
Comments by vajmon (page 18)

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    5 years ago
    How I lost 5 grand on an air dance
    I'd maybe believe 5k pesos or 5k Venezuelan dollars... otherswise OP's story was funny as hell, LMFAO!
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    7 years ago
    More Than "Just Friends"?
    Age is just a number bro! She's an ex-stripper which means she's probably DTF. you want to bone her, so what's the problem? I'm almost 51 and regularly fuck strippers and hookers that are 30+ years younger than me (Years ago I even did a "Roy Moore";) Doesn't bother those ladies, doesn't bother me, so why should it bother anyone else? I do sometimes take shit from people when I go out to restaurants, shopping, etc. I get the smart ass remarks like "you have a beautiful daughter" or "granddaughter" if they think they're really funny. One old battle ax even told me I made her sick when I was in the elevator with her and my DS. But who cares. People that say this shit are all losers that can't handle seeing me live the dream- a well off, fat, balding, ugly, out of shape, old man with a beautiful young woman. So don't let these losers win. Go bone that chick! Fuck the age difference! The only person that will stop you from enjoying the experience is YOU!!!
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    7 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    Hong Kong Club, Tijuana for Beginners
    Excellent well written article as well as excellent follow-up info. This article makes me want to check out Tijuana next time I'm in SoCal.
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    7 years ago
    OTC and GFE's: Be careful what you wish for.
    I agree with those that said it's time to wind that relationship down. She sounds like a long time professional hustler. By meeting OTC just for a "date" without sex and sharing her personal info with you she is trying to sucker you in to gain your trust. Once she does that and gets your info she's gonna fuck with your head and turn you into a human ATM. I don't see much upside for you but I see a lot of downside since you're married, namely losing half of what you own if not more! My advice is stick to OTC with strippers under 25 that don't have kids. They're not interested in anything long term and just like to fuck and have fun. And it's much easier to have a Sugar Daddy relationship with them as there's nothing emotional involved on your part or theirs, it's just about sex and $$$!
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    8 years ago
    I pays to be nice someitmes.
    Cute story, but I don't think the title is accurate. TT says he didn't get any free pussy. So I think it should have been entitled "How you think it pays to be nice but in reality you're being a sucker and a PL" because I can guarantee you 100% that as soon as TT walked out that door they were laughing their asses off at him. Sorry TT but just keeping it real.
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    8 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Traveler's Guide to OTC
    Excellent article. Well written and on point. A few things based on my experiences... Type of club- I've had the greatest success rates at 2 types of clubs. First, clubs known to have some form of "extras" available ITC. Duh! The second type is not obvious, clubs that have very strict no touching rules and where absolutely no extras are available. Dancers will try to sell me a CR at these lame joints and I make it known to them that I have $$$ but know nothing will happen ITC so I'm not going to waste my money there. Occasionally this leads to either an outright offer of OTC or she'll give me some sort of signal that OTC is available. Type of girl- Maybe my experience here has been affected by my attraction to college aged ladies but IME the closer the girl was to 18, the higher my success rate. I've found that younger ladies are both the biggest risk takers and the most open to trying new things (like pay 2 play). Once strippers hit 25 or older they seem to become jaded and turn into "professional strippers" who think of it as a career with all kinds of rules and limits (like no OTC). IME overall they also want more $$$ for less in return. JME. Anyway because of this I don't write of non-alcohol clubs as this is where many under 21 y/o ladies work.
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    8 years ago
    Love Canal
    Strip Clubs and ID Scanning
    Lot of good points made in the comments. I agree the easiest way to avoid the whole issue of being scanned is to stop going to a club that does that. However for me that's sometimes easier said than done. Especially when it happens to be a club that has the best looking ladies or an ATF works there. Asking me to stop going to my favorite club is like asking a smoker to give up cigarettes cold turkey or an alcoholic to stop drinking. As for bringing up scanning concerns with owners/management, I've tried that without any luck. They always responded by claiming that the scanning was harmless and then justified it with some bullshit excuse. None agreed to stop scanning me, even at the club where I know the owner and told him I was going to go elsewhere.          @25- excellent link to previous discussion. After reading that thread I'm even more paranoid! Also several clubs that scan are listed in that discussion.  @hotstuff- you must work at a very tame and clean club. At the clubs I've gone to I've encountered almost every scam, hustle and shake down that you could possibly dream of! Including one time a stripper who thought she was going to blackmail me (although this did not occur at a club that scans). @JB- RI Dolls tried to scan my ID last time I went there which was in October. It was either a Friday or Saturday night. Like skibum, I told the doorman I was going to walk and then he let me in without scanning. He said he would let me slide "just this one time" because I had already paid the cover. I haven't been back since (and probably won't). I was never scanned there before or back when it was K2U. I'm not sure if they scan during the day or on week nights as I only visit on weekend nights. Finally thanks to Lopaw, Papi, el loco hombre, 25 (via link to thread) and others for naming other clubs that scan.