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Joined Feb, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2022


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4 years ago
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Texas Stripper Lawsuit
It's the ones who don't make money who file these suits. Any dancer finishing a shift with anything over $175 dollars will resist reclassification…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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OT: Browser Question
I wish I could ditch Google completely, but as far as browsers and a few other services of theirs, they overwhelmingly offer the best…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Trump seven fitty
People severely misunderstand business "profits". For instance Amazon actually paid $2.4 Billion in Income taxes as they pay foreign taxes as well. If you…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Dead at age 87
@shailynn - What's Scooter Libby doing these days?
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Dead at age 87
Bork was a rejection of a particular candidate, not a scrupulous tactic to deny a sitting President a Supreme Court appointment. Republican politicians like…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Dead at age 87
@Papi And I thought 2016 was bad.
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg / Dead at age 87
Man this sucks. As if the upcoming election wasn't enough turmoil already. If the GOP shoehorn's a nominee, given they denied Obama a nominee…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
@ RandomMember - I didn't question the GDP rate. My reply brought in the question that Denmark's GDP would have contracted more had they…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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Flu shots.
@ alkaholik. That's why facemasks are effective in high contaminant environments, and less so in open spaces populated with mostly healthy people.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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Flu shots.
Vaccines don't (actually) lessen the effects. That's what flu medication is for. Vaccines inject less potent strains of the virus so that your immune…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
Good example of how people cherry-pick their metrics. Another example is NBA ratings. If the total viewership numbers are anemic, they will boast about…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
US Surpasses Sweden in COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita
Sweden didn't shutdown their economy and took the full brunt of the Coronavirus head on. Because of this their COVID-19 deaths per One Million…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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TLC "90-Day Fiance", more viewers than either NBA Playoff games last night.
Harris Poll: 38% of sports fans say the stopped watching the NBA because of politics.…

But of course NBA decline denier will still try…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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TLC "90-Day Fiance", more viewers than either NBA Playoff games last night.
Yeah but found time for Reality and WWE TV shows.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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TLC "90-Day Fiance", more viewers than either NBA Playoff games last night.
TFP - here's the link:…

They rank by 18-49 demo putting the two games 1-2, but the TLC show had significantly more viewers.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
TLC "90-Day Fiance", more viewers than either NBA Playoff games last night.
When your big major American Sport playoff games have fewer viewers than a second tier cable channel's cheap reality TV show, you should just…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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1 in 5 Black Male College Students Support Trump
I think the GOP is beginning to peel off a huge portion of black male voters. I know BLM's mission statement essentially dismisses the…
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5 years ago
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If white racist hate us so much why do they always mention us?
Here's a response worthy of your post. Making French toast is simple; in fact, you probably already have everything you need!

Bread: Fantastic French toast…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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Support during Covid
They all should have an OnlyFans account, or something similar. However some may be skittish about it. You know the old saying- "What goes…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM
@Tetradon That's a response very common to white liberals and dumb blacks. Particularly it reflects how white liberals really view black people.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM
My post isn't a pejorative about Jordan. It's a dismissal of woke NBA players.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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Covid is overblown
" How many of those people with 2-3 serious health issues would still be alive today had they not contracted COVID? I’m guessing most…
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM
I thinking I might have "Biden Disease". I hope there's a cure.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
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MJ might want to rethink his Billion dollar donation to BLM
You're right! What the fuck was I thinking?
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