
Comments by whitesun777 (page 6)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    English Breakfast
    Nice.. clubbing pants, I have those too.. something thin.. no belt is always good. Don't think I ever been to a club when they just opened.. figured it's going to be slow.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Easter weekend fun (3rd Easter weekend)
    Yup that's Katrina for you, works about 2 hours a night. Summer should be good I hope, slower is always good for the customers, wait till month end when rent is due.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Easter weekend fun (3rd Easter weekend)
    Nice, great review as always and I thank you for that. I'm shocked Katrina wasn't there... did you stay past midnight because I swear she only shows up in the last 2 hours.... a lot of new names that I don't recognize, will definitely check out the club again later this month and maybe catch my ATF if she's still there...
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Dirty Deeds done dirt cheap indeed
    I'm going to guess it's an album by Billy Joel, there's 9 songs in that album so $80 is pretty good deal. I do like the part about the tongue action so I think I'm going to check out this club. Thank you for the your review.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Ok for a tuesday night. Actually, pretty good
    Oh I get it now.. because the word small appeared 7 times....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice Evening
    I don't know Dave2, it's a tough sell.. being someone visited many states but no reviews on them.. do please share.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I've got a bad feeling about this.
    Ok for a tuesday night. Actually, pretty good
    Yes it's a small club compared to Christies or Jaguars.. it's about 3000 sq ft give or take.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    Very fun night, better than usual even
    Agreed, HL always provide great reviews. Names, descriptions and a brief summary/personal insight is nice. I didn't know Sophie still works there, thought she moved back to San Diego. I never did VIP with her, and her floor dance is just average at best. I forgot to mention Charlotte in my review, saw her working but didn't get to meet her as she was busy, maybe next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Saturday late afternoon
    The "show" on Saturday was lame... I almost felt bad for the performer.. she had some "sticky" substance all over her body and the idea is for the crowd to throw bills at her to stick and cover her body. Sadly there's hardly anyone went up to stage.. I think there was a "few" bills on her.. sad
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New favorite dancer
    Thanks, I never met MiMi so I don't know.. why she changed her name is beyond me... it seems every time I'm at Sugar Cutie is always there (at night) Not sure how many times I have to tell her "no" before she gets the hint... I recall her VIP was so bad.. she was just "sitting there" and try to talk. And I'm like if I wanted to talk, I stay on the floor.... 2 and I was done. It was my first time meeting Nicole and she tells me the same bs story (or so I read) that how bad she was doing and she need to pay for the house fees... well lesson learned and I will be ignoring her next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New favorite dancer
    I'm fairly sure she said her name is BeBe and was wearing a light blue lingerie outfit.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    New Experience for me
    Odd I had a similar experience, was at Chicas early Sat night as I had to pay freaking cover... I did (3) dances or so I thought but she said 5. I noticed DJ cuts the song in half so it could of been 4 but still. My last few experiences were not good so I'm going to avoid this place for a while..
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    New favorite dancer
    I forgot to mention I saw BeBe for the first time, Asian dancer with fairly nice body. But just expected her floor dances were fairly below average that's probably why I forgot to mention her. She was selling VIP. I don't get why dancers trying to sell VIP dances give crappy floor dances... it's like you need to convince me to go to VIP and not just stop you on the floor.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Strip Clubs!
    A visit to see a real feature dance RR
    Nice review as always. Agreed on Missy Detroit, I've seen her for years now, she was better back then. Now and days she's just going through the motion.. Sad thing is she still come by because she recognize me.. I'm running out of excuses "I'm about to eat.. just got here.. I need to use the restroom.. I forgot something in my car.. "
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Cover charge for an empty club
    Haven't been here in a long time, not since they ignored my ass the last time I was there. Both bartender and waitress saw me just standing in front of the bar like a fool waiting for them while they're just chatting it up. (Yes I'm still holding a grudge) But before all that I normally go by and check out the parking lot, if it's not even half full I don't bother especially if it's after dark and they're charging cover.. Or come back at 1am as there seems to be no cover by then.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    This Place Sucks !!
    Yes, thank you for the review, never been to the club before but I was tempted one time, it's just way too far West for me and if the club suck (which sounds like it does), there's nothing nearby. That's some insane VIP fees and 5 songs minimum is nuts. The dancer should of told you up front that you can't touch but of course I'm sure she knows about it and just didn't want to tell you. I've done VIP in another club where there's cameras but luckily they don't watch you like a hawk there.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Saturday Couples Night
    I don't know, I pay what the sign says. I know the house gets a cut so if the girl is only charging $20 a song, the dancer is probably getting $15. Don't quote me on this. If you're not sure, check with the bouncer before you walk in so there's no surprise at the end.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Honestly, ymmv
    I've been avoiding this place even though it "WAS" my favorite. My last visit I had a day off and decided to check out the day shift. Parking lot was surprisingly full on a Wed so that was a good sign. I also noticed they started putting up "Sugar44 parking" only signs on some of the spots. I'm guessing people at the bank uses it or McD. No cover and it was pretty busy. Bar was full and I barely was able to get a seat. What really piss me off is the waitress ignored my ass for who knows how long. A dancer came by, she wasn't my type so I told her I'm just waiting to get a drink. Normally a good dancer would flag the waitress down, not her, she just kind of sat there. Kind of strange but she finally left. Waited a bit and still nothing so I decided to go up to the bar and I get the same silent/I'm invincible treatment. Now both waitress and bartender is chatting it up.. waitress clearly sees me waiting but said nothing. After a few minutes I'm like frog this place and bolted. Haven't been back since.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    The original Salty
    Holiday Treat
    Thank you for the review, I always get food at HiLiter. Last few times I've been getting Ribeye steaks and potatoes... used to get steak and lobster. I have to ask, what is OEM? I know it's not One Eyed Monster...
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    “My movement...is so slow...it’s imperceptible.”
    In my experience, I think this is the ONLY club that actually enforce the "2 drinks minimum". I know most clubs have this policy but rarely enforce it. Not this club.. I recall going there awhile back, went up to the bartender and asked for my drink and she goes back saying.. what's your other drink and points to the sign "2 drinks minimum" I suppose they have to enforce this since it's so slow they're not getting enough business.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Stoped in Monday August 27th 2018 at 3pm... 2 thumps up
    Did she happen to call her pussy "yum yum"? I almost went to VIP with her one time for deserts.. her floor dance is pretty good.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    8/18/2018 Centerfolds Reopen & Great time - in fact...
    Thanks for the report Dave.. but ouch $10 drink fee is going to kill me.. unless they give you 20 gallons worth of diet coke.. why couldn't they just charge $5-$6 for cover, I would feel much better paying $3-4 for a non alcohol drink.. but $10?? So I take it they charge $10 for a bottle of water too? that's insane. Never really had any real fun back in the days in their VIP although their Teriyaki chicken was pretty good IMO...
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Happy handy
    Club ad or not... although it's a bit suspicious with only one review... who wants to pay $150 for a HJ via your pants? Raise your hand if this is a good deal. But to each its own.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Hidden gem in Sugar
    Not sure on the 4th dancer's name, but definitely not Diamond as no piercings.. I'll post her name if and when I see her again.. 3rd dancer hair is dark black I believe, it's just too bad she seems real good starting out but her dances just didn't cut it.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Is it still a no touch policy there? I recall going there awhile back... my hands were just touching the dancer's hips and the bouncer bee lined over and told me to back off so I haven't gone back since.