
Comments by sucker4ladies

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers using TUSCL
    Sorry for mistaking your comment juicebox69...You too!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Dancers using TUSCL
    Geez guys, calm down! I apologize if it came across as creepy. That was not my intent. I was simply curious. It's not like I'm asking for their birth date, address, social security number, and mother's maiden name for crying out loud! @kingcripple: I am not, nor have i ever been, a stalker. @juicebox69: Sarcasm much? @rickdugan: Finally, an intelligent response from someone who understands what I am coming from. @txtittyfan: Comparing apples to oranges...
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    Money in Vegas?
    One last thing, being groped is the norm in Vegas. Two-way contact is a prerequisite. Guys just expect it, because its Vegas and its expensive. If you are uncomfortable with two-way contact while nude then i would only dance at one of the numerous topless clubs in town. Although, if you are hot enough to get into say a weekend shift at the SR, then you could maybe get away with less contact. Best of luck, and HAVE FUN!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Jersey
    Money in Vegas?
    rfcookie, You will need a number of legal documents before you can dance in Vegas (may inflate your costs a bit). Also, with Vegas clubs the competition in the looks department is probably the highest in the nation, especially on weekends. It would probably be your best bet to go when you know a convention is going on, and work in the late afternoon/evening. Unless you are an absolutely drop-dead gorgeous model (or willing to do extras for the manager), you will not be given an evening or weekend shift at any of the high dollar clubs (SR, Sapphire, etc.). Competition is fierce for those shifts. Vegas rules are that if alchohol is served, dancers can only be topless in a G-string, and if it is full-nude they cannot serve alchohol. There is no distinction between the stage and the VIP. The only club to have both is the Palamino, but it is in a bad area (close to North LV). As far as contact during lap dances goes, the law says the customer cannot touch the dancers, but of course that is not enforced, so it is left up to the individual dancer to determine her limits. Some girls will charge more than the standard lapdance rate for allowing certain levels of contact. For example, the standard dance may be $20, but she may charge $30 to allow playing with breasts, or $40 for everywhere but the "kitty". It is my personal belief that there is a tipping point for the "more contact = more $" theory. At a certain point, a customer will not pay THAT much more for more contact (without sex). IMO, the best money is in the "everyhere but the kitty" contact approach. That's how I've seen girls make the most in $ in Vegas.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip club restaurants
    I guess it doesn't usually make a difference to me whether a strip club has a restaurant or not. (I have never eaten a meal at one.) While in a SC, I am usually too preoccupied with munching on things other than food to care too much one way or the other. ;)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What sets you over the edge...
    For me, it is any outfit that has ties on the top or bottom or (preferably) both. A bikini with ties on the sides of the thong and on the back of the bra, or even a shirt tied in the front to hold the twins up. The only reason for this that I can think of is that if it's tied, it has a good chance of being accidentally (or on purpose) untied and removed quickly/easily. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    That's exactly it...No sister, so no problem! As an aside, I suppose the sister line would only work if the stripper was caucasian like myself...otherwise, might seem a little awkward!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    Tons of good info here. Thanks for all the replies. I feel a well-armed now for my next persistent ugly dancer encounter. If the firm "no thank you" doesn't work, I am going straight to that "sister" line! LOL
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Significant Others and Strip Clubs
    dabiggtipper: You hit the nail on the head. Variety is the spice of life. Even if you found a woman that would have sex with you any way and any time you like, there would still be an end to the variety at some point. Thankfully, we have strip clubs to fulfill this need, and yet still stay with one woman, if we so choose.