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Joined Jun, 2010
Last Seen Oct, 2012


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14 years ago
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Strip Club Etiquette, Thoughts and Observations
You're right, this is all common sense, but you're also right that many guys don't do these things. In my experience, both personal and…
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14 years ago
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Need advice on bringing a girl home to hubby...
Does your husband know what a lucky SOB he is?
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14 years ago
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Strip Club "Injuries”
Shadowcat beat me to it: damaged ego only (so far). Oh, and the occasional chafing from, shall we say, overuse. But that comes…
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14 years ago
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Girls dating each other in the club
To paraphrase Peter Griffin (after Meg announces she is a lesbian): (if truely bi and into it) "frickin awesome".
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14 years ago
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I don't care if she's faking as long as she's convincing.
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14 years ago
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Thanks founder of tuscl
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14 years ago
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Going to Mexico
A passport is absolutely required to return home. Two idiot kids in line in front of me didn't have theirs and were grilled…
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14 years ago
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getting a bj in a club
You are asking about Detroit Penthouse??!!? You have both the right city and one of the right clubs, and you still have to…
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14 years ago
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How To Bag a Stripper
Why are we still debating this? I think it's pretty simple. Be yourself. Not some jacked up, douchebag wannabe, but just…
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14 years ago
Overheard in the VIP
Recently in the den of debauchery that is Bogart's "VIP" I overheard a girl telling her customer about how her doctor recently increased her…
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14 years ago
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New To The Lingo
I was trying to work in an OTC=Over the Counter joke, but I'm out of my element today. Perhaps someone else can do…
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14 years ago
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Any place that has cameras closely watched to the point that someone can come and tell me to "watch my hands" is automatically off…
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14 years ago
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Every Stripper Has Said That!
I'm often told I have beautiful eyes. Ergo, it must be true. I've never known a lying stripper.
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14 years ago
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Streetwalkers, a little off topic.
If you want some interesting reading on this topic, check out the threads at www.usasexguide. info (cut & paste into browser and remove space…
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14 years ago
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Have you had this happen
boss435, my question exactly.

If they're going to give me a deal, why the hell not? But if it's regular cost x3, then nope.
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14 years ago
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Great review by GSV.
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14 years ago
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Good points, skibum609, and all the more reason to keep my worlds separate. But I do feel the need to clarify and/or defend myself…
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14 years ago
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Thanks, all, for the advice. I knew I could count on you for some thought-provoking responses. Especially gatorfan (although I'm a bit…
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14 years ago
I'm sure this has been covered in some form before, but I couldn't find any threads directly on point. I have a dilemma…
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14 years ago
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Dream Girls
980 John A Papalas Dr Lincoln Park, MI 48146
Hustler rarely disappoints. The club...
Hustler rarely disappoints. The club itself is top notch, but the talent is inconsistent. Better than your lower tier bars, but not…
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14 years ago
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Mileage rating?
It's always YMMV. Plus, one guy driving a Volt or Leaf would skew all the results.
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14 years ago
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Am I the only one...
"Cover" seems to be common too. Almost never hear rubber anymore.
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14 years ago
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How To Bag a Stripper
Unfortunately, so strippers need to be double bagged.
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14 years ago
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What does a stripper kissing you mean?
It means she loves you and wants you to rescue her from her downtrodden life. You come to the message board and ask…
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14 years ago
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Major Credit Cards Accepted
I've stopped using the old "I don't have enough cash" and moved on to "It's not in my budget tonight." Takes some serious…
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