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Comments by .juicebox69 (page 11)

That was a good one rockstar

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Strip Club Music
9 years ago
I fucked Pandora's box

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OTC Negotiations
9 years ago
#1 i applause you for low balling her just in generally speaking

#2 do the opposite of that faggot Richard.
Sound funny but it's true...the first number they offer is the sucker price. If you say all i have is $200 she will fuck you if that rent be due

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Happy Thanksgiving!!
9 years ago
Im not clubbing due to the issue of ooooooooo uuuuuuuhhhhhmmmmm i got a life ! You know kids, x wife, inner circle jerk of friends to visit and eat with...oooo yea and that fat piggy of a gf i have i need to toss my dick in

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Happy Thanksgiving!!
9 years ago
Damn, your excited bro...lol....calm your ass down....drink sum beer and post this shit tomorrow aka on time : )

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Strip Club Music
9 years ago
The only music i enjoy is the cries of whores needing to suck dick for rent monea moooneeeaaa

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Strip Club Music
9 years ago
Music is for pussies

Drink beer and cry your self asleep like a real mang be about

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9 years ago
The next CF i get im going to nick name her agent number deuce right in her thieving whore face

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9 years ago
If having 2 ATFs don't make since then having more than one DS is unintelligent

Your logic sir has fallacies
9 years ago
Joe tell your mom im coming over for thanksgiving....bitch better have my KFC pre ordered
I'm waiting for Ricky d - he's going to show me a tutorial of the system tonight

Shylnn if the no the gig your getting laid dawg !

Chankin Fangers 4 Lyfe
9 years ago

Any one with a DS and a DC and can LDK on $40 wins while drunk on wisky in a 3 piece suit, eating chackin fanger on papi mode

That pathetic loser wins
9 years ago

Any one with a DS and a DC and can LDK on $40 wins
I am happy to be an example that you dont have to be smart to be good at clubbing

Lol, no joe your just happy to be a faggot
JackFrost,Snackbox and Da juice meet up in gastonia north Carolina last night and let me tell you Frost fuckin loves them $5 lappers lol....I never have seen a man so fuckin happy with those big ol titty in his face. Sgt boys I was with this sngle of a dancer she at the table no lie rub my dick until i LDK !!!!! No joke ......price is $5 and it was strong 2 way the best I've seen in North Carolina....but look you roll behind a closed building to get to this club so it looks and feels a littleseedy and that is just the kind of dive club i need......dude the size is the size of a single wide trailer and the whores in their am to please....also avoid the $20 hocky time out box they have as a vip....people can still seebyou it cost 4x as much theirs no sex and the fuckin dj watches you and jerks off....so stay at the table and let those wonderful gastonia gals please you all for $5 a pop.....juice crew
I really don't get the multiple aliases.

And I really find it bizzare when the same person is having a conversation on here with themselves.

The terrifying part is when they all meet up at a club and share girls
Fuck, give juice a compliment and he turns into SJG

Is SJG a juice mang account ?

Uuuuhhhmm ?

Thank about it ?
Does it matter? I read for the crazy stories! A good story that is plausible (I'm leaving out the lion, though he is entertaining in a different way) is really entertaining! I don't care if the person writing it is full of shit! Just make me laugh and smile!

Laughing and smiling = brilliant!

God damn AMEN brother
Hey, juice. I thought that BagBoyJames would be the one to write about a trailer...... ;-)

Bagboyjamie lives in a tent and travels the south by foot and hitch hiking on his never ending quest of $5 lappers

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Shit talk
9 years ago
But i agree telling your wife she needs to lose weight is very non brilliant
Lol, Warhawk trolling himself
Telling a stripper that she needs to loose weight is actually very brilliant...

You just got to learn to be a ass

It's a move that plays off of her emotional issues. The goal is to lower her value and increase your value by manipulating her with words.

It can actually get you laid for free by women in general but its more effective on hired guns and hot civis

Im a faggot and i wish to be alone, unless of course you can tell me the bouncers name
9 years ago
Phantom clubber has me on ignor...you should do him a favor and tell him to take .juicebox69 account off ignore for like 5min so he can enjoy this