
Hong Kong Club, Tijuana for Beginners

I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 12:00 AM
This was my second foray into Tijuana. The first was in November 2014 when I crossed the border and hit Hong Kong three days out of the four that I was in San Diego. I learned a lot back then (with advice from TUSCL contributors), and I'm still learning. There have been other, very helpful posts on TUSCL, and my intent with this long-ass article is to add details that I think would also prove helpful to anyone who has not yet made the journey and is contemplating it. And yeah, ya should. The place is just unreal. Planning for this trip started a few months ago. I had to be in Orange County for a conference, so my flight to California from the East Coast was covered by my employer. I went out a few days early, rented a car, and drove the 90 minutes south to the border. The first thing I will tell you is that instead of staying in San Diego (as I did for visiting family during the last trip), I booked a room in San Ysidro, California, the town where the border crossing is. TUSCL trolls, don't give me any shit for not actually staying in TJ. For a number of reasons, staying in the U.S. allows me to cover my ass and gives me a little plausible deniability with the wife back home. (Just trying to avoid the inevitable "Honey, when you called me three of the nights you were gone, how come there are roaming charges from Mexico on our cell phone bill?") As I said, don't give me any shit! A guy does what he has to do to preserve domestic tranquility. BORDER CROSSING INTO MEXICO There are things about the border crossing that have changed since I was here in 2014, and things will continue to change. The old crossing still works pretty much the same way as before, and you can travel south into Mexico and north into the U.S. there. There is a brand new crossing about a mile to the west, but it's my understanding that for *now* you can only cross there from Mexico into the U.S. I read that that will change sometime soon, and eventually the old crossing will be torn down. Not sure about parking at the new crossing; I think it might be $8.00 during the week and $25.00 on the weekend. I stuck with the old crossing and parked in the lot next to and behind the Jack-in-the-Box. The pay lot is open 24 hours, $8.00 for 8 hours, cash only. If you return even one minute after your 8 hours are up, you will pay another $8.00, so keep that in mind. It's a short walk from there to the border crossing – just follow the crowd. I had heard they were stamping passports going into Mexico now, and to avoid that (plausible deniability and all) – and based on advice here on TUSCL – I had gotten a Global Entry pass several months ago. It also allows you to skip the long lines coming back and provides automatic TSA Pre-Check whenever you fly. Worked like a charm coming back. Going into Mexico the first two days, I was not stopped by anyone nor required to show anything. HOWEVER, on the third day going into Mexico, I was asked by the Mexican Border Patrol agent to show my passport – which I did not have with me. I showed him my Global Entry card, which he said is only good for getting back into the U.S. He said, "You have to have a passport." WTF – no one said a word to me the prior two days. After a brief moment of unease on my part, he let me in and said, "Next time, bring your passport." Phew! Still not sure about the stamping of passports. Note that if you bring anything into Mexico with you (I carried a small messenger bag), they run it through a scanner like at an airport, but getting in is really easy. The rest of the route to HK has been well documented on TUSCL. Walk along with the crowd for a few minutes, grab a Yellow Cab, and say, "Hong Kong, cinco, si?" (they always said yes to me). Incidentally, Tijuana taxis are a trip in and of themselves, as the drivers race to get you to your destination, and whatever rules of the road they have there seem more like mere suggestions. After five minutes, $5.00 (US) and a dollar tip, you're there. The Yellow Cabs have to stop in front of Adelita Bar a couple of doors down from HK; there is another cab company that gets to park in front of HK. No biggie. Just walk back to HK. MONEY All transactions can be made in US dollars. Others here have recommended changing to pesos to get a better deal (depending on the prevailing exchange rate), but I did not bother with that. Not saying you shouldn't use pesos – just saying you don't have to. And you all know you never use a credit card in a strip club, right? HOTEL CASCADAS Before I left I had PM'ed a fellow TUSCL contributor about advice on a few things, and he suggested that even though I was staying overnight in San Ysidro I might want to book a room at Hotel Cascadas, which occupies about six floors above Hong Kong. He pointed out that the rooms are really cheap if you spring for a VIP card at HK (more on that in a moment), and if you plan take girls upstairs several times over two or three days (or multiple times each day/night, like I did), the card pretty quickly pays for itself. In addition, there's no knock at the door when your 30 minutes are up. I made a reservation the week before for three nights via the hotel's website (which is reachable from the HK website). They don't require a credit card number for the reservation, but they do ask for an email address to send you a confirmation. I registered using a fake name (but a real email address) based on TUSCL advice about using a fake name when you get the VIP card. I used the same alias for both the hotel reservation and the card. Believe me, nobody cared or asked. When you make the reservation online, the website will tell you what your total will be, based on the rack rate of $55 a night for a standard room Sunday-Thursday, $70 Friday and Saturday – and says that discounts will be applied upon check-in. When you arrive, first go to HK to get your VIP card and then check into the hotel next door (literally two steps from the HK entrance). I