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Joined Jun, 2010
Last Seen Oct, 2012


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13 years ago
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Is it so wrong...
Good discussion here, but I'm still unclear on one thing: What the hell is a "partial" bj? To me, that's your very first rationalization.…
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13 years ago
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Shaven or not
I'm fine either way, but please, ladies, for the love of Pete, if you're going to shave, NO STUBBLE.
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13 years ago
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Depending on your marital situation, it could wind up costing upward of half of everything you own. No judgment; just stating what should be…
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13 years ago
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extras at sc's
I don't like to share, so OTC is always preferable.
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13 years ago
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My ATF likes to say she is a therapist. Probably true. I don't divulge many personal details to dancers, but if I…
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13 years ago
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Déjà Vu Ypsilanti
31 N Washington St Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Man, this place is dead in...
Man, this place is dead in the afternoon. Walked in about 6PM, and I was the only guy in the place. Worse…
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13 years ago
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Souvenirs (inspired by a jackslash thread)
My innocence and naiveté.
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13 years ago
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I should add, however, that if you insist on staying close to home, do your homework. Pay for a membership, or find a…
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13 years ago
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I second the Canada advice. You sound like you are so new to the game and nervous that it would be difficult, though…
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13 years ago
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Great Moments in Crossing the U.S--Canadian Border
I used to go to Windsor for the casino and a little takeout (yes, outcalls are legal, but some cities require the girl to…
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13 years ago
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Strippers choice -Reverse cow girl
Depends on the club, though I agree with your general observations. But at the famous Bogart's in Inkster, MI, the full menu is…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Bogarts Lounge
30100 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141
News flash: there is now a...
News flash: there is now a little more privacy in the "VIP" room. They've expanded the VIP to the west a few feet…
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14 years ago
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In a rut, and not minding it much at all.
My all time favorite restaurant is in Chicago. I go there at least once every time I visit. Now, some might say that Chicago…
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14 years ago
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Jennifer Garner
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14 years ago
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Stripper Love and Big Mistakes
Good comments here. I wasn't looking for a therapy session, and now that more time has passed (I wrote this a few weeks…
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14 years ago
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Dating a Dancer and Trusting Her. Is it Possible?
It's interesting this article was posted the same day as mine, as the two stories sort of go together. Yes, you can trust…
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14 years ago
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Accounting for a Stripper-Related Expense
It's a classic bad debt. You intended to be paid, and she intended (or so you thought) to repay you, but you have (wisely,…
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14 years ago
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Dancer Seeking Info On Detroit Clubs
I like Hustler and think you would fit in nicely there. Good mix of body types. However, my regular rotation of clubs is somewhat…
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14 years ago
Stripper Love and Big Mistakes
There have been a few recent threads about whether a dancer and a customer can be friends, or whether the relationship is really, when you get down to it, just about business.…
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14 years ago
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Obligation to get LD?
No. And by tipping, you're already more generous than many of the guys there. Just say a polite no if anyone asks.
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14 years ago
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Everyone needs a little Faith... funny story at my expense
Sorry, can't help you, but I'll keep an eye out. One of my big fears is the day my ATF just . .…
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14 years ago
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Adelitas Way
I still kick myself for not going to Adelita's when I was in Tijuana. Went to Hong Kong and, being a newbie, was…
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14 years ago
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Dream Girls
980 John A Papalas Dr Lincoln Park, MI 48146
After a couple month absence, I...
After a couple month absence, I needed a Hustler fix. A couple of new girls, but mostly the same crew. The girls…
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14 years ago
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Where should I go.....?
I have yet to try Toronto, but hope to later this year. But if you decide to stay in the USA, you can't beat…
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14 years ago
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Another Boring Thread About Oil From farmerart
I think a lot of Americans (myself included, sometimes) talk a good game about sustainable resources, avoiding "conflict" resources (oil, diamonds, etc.), but, when…
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