Joined Feb, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2022

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Thanks a lot BLM and Liberals. The GOP has increased support thanks to you.I was one of the biggest liberals you'd ever meet. I still am on most subjects. But things have simply deteriorated. I left Austin,…

HGTV is the most watched Entertainment Network on Cable TV.So after news and sports networks (Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ESPN etc.) HGTV is what most Americans prefer to watch. That is astonishing! I…

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Thanks a lot BLM and Liberals. The GOP has increased support thanks to you.Forgot to add the link to FiveThirtyEight- https://projects.fivethirtyeig…

Thanks a lot BLM and Liberals. The GOP has increased support thanks to you.FiveThirtyEight's website shows increases in general and congressional races toward the GOP. Trump is gaining on Biden and where the Dems had leads, they've…

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Enjoy your last week of clubbing guysIt's all part of liberals and their Cancel Culture Cancer. The only way this gets turned around is if the Dems are repudiated at…

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Arizona updateBut the mass protests must continue unabated! I think I died and for my apparent sins got shipped to the stupid hell.

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Adult film star Ron Jeremy charged with sexually assaulting 4 women, faces lifeHis first sexual assault was raising the hem of a young maiden's dress over her ankle.

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ReparationsIt's hard to believe that the same voting population that voted in Trump, is now taking a hard left turn. I mean I know…

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Simps are ruining clubs@Salty.Nutz Ha! Yes, some of the people on this board really believe they're players or something.

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Has Georgia overtaken Florida as having the best strip clubs in the USA?The strip clubs in Texas were great up until rap and hip-hop music and culture took over. Now what used to be goldmines are…

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Only 3% of Black Male Homicides are Death by Police.Don't bother Papi. I've tried getting people interested and aware this kind of violence for the last 25 years. Basically black people don't care…

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Arizona updateWhy the fuck are people so surprised infections are back up as we come out of quarantine? I mean WTF did they think was…

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New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.@smack9x Blacks were more self-sufficient fifty years ago than they are now. And for your correction, blacks have had the right to vote…

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Has Georgia overtaken Florida as having the best strip clubs in the USA?You've got a long way to go to beat Portland, Oregon.

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Juneteenth"Juneteenth..a few days of celebration for white liberals and fronting for the white folks, for a number of blacks". Most black people could care…

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THe Two Biggest Problems With Police In the USNo even in workplaces without unions, it can be really hard to fire someone. Corporations have to wait until there are RiFs (Reduction in…

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Shots Fired at Protest - One DeadOkay, put the brakes on the hyperbole. Things are bad, but it's not that bad. Not by a long shot.

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New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.Well I know a lot of it is driven by SEO and clickbaits. But it really does is just stir up contempt.

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John Bolton rats out Trump@Papi Trump simply has to go. No bones about it. Other than voting for Biden, I'm voting GOP down the ballot. I'd always…

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New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.@skibum609 because that's the narrative the vast majority of media outlets and white liberals want to present. They can't just view black people as…

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Arizona updateIf it's a liberal city (yes, Phoenix now fits that bill) you can bet mandatory, feel good, but useless, facemask laws are going to…

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Coronavirus antibodies may last only two to three months after infection, studyBut the immune systems still are able to fight future virus. It's just like influenza. There's a cost to carry antibodies, some viruses…

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Will any of you make out with a stripper post covid19 shutdowns?Don't if you're 80 year old or morbidly obese. If not, good God when will people come to their collective senses.

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New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.People say that, but it wasn't Johnson's "War on Poverty" that hurt black businesses. Black businesses thrived economically and blacks rose from overwhelming poverty…

New York Times: Blacks are dying from Coronavirus because of Slavery.No it's because of high rates of obesity. But even that is being blamed on slavery. Forget that we were most fit in trim…