was so fortunate that my TJ trip included a Monday and a Tuesday, since the VIP discount on those two days is a whopping 80%, bringing the cost of the room down to $11 a night. When you consider that if you don’t have your own room and you want to take a girl upstairs, it will cost you $17 per half hour (and double that if you take two girls at a time, which I did on my last visit). The discount on other nights is 20%, bringing the cost down to $44 – which is still not too bad, especially if you plan to use the room for multiple visits. All transactions are done in cash, with US dollars or, if you prefer, pesos. The standard room has a sink, bed, enclosed toilet, separate shower, and decent variable "mood" lighting. Perfect, really. (Deluxe rooms are also available at a higher rate.) I paid a $20 fully-refundable deposit for a remote control for the AC. There was also a TV, but I did not use it. Over three days, I don't think they serviced the room in any way, but they did promptly honor my request for clean towels on day three. THE VIP CARD You can look on the HK website for a list of the perks you get when you buy a VIP card. I didn't avail myself of all that much (didn't use the free limo to or from the border, no fancy bottle service, etc.) but it's pretty easy to get your money's worth, especially if you stay at the hotel on a Monday and/or a Tuesday. You go right to the desk on the left as you enter HK, tell them you want a VIP card, and give them $50. They will ask your name (whatever you choose to give them), enter that into the computer, mark your expiration date on your card with a Sharpie (it's good for four months), and you're good to go. The tricky part about using the card is that if you want, say, your free drink, you have to go to the front desk and tell them you want a free drink. They log that in their system showing that you've now requested that for the day (you only get one per visit) and give you a receipt to give to any bartender or waiter (mesero). I guess that's OK, but if you're sitting in a booth with a chica bonita and you decide you want to take her for your half-price lap dance, you just can't take her to the lap dance room – you have to go back to the desk at the entrance where they go through the same routine of logging you in and giving you a receipt (and taking your $11, which is half the standard $22 price). This actually takes a few minutes, so you might think about doing that in advance if you really think you'll get a lap dance. You definitely can do it on the spur of the moment, but there will be a few minutes of wood-killing procedural folderol. HK COUPONS There are some useful coupons which you can print out from the HK website for different things like, for example, one free appetizer or lap dance. You redeem them at the desk at the entrance to HK. They nominally keep track, asking for your email address (you can make that up if you want; I did and it was not a problem), which you write on the back of the coupon. They then staple a receipt to your coupon which you can give to one of the meseros to use. You can't use them in combination with your VIP card, and they're only supposed to be good once during your day/night visit, but if you're cagey (and if there's a different person at the desk when you go back), you can get away using more than one. MESEROS People here on TUSCL sometimes complain about the meseros (waiters) because they are omni-present, but I thought they were great pretty much across the board. They all speak English, which can be very helpful, and they are genuinely interested in making sure you have a good experience at HK. Yes, that means more tips for them, but they are all pleasant and eager to please. Not one shorted me on change nor automatically "kept" the tip. If you speak no Spanish, you would do well to befriend a mesero. GENERAL VIBE IN THE CLUB Even though you may be entering what many would consider to be a legal bordello, this is not a sleazy place – far from it. HK is very nicely-appointed, easily rivaling many of the upscale clubs in the U.S. The lighting is great throughout, as are the stages and the available seating. Even when it's not super-crowded, there's a fun vibe. The girls are pretty much all in the 7-9 range, with something for everyone in terms of tall, short, thick or thin (though not a lot of ethnic diversity). It's my understanding that the girls all have to get health-tested regularly to work there, and from a personal hygiene standpoint (based on close personal contact with dozens of them), they are generally much cleaner than a lot of American strippers are. And gorgeous. Every girl I talked to was from somewhere other than Tijuana – Mexico City, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Jalisco, Sinaloa, etc. They come and stay a week or two, make a ton of money (more than what they can make at home), and then go back to their lives and families. It's very rare to find any who are fluent in English. Most speak a little English; a few speak virtually none. My Spanish skills are rudimentary, at best, and I had my best times with those who knew a few words of English and/or were patient with my lousy Spanglish. I found that one of the most useful phrases is "Como se dice..." [co-mo say dee-say], which means "How do you say...?" which shows you are at least making an attempt. GETTING THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY First of all, compared to what you have to pay in U.S. clubs, it's just dirt cheap here, and you can have a good time for even just a fistful of dollars. A single U.S. dollar bill will give you a chance to fondle any girl's boobs – and probably her pussy as well. For the price of a girl's drink – $9.00, plus a $1.00 tip – you can have a girl sit with you in a booth while you explore each others' charms. It's pretty much a given in this situation that breasts will be bared – and maybe more – and touching is the norm. Yes, some of the girls will down their drinks quickly and move on, but they really have an incentive