
Comments by hooby

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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Dancers' sexual orientation
    I see a big fat stinkin' opportunity here guys! Do you know that some professor got a government grant for like $400,000 to study people who get both drunk and high at the same time? I'm serious. I say hit the government up for some serious strip club cash to thoroughly investigate this idea!
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Yeah,I thought I was the only "clapper" out there too. It just seems rude not to, even if no-one else in the club is.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Question re: Brad's Brass Flamingo VIP ($100/30mins)
    My one visit to Brad's, left me with kind of the same impression. Being my first time there, I was not really sure what sort of boundaries were the norm. On top of that, the girl I went back to the VIP with was her first time working there. Granted it was great, but yeah, there really wasn't that much difference. I also wonder about the mileage in the little private booth thing. Not REALLY private because there's a curtain between you and another booth, but at least there's a door between you and the rest of the club. Seemed like potential X-tra-ville, but not so much. I think Brad's is great and would go back any time I'm in the Indy area, but the mileage expectation there is still a bit of a mystery to me.
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    14 years ago
    Man charged with soliciting prostitution
    "wookin' pa nub in all da wrong places..." Buckwheat, as played by Eddie Murphy.
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    14 years ago
    Lamest lines said to strippers
    Now, mind you I've never said these things in real life, but my inner 13 year old has. "Honey, there's something I'd like to get straight between you and me." "You polished that pole up real good. Can mine be next?" "Fuck me. Oh, sorry, did I just say that?" "Hey baby, what's the significance of that swastika tattoo just above your ass crack?"
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Best way to make a stripper regain respect for you,when you've turned into a PL
    Having teetered on the edge of pathetic loserdom myself once or twice (but with not such significant financial investment), I get where you're coming from. Let's look at some concepts, and then I will give my humble, opinionated, direct answer to your question, "What's the best way to make a stripper regain respect for you,when you've turned into a PL in her eyes?" What helped me was to recognize that we're really talking about two worlds - two dimensions - two...PLAYGROUNDS! Yeah, playgrounds! Each with their own set of rules. I think we would all agree, the strip club world is business. The $3700 worth of stuff is her paycheck. Now I'm not saying that there was not real affection between the two of you, or that there was. I'm just saying that in that playground, that's what cash/gifts are. Own it. In the other playground (the real world), all the good talks, the texts, the gifts, etc are (or SHOULD be) all different ways to express your love. "Love" being that you want the best for her, even if it costs you. In THAT playground, there are no strings attached to these things, and the giver does so hopefully with the understanding that there might be no reciprocation. In that playground, respect, concern, admiration...love...has to grow and should grow without the financial and material gifts. It sounds like the problem is, you took the rules of one playground and applied them to the other. It doesn't work. So to your question, this is what I think you should DO. First, within yourself, embrace the fact that dancer 1 owes you nothing - that the money and gifts were all given in the playground where these things are merely a paycheck. Write it off, and close the books. Next, get real about what you want. Is it respect? Or is it to impress? They're not the same thing. Your gifts no doubt impressed her. Respect is different, and it's a character thing. Settle that issue. Then finally, have an honest discussion with dancer 1. If your were seeking to impress her, tell her that. If you were really wanting to do something good for her, tell her that. If you were trying to express love, tell her that. But be honest, man! Clearly lay it out - this is what you did, this is why you did it, you are now resetting to "zero", and this is what you would like to see happen (like continue in this playground with a very good business relationship, or move it to the other playground). Get those things settled and clearly communicate them to her respectfully and I believe that she will respect you. That does not mean that she's going to do what you want, and you need to recognize that and accept it. But maybe she'll respect you.