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Joined Feb, 2011
Last Seen Aug, 2022


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4 years ago
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Curves Cabaret
2130 N Oracle Tucson, AZ 85705
Hit or Miss. I got a hit.
Curves is a mid-tier strip club, but the best one in Tucson. Lots of fatties, but on the right day (which can not…
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4 years ago
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Dancera trying to talk like Cardi B
Pretty much 90% of stripper now are ghetto hoe's. So it's not surprising.
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4 years ago
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Ughh - spinner had terrible B.O.
I can dismiss an occasional BO, but a consistent on is a deal breaker. Some women simply do not believe in hygiene. The worst…
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4 years ago
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Phoenix Update
Ugh. Sammy was a favorite.
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4 years ago
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Solid as always
By diversity of body types you mean thick girls, then Bourbon Street's days are numbered. It's about to go the way of Christie's.
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4 years ago
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Austin TX Strip Clubs
I was in Austin not too long ago. It was pretty bad everywhere, but before that Yellow Rose was pretty good. You'd never catch…
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4 years ago
Rare sighting- Hot girls working out in a Planet Fitness/
Making it even more stranger is that this was on a Saturday afternoon. There were perhaps eight or nine guys, but about 15 gals-…
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4 years ago
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The golden days of the HL are over!! New pricing structure (see inside)
Strip clubs gotta survive someway. They get fewer and fewer hot girls and more and more of the fuglies and fatties.
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Perfect 10 Men's Club
16511 Bratton Ln Austin, TX 78728
No Fine Dancers At All
Went on a Thursday afternoon during lunch. They do serve a nice lunch- steak and fries. Nothing special other than that. Like a lot…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Friday Afternoons - back to high energy
That's what it was like pre-Covid. The hotter girls came in around 12:30 -1:30. I think the customer got into sync and started coming…
avatar for nickifree
4 years ago
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Yellow Rose
6528 N Lamar Blvd Austin, TX 78752
A Decent Thursday Afternoon.
Yellow Rose is the longest lived strip club in Austin. The club has changed hands and redecorated multiple times. Yet it always looks the…
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4 years ago
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Hispanic Strip Clubs
@ wallanon I haven't visited a lot of the Austin strip clubs in a few years. But I remember "Landing Strip", "Ricks", "Sugars", "Expose"…
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4 years ago
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have you / can you still visit one of (or) the very first SC you ever been to?
First SC was during a visit to New Orleans when I'd just turn eighteen (that was the legal drinking age back then). I think…
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4 years ago
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There and back again Hi-liter journey
Hi-Liters was still decent in 2019, especially early 2019. But it and Christie's in Tempe went downhill extremely fast. But with quite a few…
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4 years ago
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At the end of the day, aren't nice girls just the best?
It used to be that way up till about 15 years ago. Now it's all about getting over, whereas before it was just a…
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4 years ago
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People Don't Want To Work Anymore
The unemployment rate is only 6% as of April 2021. Restaurants, bars, movie theaters- practically all forms of entertainment are still hurting due to…
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4 years ago
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I was hungry
Except for Bourbon Street on rare occasions, I've given up on Phoenix strip clubs. Too many fatties dancing.
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4 years ago
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No Mask, No Mask
Um @cipdevice, FL also has far more elderly people per capita.
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4 years ago
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Yellow Rose
6528 N Lamar Blvd Austin, TX 78752
No Mask, No Mask
My first visit to an Austin club in at least a couple of years. Got in after ten pm and the club was packed.…
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4 years ago
Hey Fauci, how's them facemask working for you now?…

I told all you idiots that facemasks would only somewhat slowdown the spread of the virus, not stop it. And here we are nearly…
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4 years ago
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Arizona Update 2.0?
I haven't gone back to any of the clubs in Phoenix since the start of the Coronavirus shutdown. But it had gotten pretty shitty…
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4 years ago
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Biggest Ripoff you ever witnessed or experienced in a club
A DJ asking for $20 for personal requests in a completely dead club.
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4 years ago
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Still think facemasks are helping?
There's so much inconsistency. Facemasks are supposed to be an effective solution, yet we use contact tracing. Herd immunity doesn't work, yet vaccines are…
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4 years ago
Still think facemasks are helping?
COVID-19 death rates are rising to what they were at the start of the U.S. epidemic. This is happening even though people use facemasks…
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