to stay and do what they can to convince you to take them upstairs. Most are quite friendly and accommodating in the booths. If you're not quite ready to commit to going upstairs, you can get a lap dance (for $22), which is done in a private room with frosted glass. As I mentioned above, free or half-price lap dances are available with the VIP card or a coupon from the website. I did a couple of those, and with one girl I got a CBJ for an additional $20. Prices quoted to me for going upstairs (arriba) ranged from $60 to $100. The going quoted rate seemed to be $80; some settled for $60, others held firm at $80. The one girl who quoted me $100 very quickly came down to $80. This is basically for 30 minutes in a room at the Hotel Cascadas (see above). Though I know the price of the room can vary, I think it's basically about $17 for 30 minutes. Once you and the girl settle on a price for her time, you go to the door of HK (either the front door or the back door), the girl is given a robe by the door guy (for which you tip $1.00), and you go to the hotel desk on the second floor. You pay the $17, they give the girl a condom and some lube, and you're on your way. I will leave the rest up to your imagination. No matter where I was in the club or the hotel, I never felt that anyone was out to cheat me or ROB me. All transactions were on the up-and-up. Everyone treated me with kindness and respect -- and, naturally, I reciprocated. GENERAL VIBE ON THE STREET I was aware, based on recent TUSCL postings, that there has been some violence on the street around HK, but unless you're drunk and/or stupid (or both) and you keep your wits about you, you should be OK. I was on the street both day and night and never felt threatened. At night, the street (at least the block with HK and Adelita Bar) is so well lit that it's almost like daylight. I saw LOTS and LOTS of street girls hanging out – they are everywhere. I did not interact with any of them on this trip, and other TUSCLers have described that scene more knowledgeably than I ever could. I will say only that the opportunity to engage with them is ever-present. BORDER CROSSING INTO THE UNITED STATES Cabs are always parked outside HK; the ride back to the border is $5.00 (plus a $1.00 tip). Just be sure to specify whether you want to be dropped at the old border (vieja frontera) or the new border (nueva frontera). In my experience, the cab drivers all speak English, or at least enough to get you where you need to go. They will drop you off for the (hopefully) short walk to the border crossing station. Others here have talked about what times are best and worst to try to make the crossing. If you cross on a weekend afternoon, you may wait in line for three to four hours! I crossed at the old border station either early or late evening and there was no line at all. I would guess that much of the foot traffic has migrated to the new crossing. I also was equipped with my Global Entry pass, which saved me a little time, but really, at that time of day there were so few people it didn't make much difference. You have to stop and talk to a U.S. Border Patrol agent, who will ask you one or more questions, but it's really no big deal. One asked me where I had been and didn't blink when I said La Zona Norte. I think I was always asked where I was going; I said I had a hotel room in San Ysidro. All asked if I had anything to declare (apparently, that's the one required question), and since I hadn't bought anything other than great memories, my answer was always no and I was waved through. It should go without saying that you should not try to bring any drugs with you – in either direction. I am not sure of the likelihood of getting caught, but I am certain that the consequences would not be favorable. Well, I hope that this has been helpful to you. There are plenty of TUSCLers who are more experienced at this than I am, and I expect that some will post additions, corrections or clarifications to what I've written. I welcome that. And I strongly encourage anyone who has not yet made the trip to do so – before Donald Trump builds that wall!


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Good job.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    You mentioned concern with having youur passport stamped, would the same concern apply to a passport card ?
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Great article. Much respect. This will be very helpful when I head to San Diego in two weeks.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Interesting. So many TUSCler's staying in San Ysidro. I can just imagine it, those old fashioned television sets, where an electric motor lets the remote change channels. Ordering a couple of large extra cheese pizzas. And then being so close to TJ's zona that all you have to do is walk out into the parking lot, and you can smell the aroma of pussy juices wafting across the border. Some people have posted about tipping mersros to send them girls, when it is so easy to approach them yourself and when that way should go better. You didn't tell us much about your interactions with the girls. As far as setting it up to work well upstairs, front room GFE is always the key. Seems like lap dances should be unnecessary, when you can just get friendly sitting with the girl in the booth. But there could be exceptions. Take any girls up to the balcony or for food? And then of course, not knowing where you are from, I am sure the strip club girls there will take care of you. No not all of them, and often not on site. But get to know them, and they can do offsite anything the TJ girls can. And then where ever you are from, they might even have Latinas, and Latinas are different from Whites. Seems like TJ is set up to let you have whatever you want. The main variables are, do you want to approach the girl and fraternize, and hopefully build GFE rapport, or do you want to call an escort ad. I would of course say that the first way is best. And then, how much time do you want to spend