Joined Feb, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2022

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John Bolton rats out TrumpEstablishment Republicans are so taken aback at the level of sheer stupidity exercised by Trump. Won't matter what details Bolton reveals. Trump will retain…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.@JimmyMcNulty You're talking extreme exceptions, not the norm. Though that is very typical in these kind of conversations. The more irrational you are, the…

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John Cleese Explains the Psychological Advantages of ExtremismYep. This is exactly whats happening now. I'll say it again. I never thought liberals would be the ones to not make data driven…

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Arizona updateI already had a confirmed bout of COVID-19. If I didn't know what it was I'd assumed it a case of the flu…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.I'd like to see this great Liberals World where the cops stand down. They'd be the most frighten ones since to them guns are…

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With the states that reopened having a spike strip clubs are dead for 2020Coronavirus spread through the military, particularly the Navy, with relative ease. Yet the military reports only about a couple of dozen of COVID-19 deaths.…

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Arizona update@Richard_Head There's always some kind of shit going on on Indian School Road, so no it doesn't bother me at all.

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strip clubs in Houston may close againIt's just something to give the impression your doing something about it. Plus you still have idiots demanding face masks and social distancing everywhere,…

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1.2 Million People Die In Car Accidents Each Year. Why No Coronavirus Ban.1.2 million WW deaths.

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it’s noon Arizona time Sunday . so what’s the number one club ? Do you know ?If it ain't happening at HL, it ain't happening anywhere.

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strip clubs in Houston may close againWe're simply going through what we would have gone through without the massive shutdown. That's why it made no logical sense at all. Instead…

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Guys I've just been stabbedRioting and looting a Target store usually helps stop the bleeding.

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.@ deucestrip On a one-to-one ratio, no. But we are talking tens of thousands of murders in the US, and which black s (black…

1.2 Million People Die In Car Accidents Each Year. Why No Coronavirus Ban.If people still want extend quarantines/lockdowns over some 400,000 deaths in six months, then why don't they call for bans on automobiles, where well…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.@McNulty - Time for me to jump back in, and your last post is a good entry point. I know of two black women…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.Muddy- I'm simply fed up with black folk, dusting under the carpet, the thousands of murders each year in black communities and over-reacting in…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.Meat72- The lionshare of those deaths are in the course of gunfire and evasion from the police. You omit those from data and the…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.There's a conclusion people miss. Floyd died from what's generally a non-lethal tactic to bring a suspect under restraint. Absent that tactic, more lethal…

Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.So why this narrative that suggests that all these deaths of black men are by the police. Black people are so fucked up that…

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While the fake racist online veterans are mad, hear it from a real one 😎Blacks not only are responsible for most violent crimes, they also resist arrests at higher rates than any other demographic. Those kind of encounters…

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DON'T FUCK WITH THE FLAG BROTHER!Don't support the NFL and certainly don't support the NBA. Finally abstain from all the strip clubs that play a lot of rap and…

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Absurd martyrdom of George FloydIt really is absurd, and ignorant. So after all the thousands of black lives taken by black hoods, the mayor of Washington D.C. decides…

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DON'T FUCK WITH THE FLAG BROTHER!When a guy like Drew Brees has to take a knee to show he's not racist, then things are really fucked up in this…

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Who do communities struggle?I also want to add that the idea of "Black communities", or "Hispanic communities" and "Asian communities" is a misnomer. People say that and…