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Joined Jun, 2010
Last Seen Oct, 2012


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14 years ago
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How Often is to Often???
The answer varies with each person, although we all have our financial limits too. But I try to keep it in perspective. I am…
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14 years ago
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Would you ever marry a Stripper? Or do they simply function better like a lease
I can count on one finger the number of strippers I've met who have enough street AND book smarts to make it in the…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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No Contract Cell Phones
Tracfone. Google Voice is a decent alternative, but then you still have all those calls to/from your GV number on your bill and…
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14 years ago
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Trying to add escorts to my fun.
What state are you in? I started this recently and stumbled on (and then was directed to) some state-specific member-only websites that make…
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14 years ago
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How many visits to strip clubs?! (Official May Edition)
I've lost track, but I think it's at least 4. Last week was a dry week for me because of work events, but…
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14 years ago
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Do You Consider Yourself a PL?
If you start asking whether you are a PL, you probably are one.

Embrace it. Spend your money wisely.
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14 years ago
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A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
I applaud others for giving serious tips, but you guys gotta check smokeybear's old posts. He is obsessed with this issue.
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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A bit of confusion about lap dance policies at strip clubs.
Ok, I just checked out your profile, and you're not new here. Not exactly sure what to say here, except that you must be…
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14 years ago
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how far would you travel?
I was in Tijuana last summer. Never really felt unsafe. IMHO it is something a PL or hobbyist should try at least once, but…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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When getting dances...
Depends on the dancer. If it's someone new to me or someone with whom mileage is not great, I'll let my eyes wander…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Anal / Fisting with Strippers - Ever Done this.
Wait - you SAW this in the VIP? Where the hell were you?
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
I said it would be a...
I said it would be a while before I returned now that the VIP booths are gone, but it's been almost a month since…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Flight Club
29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
Visited Flight Club this evening for...
Visited Flight Club this evening for the first time since the remodel. Arrived about 6:30 to get a glimpse of the day girls…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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First impression/experience with your favorite dancers
I had been admiring my favorite for a few trips before we actually met. The last time before we spent a lot of time…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Use the reviews and discussions here to find nearby clubs where extras are the norm. I found it easier to get started where it…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Penthouse Detroit Stripper Sues, Alleges Club is a Brothel…

See the videos for the details, and the reader comments on the site are priceless!
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Real names in the club!
A recent conversation:

Her: "What's your name?"
Me: "John"
Her: gives me a doubtful look--"Is that what it says on your driver's license, John?"
Me: "Does your license…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Bogart's Private Booths Gone
Yeah, mileage used to be ultra high even in the open in the old days. I'm guessing it'll just take a little while for…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Bogart's Private Booths Gone
I thought about the possibility that it has something to do with the upgrades at Flight Club. I'll miss the privacy for now,…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
Bogart's Private Booths Gone
Apologies if I missed a thread on this, but I don't see one. The private VIP booths at Bogart's are gone! I…
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14 years ago
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A Question for the Veteran SC Fans.
Have you seen this particular girl before? If so, and if you and she seemed to have a good time, you can probably trust…
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14 years ago
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Do strippers clean up between customers?
Whenever possible, I like to sit where I can see the VIP entrance. Extras are the norm at most clubs here. If a girl…
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14 years ago
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Top 10 Qualities for an ATF
Here, here, Vince. I notice that sexual chemistry is missing from the list. Perhaps it's implied, given the setting in which we…
avatar for joesparty
14 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
Most reviews are spot on, whether...
Most reviews are spot on, whether positive or negative. This bar is what you make of it. Now that I am a…
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