with your girl? More time with one girl, or quickies with multiple girls? If you go for the more time, then you'll be needing to entertain your girl during the in-between times, so there is food and the Jacuzzi, and maybe sleeping. If multiple girls, then if you have rented a room, then you will be needing to change sheets. One of our members said that the entire country has no fitted sheets, so you should bring bed straps bought from Walmarts. And then your valuables, where to you secure them, and overall how much stuff do you bring? Exchange contact info with girls, to be able to see them another time by appointment, and probably away from the Zona? People say it is better to pay the girls in pesos. But I agree that if you are just to be in and out, and it is your first time, maybe that is not worth the trouble. That Cascadas does look ideal for seeing a girl for the first time. The fancy rooms, with Jacuzzi's and available food. But also because you can get your girl from any of three sources, Street, Las Chaveles, or HK Bar. People have written that Bar Tropical and Las Chaveles have more DFKing. And then at the Playboy Bar, the girls sneak up on you from behind and don't give you any choice. And then there is El Fracaso, supposedly the only place which enforces their indoor smoking prohibition. This may yield a higher quality of girl. For myself, it all sounds like the heavenly paradise here on earth, and we should be looking at exactly what it is which stops us from having this in the US. I plan to be there, and extensively, but not as a sex tourist. Not interested in sex tourism, not really interested in consumer recreation of any type. Rather, I will be expanding a business across the border, and so I'll be working with locals, and bedding down with girl(s) each night. So that Cascadas and getting to know a girl will be the ideal way to start. But before I can make that go, I still have to win some showy victories here on the ground, political and legal battles, and with bragging rights. But what we do have here is an on and off again underground Mexican bar circuit, and I have learned much from that. Their women really know how to make a guy feel like a king. This comes across anytime you interact with them. Thanks for you article, and maybe you might want to tell us more about interactions with the women. Dr. F [view link] [view link] [view link] [view link] SJG For MrDeuce, Nicki Minaj [view link]
  • specballer
    7 years ago
    Definitely get that Passport card. I had those same concerns with the regular passport and it was a hit or miss on whether the Mexican Border agent would stamp my passport. I got the passport card as suggested by other members and that is all I will ever carry when going back to TJ. Great detailed article!
  • EastCoaster
    7 years ago
    Papi Chulo said, "You mentioned concern with having your passport stamped, would the same concern apply to a passport card?" Papi, I think you nailed the answer. Voy111, in his June 13 review, advised getting a Passport Card because with it, there's "no paper record of entry to Mexico." I did not have that, nor do I know anything about getting one. But I will before I go back. :-) San Jose Guy, to answer a couple of your questions -- Lap Dances: I agree that lap dances are really unnecessary at HK. I didn't do any on my trip in 2014, but because I could do some for free (with the coupon) or half price (with the VIP card), I decided I'd try it out this time. I mentioned that for an extra $20 I got a CBJ in the privacy of the lap dance room. I don't think I could have done that out on the floor. Of course, I also could have gotten that upstairs in my hotel room, but it would have cost me at least $60. No, I did not take any girls to the balcony or share food. No reason not to -- it just happened that I didn't. "And then your valuables, where do you secure them, and overall how much stuff do you bring?" I don't think my hotel room had a safe, but the more deluxe rooms might have had them. One thing about staying in San Ysidro (on the U.S. side) was that I didn't really have to bring anything of value with me. I had a messenger bag with some toiletries, a light change of clothes (only if needed, because I really wasn't planning to sleep there overnight), a supply of condoms (definitely needed), my rental car key, and that was about it. Oh, and my cell phone. I left the bag, hidden, in my hotel room while I enjoyed the scene downstairs. Really, the most valuable thing I had was my Global Entry pass -- my only ID -- and I kept that with me. Others here on TUSCL may want to comment on their experience with what they've brought with them and how they secured them. Interactions with the girls: As everyone who reads TUSCL regularly should know, Your Mileage May Vary, and what I've experienced may have little or no correlation to what others have experienced in the past or will experience in the future. But I am happy to report that even though my Spanish language skills are muy pobre (very poor), I have had a blast interacting with the girls at HK. That said, at HK -- just like in the States -- you will find some girls more extroverted and some more introverted. If you find an introverted girl who speaks little or no English and you are introverted and speak little or no Spanish, it's really doubtful that you will have much in the way of a Girl Friend Experience. Also, I have celebrated my 21st birthday three times over, and -- just like in the States -- some of the younger girls, for whatever reason, are perhaps a little more reluctant to engage with me than they might with someone closer to their own age. As long as you're not an asshole and you don't smell horrible, I don't think any of the girls would refuse to go upstairs with you if you offered them the going rate. They are there to make money, and -- unlike most clubs in the States -- *everyone* in the entire club is aware that girls are expected to go upstairs and fuck. But again, as for the quality of the personal interaction, YMMV. The