Is it only a matter of time before the FBI catches on?

avatar for Muddy

I've been seeing a lot of reviews with patrons singing Billy Joel and Frank Sinatra songs in VIP. I know the top minds in the game came together to formulate that top secret terminology but how many more years will it work before it gives way and LE is able to finally crack the code?

The other day, as way to sort of take one for the team, I got a VIP (cost me $230 btw) and stormed out in a conga line of strippers singing our best rendition of Billy Joel's Uptown Girl in order to throw LE off our scent. As a way of saying "Uh yeah dudes this is kinda what we actually do in strip clubs" But I'm not sure how long that will keep them at bay.

I'm proposing a dramatic change to go to we both left the club to "shop at BJ's, she had a member card" and "We both played Free Safety back on our High School Football teams, yes she was a girl but she was a true groundbreaker, the Joan of arc of her day" It's this type of clever thinking that will keep us ahead of the curve. In the meantime, stay off the phones and ensure to make 4 right turns to make sure your not being followed in anyway. PL007 out.


last comment
avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

If you don't tell us the club and you don't name the girl, then there really is no reason to use any top secret terminology. Is there ?

When is the Review coming out ?

avatar for gobstopper007
3 yrs ago

Why do Female Body Inspectors care about the songs we like?

avatar for ww
3 yrs ago

Clubs that offer more than a tease is in the minority. For the ones where you can do more, by now, LE already knows, it's just a matter if they choose to crack down on them or not. Speaking in code will not save a club. Best one can do is not link a girl's name to the activity.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

I think the places where the cops do raids are long predetermined well before those raids ever take place, it’s mostly political pressure and a strip club bust is another way of how these local windbags get votes, it’s purely for local political theater.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ The cops are probably hearing Piano Man and My Way the night before the bust.

With such an airtight code language, even the CIA will never know what really happens in the VIP.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

I’m sure the code language is the cause of the raids, rather than the actual misdeeds

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

FBI? Man, I must be going to the wrong clubs. I thought most of the naughty deeds in VIP were some snorts of cocaine and some form of nerve stimulation on various body parts.

I wanna be in the ones doing super duper dirty stuff like insider trading, embezzlement, falsifying financial information. Yeah that man screaming behind the curtain is just really enjoying enjoying his blowjob, he’s not being murdered or anything. Move along

avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

We don't need to worry about code words for sex. Just keep using the arcane codes for money like roses, $$$, .5, etc., and no one will know there was an exchange of cash and therefore it's not prostitution.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 yrs ago

Muddy, you have a good point, however you may be over thinking this a bit. The members talking about singing Billy Joel or Frank Sinatra are actually professing their love. We need to create a safe space on here for the boomers, so they can come out of the closet and sing their desires to the world! If they have a crush on Billy Joel or Frank Sinatra, what is the harm. Just let them dream and fantasize.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

Many years ago at the Crazy Horse saloon in Forest Park(Atlanta) the last song of the night was Frank Sinatra doing New York New York. I was too naive to know this was code.

Any website that reviews places that likely engage in illegal activity are a target for law enforcement (LE). Strip clubs, massage parlors, café shops that have marijuana edibles (in places not legal yet), etc. The LE are all over these sites. Usually these naughty strip clubs are too small for the FBI to care about, only local LE will raid these clubs. The clubs shut down, and life goes on. Nothing new. I have seen most of my favorite black/hip-hop strip clubs shut down many times over the years all over the U.S. In the black strip clubs, the ones that stay open usually pay a bribe to the local government due to all the illegal activity occurring in the club (smoking weed, extras with girls, dealing drugs, fights and robberies swept under the rug, etc.)

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 yrs ago

As usual, Muddy’s special brand of sarcasm elicits mostly serious responses. He’s right. Those who use code words and especially the cringeworthy Frank Sinatra, Billy Joel and 200 roses types deserve to be mocked and laughed at, not with. On the serious side, LE is not the biggest issue with connecting girls with extras. It’s other dancers, management and creepy PL’s who try to get what you got because you were stupid enough to put it out there. Don’t be a dick. Name a girl OR say you got extras if you must. Don’t fucking do both.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

A long time ago, I'd read USASG for club info. The forums there had this weird "code" that they would use to describe dollar amounts (at least they weren't describing 'dollars' as 'roses'). The problem was that roughly every 10th post was a guy saying "I don't know what that means. Please explain." And then someone would explain the code, thereby making it not a code anymore.

