Why Doesn't Diddlin Joe leave the basement to campaign.

avatar for ime
Fuck Joe Biden

Because he doesn't have to. Why let old mush brain out in public when you can just cheat by mail in.




What a fucking joke having a fair election is. Let's just kick off this civil war and rid our country of Democrats, guess their first loss in the civil war wasn't enough.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

The Dems have been "playing not to lose" all along which often bites the team in the ass at the end.

avatar for winex
4 yrs ago

Hid in’ Biden?

This election cycle was made for him.

He polls best when he is out of the public eye.

avatar for Hannathedog79
4 yrs ago

Not a fan of either candidate, but it looks like J.B. has taken the philosophy, "why waste bullets when the other guy has shown he can't draw his weapon with-out shooting himself in the leg?".

Maybe a better analogy, why throw a strike when the guy keeps swinging at low, outside sliders and seems encouraged to do it again because his fans keep telling him what a great swing he has.

Our choices are, once again, very discouraging for our country. I'm tempted to skip most of the national choices and stick with voting for the regional/ local stuff, since that seems to affect my day-to-day far more than the President does.

avatar for ime
4 yrs ago

Hanna i think you got that wrong. Biden and his handlers are to worried about him shooting himself. Why take that chance when you plan on going all in with fake ballots.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

My prediction is that for the debate Sleepy-Joe will be pumped with steroids and at some point he'll get roid-rage and attack/jump Trump

avatar for winex
4 yrs ago

You gotta admit that would make good TV

avatar for Hannathedog79
4 yrs ago

Well, one side might be worried about their candidate shooting himself in the leg while the other side is actually watching it happen, over and over again, ignores the bleeding and encourages their candidate to keep shooting. Either way, this country is in trouble.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Having a historic economy (pre Covid) - redoing trade deals so they are fairer (instead of the US being taken) - standing up to imperial China - standing up to the E.U. to pay their fair-share of NATO - accomplishing peace in the Middle-East - etc

I wouldn't call that "this country being in trouble" - I call it being stronger than ever and having the balls to do things no one else wanted to take on or said it couldn't be done.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 yrs ago

Sleepy-Joe as Prez would be do-nothing corrupt politics as usual with a side of Socialism - no thanks

avatar for rattdog
4 yrs ago

papi, i'm on a learning curve here as i confess not have paid much attn to this stuff while i was in school.

an alert biden: corruption & a side of socialism 2016 and before:

the biden group: 2 appetizers, 3 main courses and 6 sides of socialism, communism, and any other -isms as long as it's not capitalism?

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