good news is that overall, I have found the girls at HK to be outgoing and really, really fun. Most speak at least a little English, and since they all know there's an expectation of going upstairs to fuck, there's no pretense and no need to beat around the bush about that. So from the get-go, you and she are pretty much on the same page. In my article I mentioned that buying the girl a $9.00 drink buys you some time with her. (The girls will get a receipt from the mesero for every drink, which they redeem at the end of their shift for cash or credit of some kind.) Buying the drink grants you time sitting in a booth with the girl, during which you may well get a Follies-style lap dance (i.e., ultra-high mileage including FIV, a little DATY and a BBHJ). Not always, of course, but it has happened to me there more than once. As part of the YMMV caveat, some girls will down their drink quickly and leave. Some will stay but allow less groping or may be less handsy with you. But I've had some *amazing* times in the booths with girls who were really into it and in no hurry to leave or to rush me into agreeing to take them upstairs. Here's a story that, to me, shows how good it can be. I was coming to the end of my three-day visit and had enough time (and enough, uh, vital juices) left for one more trip upstairs. I spotted a 9+ raven-haired cutie sitting by herself at a booth near the back by the shaving cream show stage. Just as I started to make my way to her, she got up and started walking in my direction -- not to me, but in the direction of where I was standing. I intercepted her and said, "I was just coming over to see if I could buy you a drink." She responded, "I don't speak any English." I said, "That's OK. Can I buy you a drink anyway?" She understood that, or at least most of it. We sat, the drink came, and I proceeded to fondle her bare breasts and tried my best to speak to her in Spanish. Fortunately for me, she really did know a little English -- AND it turned out that she LOVED having her breasts caressed. I wasn't paying attention to how long this was going on, but she stayed a really long time after she finished her drink. I bought her another, which she appreciated (because she gets credit for that) and I resumed the fondling. She was a little more handsy with me now, and I tried to get a little more adventurous with her. She enjoyed having my hand between her legs, but was a little too self-conscious in the openness of the club to really allow me the kind of access I was seeking. The whole time, we chatted (as best we could), and she seemed not to be in a hurry to go anywhere. To be honest, I think she was on the introverted side and was happy just to have found someone to hang out with who made her feel good (and wasn't an asshole, which is key). Once again, it was clear that she *really* enjoyed having her breasts caressed. At this point, I had a coupon for a free lap dance that was burning a hole in my pocket (wasn't going to do me any good back in the States!), so I asked her if she wanted to do that. Well, no sooner had the frosted-glass door closed than she came out of her shell. She was nude in about three seconds and had me unzipped and at full mast. I bet we could have done anything in there, but I knew the mesero would be knocking at the door in about three minutes. She was happy to accept my offer to take her upstairs, where she was slow and sensual and oh so eager to please. When we were each satisfied, she wanted to stay and cuddle and chat (as best we could) for about 30 more minutes. We were probably in my room for close to 90 minutes. So, SJG, maybe that's not how you would have liked things to go, but for me it would be hard to imagine a better ending to my time in TJ.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Well thanks for the info. Lots of places where girls will do FS with you. But to make it really nice you have to let the girl open up. Mostly this comes down to DFKing and getting her to where she really wants to fuck you. I understand about the age difference, but I think you just need to learn how to talk to them. If they see you as a stereo type, then yes it will be a negative one. But if they come to understand you some, then not necessarily negative. I learned this in AMPs, get the girl loosened up and DFKing early on. If you like her, let her know it. Does not always work, but it works often enough, and then the session is mind blowing for both parties. So would you go back to TJ, or would you instead get more friendly with local girls who you can see repeatedly? Any interest in dancing with girls in places like Las Chevales or Bar Tropical. Also a good way to talk with them. Any interest in going back and doing Toda La Noche with a girl, and likely with food and jacuzzi time too, but skipping San Ysidro? SJG Ginger Baker's Air Force [view link]
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Oh also, VIP rooms. They have a big common VIP room. Any benefits to using that? They also have private VIP rooms. I believe you could have a girl BBBJ you in there, or most anything else. Could do that with her, then take her for food, then continue in the hotel suite. Consider that? Also, are you saying you were DATYing a girl in the booth? Some of the videos show that happening at stage side. :) SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    What is the clientele like - mostly Americans, half Mexicans - older vs younger?
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    Wow. I appreciate all the logistics info. A TUSCL meet up in HK would be epic. Maybe SJG might show up. The thought of the ladies having regular health check ups is a nice fantasy. Yes it's nice that arriba is cheap, but that means there's a higher risk of exposure to STIs from patrons to the lady. That's why I have not gone to HK even though I love latinas. A condom does not protect you from herpes or HPV
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    How many guys go through a girl in HK a day you think ?