The other thing I saw there was that users would provide reports starting with "I had a dream about..." and then they'd talk in detail about going to a club, the extras, and the dancers (often with names).

It's pretty dumb stuff.

avatar for crsm27
3 yrs ago

LE knows all the code and knows what goes on in clubs.... period.

The code and what not is to make it not seem obvious to the do gooders that will will think they are "tipping" off LE because they read it on a forum. They think they are the next internet sherlock holmes breaking a huge sex ring case that will be the basis for the script for next episode of NCIS.

BTW... I agree with Nicolespice.... I want some of the insider trading info and what not if the FEDS are involved.... HAHA.

Code? Its as corny as what instagram drug dealers post 😭 uts obvious what it means.

Just say the club has the best menu but the good stuff ain't cheap. Dine in and delivery available. Support small business 😭😭😭

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

An investigation into a club can take months and many thousands of dollars of LE time. Somebody up the food chain in LE has to really want to send a message to pull the trigger on an investigation. Typically, it’s because a neighborhood group,or major donor, has put the pressure on.

A couple years ago, an investigation into a club in Scottsdale fell apart when a dancer claimed LE touched her inappropriately. People had to resign and charges were dropped. The officer involved was named and shamed.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

The FBI is focusing all it's resources on trying to keep tabs on SJG's organization. They've being trying to flip someone in it for years. They've got scores of agents trying to get a tail on SJG in Tijuana, but no luck so far.

avatar for skibum609
3 yrs ago

FBI doesn't investigate local matters involving minor crimes.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

In non-crazy places, the vice squad only goes after streetwalkers when someone complains about them loitering near their residence or business. If there are fights at a club, usually the best solution is for the cops to tell the club to hire off duty cops to help with security. Generally there are cops available who want to make some extra money. That's why I'm surprised the City of Detroit is bothering to go after extras in strip clubs. You'd think they would have learned their lesson letting fools run things there.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Sending Gronk and Brady to the Bucs was part of a back room plea deal for Bob Kraft. It's no secret why that particular spa was raided while he was inside.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

Update the names to more current singers before an FBI cryptographer catches on?

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

I had a girl admire my Blue Jeans and later move on to admire my Fuzzy Slippers. Then I dumped a Checkered Shirt all over her back.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

I think the PLs using codes do it bc they think they're protecting themselves in case LE ever went after posters on a site

avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 yrs ago

^ I think the PLs think the codes can give them plausible deniability

avatar for Iknowbetter
3 yrs ago

Everything on this site is a work of fiction.

avatar for caseyx
3 yrs ago

I think Papi is right. It's also silly. If LE wanted to charges against someone they wouldn't be deterred because you wrote Billy Joel and 100 roses instead of a blowjob for 100 bucks. They'd simply have to explain the code in court and that wouldn't be difficult. Of course, that assumes that LE would bother to track down someone on this site for a crime that is probably a misdemeanor. If LE is poring over your posts on this site then they've got much bigger crimes in mind than paying for sex.

avatar for SalaoLikeSantiago
3 yrs ago

Loved Muddy's sarcasm. It's got me so excited I'm going to Howard Johnson's right after typing this comment.

I have several friends in local and federal LE. After a game at the stadium or arena, they're sometimes the ones paying for my lap dance. Those men wearing blue are human too, and just because their uniforms are blue doesn't mean that they want their balls to be that way. They know what's going on at each and every place. Troubles come with other pressures: trafficking, drugs, violence, or puritan neighbors.

Now, anybody got keyboard cleaner?

avatar for RockAllNight
3 yrs ago

Frank Sinatra and Billy Joel had some great songs, but sometimes I want only some country music, maybe something by Hank Jr.

avatar for Studme53
3 yrs ago

Nazis would have won if they had those kinds of codes instead of the enigma machine.

“We just heard the Japs are going to bomb PH. Put up sandbags around the Burlington hand factory.”

avatar for goldmongerATL
3 yrs ago

Everyone on this site is a work of fiction. None of us are real.

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