decided to check this spot out myself. However, I went by this club about a week ago on a weekday evening and it was closed. No cars outside, so signs explaining why it was closed, the place just looked boarded up and deserted.