  • EastCoaster
    7 years ago
    Since this was my article, here are my thoughts about a few points raised above, but I encourage others to reply as well. On May 27, sflguy123 posted a link on TUSCL to a 90-minute video about clubs in TJ, including HK. It's a "documentary" of sorts which includes hidden camera footage, and it's actually pretty well done and entertaining (and of interest to anyone contemplating making the trip): [view link] Nemesisk7, at the 53:35 mark (53 and a half minutes in), the narrator calculates how many dicks the average HK girl has contact with in six months' time. I forget the number, but it's more than a few. :-) Bavarian, right after that (at about 54:10), there is a discussion about the health card the girls have to have to work in La Zona Norte (and video proof of one), so the regular health check-up is not a fantasy. However, as you correctly state, there are risks to this hobby, and not just in Tijuana. Papi Chulo, you asked about the make-up of the clientele. I will answer with a caveat that my experience is limited to a Sunday-Monday-Wednesday trip in November of 2014 and a Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday trip about ten days ago. I have not been there on a Friday or Saturday night, when others here on TUSCL have described it as very crowded -- a real sausage fest -- which could bring out a very different demographic. I will describe what I saw, and I encourage others to weigh in with their observations as well. First, I should say that I really didn't pay much attention to the other PLs, as there were *way* too many beautiful girls for me to notice much else. That said, I get the impression that most of the customers at HK are by and large *not* Mexican. At other clubs in the neighborhood, I saw many gentlemen that looked to be Mexican and were probably locals. In some of those clubs, I saw men and women dancing together on regular dance floors. Hong Kong is not like that. It's a strip club and the PLs are there to watch and fondle and go upstairs to fuck. I saw men of all ages -- middle-aged guys like me (or older) as well as young bucks. One night I saw a group of what looked like college-age frat boys boisterously enjoying the lesbian shaving cream show in the back. There were about 10 or 12 in their party, which included a couple of hot sorority-looking-type girls (who seemed to be enjoying the girl-girl show as much as the guys). Most of the guys I saw were white, but there have been black guys, too. And, notably, I have seen small groups of men of Asian descent. Whether they were Asian-Americans (i.e., American citizens) or citizens of Asian countries, I don't know. I would think that the club's name is a draw for Asian gentlemen. But overall, it would be my guess that the majority of the clientele would be Americans.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    Well done!
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Thanks for all the extra comments EC
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Good Article, Well Done EC. SJG
  • Roadworrier
    7 years ago
    EC you are tempting me. SD / TJ are on my travel calendar now.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    good well done article. and quite accurate! btw... no need to tip taxi drivers. paying $5us includes the tip. actually it is a generous tip especially since the taxi utilizes the new bridge over the tj river. sometimes a taxi will accept my $3us offer. get a passport card to avoid any mexico passport stamps. i travel lite. t shirt, shorts flip flops and money. i usually stay 20 to 24 hours. i allways have a good time in tj. hk is the single best club i have been to. i've been going for 3 years and way over 100 times. enjoy!!!
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    Definitely more than a few :) last time i picked a girl that just had comeback from upstairs with a customer , while we were fucking she still had cum in her back and legs from the previews guys that fucked her ! (: She said she couldn't waste time from getting clients on that busy night . Enjoy Mexico guys !!!!! there is nothing like it in the USA and not even close.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Nemesisk7, that is a most graphic account. I had heard that in the Cascadas the girl will shower when finished, in the room she did the session in. Maybe this was a different place? Justme, Staying 20 hours? Maybe you don't come in the morning, but come much later in the day and spend the night? That makes sense. Avoids using San Ysidro. Avoids having to come back after dark. Opens door to toda la noche. SJG Canned Heat, live [view link]
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    it's a 135 mile drive from my dive to tj. i try to get to san ysidro by late afternoon and rent a standard csacada room and hit the clubs. i have stayed as long as 40 hours but usually about 22 to 24 hours. the shortest time was about 5 hours the first time i was introduced to adelitas and hong kong. this place is addicting.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^^^^^^ AWESOME! And yes, I believe it is extremely addicting. Do you invite a girl to toda la noche? Ever see a girl again by appointment? I guess to do that one might use the usual escort hotels, mostly a bit further South than the Zona Norte? AWESOME! SJG
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    no actual toda la noche but i've had a few stay for a few hours... and i haven't paid extra. haven't done escorts or appointments yet either. guess i am still not a serious monger.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    If you don' invite a girl to TLN, then do you end up sleeping in the Cascadas alone? To me it seems like if you just want quickes with girls, best to get their early and then leave before dark. But I you want TLN, then getting there later and spending the night. Do you chase down more girls long into the night? And then if you wanted you could on the next trip make an appointment with a girl? SJG
  • vajmon
    7 years ago
    Excellent well written article as well as excellent follow-up info. This article makes me want to check out Tijuana next time I'm in SoCal.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i chase down girls until i turn in. usually 5am. sometimes i sleep alone in the hotel. (and sometimes not ;). then i'm back in hk around 10am!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I see. So you don't sleep very much. :) SJG
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
    why not fuck a street whore ?
