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Joined Jun, 2010
Last Seen Oct, 2012


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13 years ago
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Missing Dancer
Don't you think they mean Club Venus? Or is this a new/renamed place? Either way, I hope she is ok, especially for those kids.…
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13 years ago
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Dancer:You look like an ex that broke my heart, no dances for you
Could have been pure SS. Dancers are human, and if they don't like you, or you remind them of an ex, or etc., they…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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ever wonder
No, I don't wonder what happens to my fluids, as I don't much appreciate playing Russian roulette. Sorry, can't be funny about this issue.…
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13 years ago
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Gifts, the other way.
I got a CD once, as a few of the songs on it had some significance to us. But when my birthday rolled around,…
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13 years ago
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Pre strip club traditions ?
Georg: been there and enjoyed it. We often call it her night off. I have to be careful to pace myself though, as I…
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13 years ago
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MAFPT. (My apologies for posting twice)
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13 years ago
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RTFG. (Read the Fucking Glossary)

Ok, I made that up. But please follow that advice.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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RTFG. (Read the Fucking Glossary)

Ok, I made that up. But please follow that advice.
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Pre strip club traditions ?
I stop at my bank's ATM and, like georgmicrodong, I've been known to engage in a little pre-work fun with my ATF. Best of…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Honest ;)
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13 years ago
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OTC confusion
Not too much more to add, except that in my experience, the girls who give up free OTC are *extremely* rare. Most dancers don't…
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13 years ago
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Holiday season/ Christmas/holiday presents
Hahahaha! Weed! I've never seen a more accurate, deeply insightful comment here, hakanlube. Anybody know where I can get a weed gift certificate for…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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ATF's and Christmas
I like the shopping idea, but I'm still relatively new to this game, and my current favorite is my ATF. I have no idea…
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13 years ago
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how much would you spend on fs with your idea of a perfect 10 ?
I agree with georg. Looks only go so far. Some of the hottest girls have been my biggest disappointments.
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13 years ago
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How much of your bank account has gone to one girl?
I'm with rickdugan. I'd rather not think about it. Plus, how do you keep track if she's not the only one (you had it…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Christmas/New Year's In Hawaii With A Dancer
After reading your update, I'd say you've thought it through pretty well. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably go for it (one…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Pathetic Losers Anonymous
Don't be so hard on yourself; this is quite the story. I was in the same type of situation and believed her when she…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Christmas/New Year's In Hawaii With A Dancer
Very tempting, but I agree with pabloantonio. What are the "sunk costs" you're going to incur just to get her to agree?

There's one…
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13 years ago
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PL Rob'd In Detroit.
Holy Shit, Batman. When, exactly, did this purely hypothetical situation occur?
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13 years ago
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In case you didn't know - "Why men love strippers"
Whew. I thought I was the only one.
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13 years ago
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Her personal boudaries extended, then....gone!
I agree with rickdugan. It's almost always about the money. Either they are trying to compete with other girls for limited dollars, of they…
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13 years ago
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Goals & Objectives
When I've spent my entire 401k and am so desperate for cash that I start asking the girls if they'll accept a post-dated check.…
avatar for joesparty
13 years ago
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Hong Kong Gentlemen's Club
Calle Coahuila 2009 Zona Nte., Tijuana, B.C. Mexico
There's not a lot to add...
There's not a lot to add to other reviews, so I'll try to be concise. This place is big, bright, and loud. …
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13 years ago
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We have it good in Detroit (SE MI). Wait.....let me clarify that.
Indeed, georgebailey. Unlike vincemichaels, I'm new to the Detroit scene. But if you can't find what you're looking for in metro Detroit,…
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13 years ago
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strippers or flat out hookers
I'd say both. Even if charging only the fee for each song/dance with "spontaneous" sex, money is still being exchanged for sex. If she…
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