
Comments by RiskA (page 16)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Sunday Funday
    "Too explicit" seems to be the concern of members from outside SoCal who think City of Industry is like most places in the US, where sex in strip clubs is a dirty little "secret" that people can't discuss in public without drawing community condemnation and LE attention/action. It isn't. COI's population is like 100 people and 5000 businesses, and no residences or schools are near the clubs. The county LE with jurisdiction knows all about what goes on and clearly doesn't care much, because it's been going on for years and it's well-known from a string of internet boards, and there's only been a handful of raids typically focused on drugs or warrants. Now I favor a little discretion in reviews, but I appreciate info more. Since we all know what happens here, saying "my dance with Flopsie was fully (or very highly) satisfying and I gave her a $100 tip" is all that needs to be in writing, and the savvy PL knows exactly what that means. Besides, the only truth in strip club life is YMMV, and we all (should) know that too.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Some of the dancers here look like New York Jets
    Actually $6 admission and $5 drink. My day visits have about 50% hotties and few linebackers, in IMO; but it's pretty much a low mileage, long conversations place for older "regular" PL types. Like a Cheers-type bar with no alcohol. But the utter lack of mileage now (unlike it's heyday in the mid-2000's) has taken it off my radar.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Roadhouse Club with Dancers of All Types
    But I can't figure out if it was Zola or Rochelle who wrote this.... Maybe they're friends. As a guy who has tried probably 85% of the strip clubs in SoCal, I've never tried or heard a thing about this club before (positive or negative). I'm in that area frequently, so I'll try it soon and give an objective report.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Tuesday vip
    The 10 min for $80 VIP is a little higher cost per minute than the 15 min for $110, so if you know the girl and aren’t nicknamed Speedy the latter is usually better. The $80 may be less outlay for first time/trial runs, to cut any losses; but I’d rather bet on success!!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I dream of raaaaaaaaaayaaaaainnnnn I dream of gardens in the desert sand, this desert rooooosssseeee yeeeeeeeyeeeeeaaaaaaahhh
    Alyssa is a well-known GPS wallet-strangler. Hot girl tho; esp back in her Hawaii Theater days like 10+ years ago before the “cost of really living” rose so high.... Laplurker’s description tracks my experiences here.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The Showgirls talked me out of VIP
    Another one-visit “bulls-eye” impression of this club. Often hot girls there, & excellent dance booths; but no real mileage allowed, few to no customers (so girls don’t stay), sensory overload lights & music, creepy Eastern European thugs. This could be a top club if they just let the dancers dictate mileage, but prob too valuable as a money laundry to risk govt intrusion....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Felt like 2nd grade again
    Bingo. This club is an upsell emporium with no payoffs. More “make it rain” PLs than any club I’ve visited, and 90% of the time that’s the dancer’s BF or pimp trying to sell his girl as worthy to other customers (I’ve actually seen some return the bundled bills to the guy for next stage show). Fleece market, IME.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Muddy’s recent Blitzkrieg through California clubs has made for some very entertaining reading; thank you. As a regular at SoCal clubs I’ve come to different conclusions re: some based on repetition (such as BELAX is largely about bedazzling & fleecing tourists), but his one-visit impressions are pretty spot on.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Waste of time
    “Waste of time” is pretty synonymous with “San Diego strip club”: lot of pressure & harassment from the community and local government kills the fun.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    When you want to go to the club, but can’t.
    I get the itch, but agree it’s more free time & boredom that trigger it. Maybe I feel a little “addiction,” which is more likely positive reinforcement from many good experiences. I also keep a calendar and expense log of my visits, as it provides an objective touchstone whether I’m losing my head/control. Next year should prove interesting, as job moves from AdultDisneyland to NoTouchLand....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I support single moms...
    Better than borscht!