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i have a sg on occasion. but i seem to prefer the club action. more interaction. time with her and a flicha drink. maybe even dancing with her.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    seems that street girls are more ' wham bam. thank you maam'.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    not that there is anything wrong with that.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I believe that with TJ street girls that if you approach them the right way, pay them equal to HK bar girls, maybe contact info, indicate you want to keep seeing them, maybe take them to eat, all on the clock, they'll be just as good as any others. People talk of seeing them by appointment and of doing TLN, even first night. But a girl you meet in the afternoon might not be free for TLN that night. Maybe children or SO's to get to. I think SG's have the potential advantage of being a bit more affordable, being out in the daylight with outloud music, alcohol or tobacco smoke. Also to a greater degree than any others, they are free agents, their own bosses. But definitely if doing it by the low prices they are offering, then they have to keep tings quick. I think some of it is just, do you want a permanent toe hold in Mexico, like by having a mistress. Or are you just looking to spend money for some fun. SJG
  • PutaTester
    7 years ago
    Great report. Thanks for taking the time to provide so much detail. A word about crossing the border from Mexico to USA at the new crossing. Outside the gate there are two lines, the Ready line and the line for everyone else. The Ready line is for those with passport cards. That said, there is a "secret" line. If you have a Global Access card, you can walk between the lines and to the gate, show your card and they will pass you through. Inside the gate, you can use the Sentri line, which rarely has more than five people in it. Those familiar with the layout know the long walk down the bridge to the spiral. If you are at the top of the spiral in a big crowd, it can take 30 to 60 minutes to get to the gate. Further back from that, and it can be hours. That magic card gets you to the front of that line. Then, once inside the gate, you can wait another 30 to 60 minutes to get to the agent, unless you have a magic card that lets you use the Sentri line. The Global Access card is worth its weight for avoiding the wait.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    Thanks for that info. Others have posted about the same. I assume that to get this Global Access Card and the Sentri Card, you have to fill out applications and give the government information which you might rather not. You have to tell them everything about your money and your doings. And if you tell them anything which is not true you will be in huge trouble. And that is the real gotcha, as they already know everything anyway. But if you don't fully and accurately disclose, now they'll have you by the short hairs, and quite literally. Good info still. It makes sense, as more and more people are doing business on both sides, and so they cross the border regularly. Thanks SJG Pat Metheny, Joni Mitchell, Jaco Pastorius, Michael Brecker - "Shadows And Light" [view link] 8 Body Language Tricks [view link]
  • DaOnion3
    7 years ago
    The health check ups are very much a reality. I've seen the women's only health clinic that the women have to go to for their regular check ups and to get their health card. There is a steady stream of chicas going in and out of the doctor'no' office all day long. They get scheduled for follow up visits and if they miss them or fail the tests, they lose their health card. I also know chicas that showed up for work at HK and were sent home because their health card had expired. I believe the health cards are valid for 30 days.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    What a country. Sounds like the kind of a place where sooner or later you'll decide that the cops sometimes just deserve a tip. :) SJG When the Ubermensh is born and Dougster's plan goes into action: [view link] Who likes organ music? [view link] Obviously, we need more people with guns [view link]
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    Glad you made it :-) I sure hope you visited Adelitas, since you were only 50 yards away from it?
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    ^^^^^ Do you like Adelitas better than HK Bar and their other clubs and the street? Adelitas for session rooms, or for overnight? And overnight with a girl? SJG DEEP PURPLE - Live @ Moscow 2016 [view link]
  • Goldeneagle2010
    7 years ago
    Thanks a lot for this very informative trip report. Although I doubt I would actually use it as I'm more of a European strip club/brothel guy, more knowledge is always good!
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Damn good read...I've watched a bunch of Mexico American crossings on YouTube and your description sounds identical to what I've watched This article will be extremely helpful to me in 2018
  • bubba267
    7 years ago
    Great read with detailed information. I will likely never make it out there, but this will be a great guide if I do! Thanks...
  • BumHip
    7 years ago
    Could you give some details about the bringing more than one chica upstairs? Thinking about doing that next time, but wondering if it is worth it. Thanks my man.
