
Comments by thacoolguy

  • review comment
    6 months ago
    mid week evening...don't expect much
    In response to Mogul1985 and IWantHerOnMe and fermion18...lap dances are always $10 there...I haven't seen any deviation from that. VIP is typically 60 to the house and 200 to 250 range for the dancer...more or less. The cover charge is usually $10 before 7pm and $20 after. Parking varies but I believe it was $10 ($20 on weekend nights). Hope that helps.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Reboot? It doesn’t seem like much has changed.
    Great review...word of note though, those parking and cover prices you mention are for late night shift. During the day and early evening, parking is free and cover is like $5 or $10 max...so it's good value in that sense. I avoid going late nights.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Good time but Latinas charging for Nuts
    Funny title. Lmao
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Saturday afternoon is my sweet spot
    Well it says 8am but from my experience some years back (have never stayed that late since probably 2017), they close up after most people leave, which is typically around 5am. Most of the top tier chics are gone by 3am
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Pretty good experience. Same mileage as before
    captain...I replied.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Pretty good experience. Same mileage as before
    Yes, Goldmonger...90% of the dancers are black, and usually a couple of latinas in there as well...although the latinas are more common at the night shift.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    da king
    Diary entry: day at wax
    Oh ok...will look out for her
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    da king
    Diary entry: day at wax
    Good review. What's the name of the older dancer with the BBL?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Atl to NC
    Back on the scene!
    Judging from your desired type of dancer, I think you will have a blast in Pin Ups or Club Blaze, for shapely black dancers. For shapely/thick/coca cola bottle white dancers, probably your best bet now is Pink Pony, but you may not find the Follies quality, and definitely lower mileage. I don't know of any mixed club like Follies anymore, where you can find both thick white and black dancers.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I support the naked hustle
    Weekend at Wax
    On my last visit (yet to publish the review), I noticed a Hennesy Room, where you had to pay $50 to get in there. Is that like a lounge or something? What happens in there? Some of the girls disappeared in there with customers for like an hour or more
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Nothing to write home about. Will have to try another day
    Thanks Derrian228
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Ok but nothing special
    For the downvoters above....the club details have been describe ad nauseum in other reviews, so I focused on my experience so that you can envision how it went for me. As for nudity, yes, they were nude on stage. Lap dance cost is $5 per song, although the songs are relatively short and might flow into each other if you don't keep track. I didn't do VIP nor did I inquire about it. Hope that helps! YMMV
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    So Today I got a Boobjob.......
    How did you logistically manage to do that on the couches without it being obvious? I dare say even FS could be discreet on the couches, but a boob job? She would have to be facing you and kind of stooping/kneeling.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Thursday afternoon visit! We back!
    I understand what you mean about just getting dances. After a while, the novelty of the VIP thrill gets kind of old and you're just ok with dances. The VIP is not comfortable, to be honest. Dances and OTC are better imo, for veteran follies folks.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Thursday afternoon visit! We back!
    nice review...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Friday review 1/17/2020 Cubans invade
    @brehnam....hahaha. Mannnnn....follies is not for the faint of heart or the germophobes.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Friday review 1/17/2020 Cubans invade
    Great review. She let you finish on her boobs? She has huge tits and I've seen some guys sucking on them, so I'm laughing at the thought. That's why I never suck on tits at follies. There are no showers there so obviously she wouldn't be able to clean your nut off her tits. Lmao.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Degenerate gambler and virgin
    Best time to get there on a Sunday to beat valet and a high seat on the wall?
    Brehnam...check your PMs for the bella info
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Cash Apps - How do you feel about them ?
    as they say....cash is king
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    surprisingly quiet for a saturday night, but still a good time to be had
    lol....dessertcrumb...i assume you're being sarcastic. i'm a follies veteran, so yeah, i know what's up ;)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Solid club, but i saw mostly air dances and making it rain
    Good point, Papi
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    eye candy central
    yes, the quote was $300 for the hour, plus $55 to the house
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Somewhere in MO.
    Never give up. Extras can be had.
    @shadowcat...you won't do FS in the club anymore? Even at your favorite club Follies? What prompted the change
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Wow...I'm sold. Thanks fellas...I gotta book a trip soon :)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I entered the dragon and was never the same
    Are there any girls that have curvy shapes/big asses/small waist? Like in Colombia and Brazil...in my experience, Mexican girls tend to be more on the flat-ass type of shape...beautiful and nice figures, but not big round asses. How is it at HK?