    You’re brave: this club is physically a total shit hole, and dancers mostly BBW (or bigger) at least in my semi-annual day shift visits. Worse than Paradise (aka “Flabadise”). But some cheap VIPs & max mileage, if you can find someone you can stomach. You’ll want to shower after.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Overall Meh
    If the dancer actually said “nude,” you got scammed (& didn’t read the posted signs around club): it’s not a nude club. Topless at best, and I think even that is result of girls bending rules. It’s not like other Synn clubs. Now many girls have “wardrobe failures” and allow subtle FFZ, but anything beyond SSTP & a rare handy is a unicorn.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Los Angeles
    How the Mighty Have Fallen
    Yeah, this club’s become a poster child for bad management. I was hitting it a lot as for a while around New Year’s as they were getting many new girls dancing; but then prices changed and customers jumped ship. Heard 2nd hand that internal fights among co-owners was root of the problem. I abandoned hope there about 2 months ago.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I support single moms...
    Synner, or saint :/
    “Not enough details” usually means no detail re entrance fee, drink costs, dance prices, dancer variety, vip privacy, GPS, etc. Subjective opinions & experiences do NOT require a lot of detail unless illustrative of the overall club vibe.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    NYC and The World
    Good, Not Great
    Were you at SRI (Spearmint Rhino Industry) or SRVN (Rhino Van Nuys)? Your review says both. Dark & dead sounds more like Van Nuys (tho fun with some girls)....
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First Time at a Stripclub
    Ecstasy in Santa Ana has high quality girls & high mileage possible; $50 a song there too but long songs, private VIPs with beds, quality, etc makes it more worth it; just be sure to negotiate & fix your terms before going back (the girls are used to it) so no remorse. Cheaper options are Sahara Theater in Anaheim (more “thick” girls but busy club with lots of girls & reasonable pricing). TJ’s Showgirls in Stanton can be good, but hit & miss. Otherwise make the drive to City of Industry for Spearmint Rhino or Synn; they have what we want at decent pricing (Rhino a bit higher).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Another Day Shift Moment
    I go early afternoons (like reviewer mentions) and yes there can be few customers but almost always enough girls for a good ratio. Breaks my heart they raised day prices: was already high but I could rationalize due to dancer quality/mileage available. Guess they figure they can match the pricy Westside clubs Skin & Silver Reign (who offer lesser experiences, IME).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The Never Ending Lap Dance Club
    Wow I commend you two for turning this thread around, into something positive focused on helping PLs find good experiences.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First Time at a Stripclub
    If truly your first time, know that there are FAR better strip clubs than this one, and at better prices (CGSA’s $50 per nude base rate compares with $30 at many clubs which give longer songs, plus better quantity & quality of girls, more privacy, etc.). But glad you enjoyed yourself.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Not Much Happening This Day Shift
    Hmm I tried to rate Dancers a 4, but apparently it changed itself to a 1.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Once again, new management sucks the fun out of this place
    On the few days I’ve visited since Synn mgmt takeover, there’s usually been more male employees than dancers on-site. You can still get a handjob from a girl or two, but not like old days. And they’ll generally be the older veteran dancers, who pay the staff to look the other way. Dancer quality down severely. Really not competitive with TJs or Sahara anymore; just a tourist trap.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Here and there...
    Wasted afternoon trip
    This sounds more like Imperial Showgirls than California Girls. CG has a step or two inside, but no stairs. Was there a Del Taco in a parking lot in front? Or was it right on a major street (Harbor Blvd)?
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Enjoyable afternoon visit
    This review mirrors my day shift experiences here. Lots of fun but you have to keep your wits about you. And be wary: dancers “price-fix” among themselves but fortunately many will breach protocol but it takes some haggling.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    A tip for your wallet and a few extra dollars for the dancers
    Most dancers at this busy club are non-GFE “fly-by” salesgirls (hence the immediate waitress drink push swoop), and if you don’t buy a drink or dance quickly they’re gone. “I’ll tip your dance instead” keeps them interested, and I always tip SOMETHING (unless ROB/air dance) so telling the truth. Another tip: count your change the waitresses scam you a lot here.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Way too expensive
    Curious to see if day shift survives this latest price change; the last 3-4 days I went over maybe 6 months, never more than one other customer and dancer quality didn’t justify even the lower prices. $150/15 VIP now pretty standard in Valley clubs (except for SynnNH, but dancers there mostly bottom of the barrel & ROBs, IMO).