  • EastCoaster
    7 years ago
    @SEEKnDESTROY – in response to your question: During my first visit to HK in 2014, I fulfilled one of my long-held bucket-list fantasies of having full-on sex with two hot, naked girls at the same time. For me it was even better than I expected, but whether it will be the same for you – and whether it's worth it – will depend on many things, some of which are totally out of your control. One of the givens: it will cost you more. Instead of a $1.00 tip to the guy giving the girls robes for when they exit the club to go next door, it will be $2.00. Instead of the room costing you $17 for 30 minutes, it will cost you $34 for the same amount of time. And of course, you will have to pay the girls, who can each ask whatever price they want and you can try your best to negotiate a reasonable rate. In general, there is no motivation for them to lower their rate just because you're taking two of them upstairs. But this is Tijuana, which means that compared to the U.S., no matter what you end up paying, you will still be getting a bargain. Whether it's worth it also depends on what you're hoping to get out of the experience. If you want the activities to include some girl-on-girl action, you will need to find two girls who are into sex with girls (duh, I know, but I think it's not as common in their culture as it might be now in the U.S.), and are already friendly with each other. Whether you can find such a pair will depend on several things, including which girls are in the club that day and your ability to discuss this with girls who speak little (or no) English. If you're not fluent in Spanish (and I am definitely not), my suggestion is to talk with one or more of the meseros (waiters), who all speak English well and are more than happy, for a nominal tip, to bring you any kind of girl you desire. Don't be shy about asking them -- they've heard it all before! I was extremely lucky to have been approached by two petite girls who were both 9's in my book and were working the room together. Buying them each a drink, my time with them in the booth seemed *very* promising, and they expressed an eagerness to go upstairs together with me. One of them pretty much had me hooked when she whispered, "Sucky, sucky, no condom," but the clincher was that they told me it would be $100 to take them upstairs. Not $100 apiece – it was $100 for both. I'm not saying you will get that same kind of deal, but the experience was definitely worth the $136 in total I spent. If you can swing it, I would recommend renting a room at the hotel for the day/night rather than paying for just 30 minutes. (With a VIP card, on Monday and Tuesday the rooms are only $11 a day.) If you're taking two girls, there's no guarantee they'll stay longer than the usual 30 minutes, but at least there will be no knock at the door at the end of 30 minutes. One other piece of advice: Bring your own condoms. If you're going to fuck both girls, each girl will (understandably) want you to use a fresh condom. Have fun!
  • Nixur68
    7 years ago
    I'm looking at the "HK Girls" photos on their site after registering and I must say I'm slightly underwhelmed? How accurate would from those that have been would say this experience has been?
  • EastCoaster
    7 years ago
    I have never looked at the photos on the HK website, so I can't answer your question directly. But let me say this: 1) I never expect I'll see the women whose photos are posted on *any* strip club's website. It just depends on who's working, and at HK, virtually all the girls come from out of town, stay a couple of weeks to make money, then head home for an extended period of time, so you never really know who will be there. 2) I have been to HK six times, and I have *never* been underwhelmed by the quality of the girls there. Not even close. Granted, you have to like Latinas, because that's all they have there. But even during the slowest times (afternoons, or week nights), there are literally dozens of beautiful girls there -- of all body types -- and all are pretty much in the 7 to 9 range. I've been in a handful of other clubs in that neighborhood, and I can tell you that in La Zona Norte, HK girls are the cream of the crop. Of course, not all the girls will be your type, but whatever your type is (as long as you like beautiful Latinas), you will find multiple versions of that to choose from. Almost no Caucasians, Blacks, or Asians -- just gorgeous Latinas. Lots of them.
  • Nixur68
    7 years ago
    Would have of the girls look similar to Veronica Rodriguez or Melanie Rios?
  • sdnewbie
    7 years ago
    Thanks for this article! Super illuminating. I am by no means a strip club enthusiast. Once every few months with a buddy and we don't spend an arm and a leg, but enough to have a good time. I do have fond memories of going to a strip club in Tijuana 15 years ago or so, and have never been able to figure out where it was again. On my last trip to TJ to buy cigars, we took a side trip to the Hong Kong for the first time and had no idea what we were wandering into. Neither of us spoke english, so we mostly wandered around and enjoyed the show. Let me tell you, it was quite a show. Between the saws-all with a dildo attached being used by two girls, the chinese guy they stripped buck naked and tied to a chair, and the girl being carried around naked on a tray filled with flowers (what was that about), we were a little overwhelmed but planned to come back. Preferably with someone who speaks english. I'm not game for taking anyone upstairs, but at least now I understand how it works and what everyone is angling for. Not sure if that makes me more or less likely to come back, but it's good to know. I found the circus so entertaining, I could probably just go hang out, get lap dances and hope for a hand job on the sly. Great info, glad I checked out this site!
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    SneakySecret2's Thread [view link] EastCoaster's Thread [view link]) Dr. F's Thread [view link] Earlier Dr. F. [view link] Worf Poe's Video [view link] More Worf Poe [view link] SJG Jeff Beck [view link] Rolling Stones, 1981 Tempe AZ, has the BEST Honky Tonk Women, can you guess why? [view link]
  • goldensun2344
    6 years ago
    If you don't have a room, do you know if there is anywhere to chill/rest after you finish upstairs before going upstairs again? On the Hotel Cascadas site, it looks like there is a patio deck on the 2nd floor where you can have cocktails. Does anyone know how to get there or any other spots outside of the club to chill before going for another round in the club?
  • Dblednmike
    6 years ago
    That patio is part of Azul Restaurant. The entrance is near the south lobby off the alley.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    Goldensun, rather than doing girls in succession, how would you feel about doing an extended session, or TLN, with one girl? And, unless you can be in TJ regularly, you will find that sex tourism always has its limitations. SJG Lifeboat Forum, in case there are ever any disruptions: [view link] [view link] Save the above info some safe places, like in emails to yourself and on paper. Like harmonic notes? Joe Bonamassa - "Midnight Blues" - Beacon Theatre - Live From New York [view link] The Thrill Is Gone [view link]
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