
Comments by fetish_dancer (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Also, JB, thank you for serving. I come from a military family, so I have a great affection and respect for all soldiers.
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    13 years ago
    Bush Part 2
    I like it to be somewhat kempt, but Idk; I like lots of hair on a man. Lots. I don't want to be pulling hairs out of my teeth, but please don't knock it down to fuzz or shave it all off.
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    13 years ago
    The art of conversation is not something a lot of people, dancers or otherwise, practice and perfect. It seems to be dying out, given that the average attention span anymore is between 7-10mins, I think. It's sad. Anyone who deals with the public should know how to hold a conversation. For me, it's very easy. I'm gregarious. Some dancers may not be as outgoing because they're shy/haven't had enough to drink/etc, etc. Some dancers are just there SOLELY to hustle and if you're not buying drinks or dances, up they go and off to another customer. I guess they figure that if the guy doesn't buy something in the first 3-5 mins they sit down, he's not going to at all. Personally, I give it about 10 minutes. That first 5 mins or so is when you get a feel for the customer (or vice versa) and hit it off. And, in my experience, sitting and talking with a customer without hustling him will get you drinks and dances of his own accord, because he feels like a human being and not like a walking wallet.
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    13 years ago
    Making it rain
    I hate when men make it rain. It's degrading and rude; if at the end of the work week, your boss flung all your money in your face, how would you feel? Plus, for the most part, these "raining" scenes always involve some sort of painful slapping, usually as hard as the hand will go to the posterior, and it's just painful. I understand that I come to work to be objectified, but when you're telling me "bring that pussy over here" and other such nonsense while throwing money in my face, I'm more apt to dislike you, raining or not. It's impersonal and tactless; I like to greet my customer, say hi, and give him (or her) a lapdance. The customer who takes the time to tuck whatever denomination of bill into my garter or g-string is the customer I'm going to respect moreso than the guy throwing wads of money at the stage. I'm a stuck-up bitch, I know. Just fyi, I never act exasperated. I say thank you if a guy makes it rain, collect the bills, and exit the stage.
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    13 years ago
    What's the most money a stripper has been offered?
    I was offered 3 grand for an hour. Course he wanted to do *everything,* lol. Turned it down; it floored him. I don`t do anything OTC or ITC.
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    13 years ago
    The Bad Bush
    Aside from the cleanliness factor, the thongs we wear can be pretty damn small, and no one wants to see bush hanging out. It's more aesthetically pleasing to either shave it or maintain a small landing strip.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    @how: Unless you're talking about "true" conservatism, I don't see how you can see the right is for smaller gov't. Look at the retards in DC with an R behind their name and look at how they vote. It's worth mentioning that their "D" counterparts are no better. If you want true conservatism and the scope of gov't limited, vote Ron Paul. I'll be writing him in. The man has been named a kook, a loon, the MSM will not run with him, and progs and neocons alike hate him. Bad for his shot at the presidency, great news for any thinking person. It looks like Perry is going to win, seeing as how the rightwing pundits have been all over his nuts for some time now, the MSM loves him, and he's actually a pretty good speaker. Plus TX has always done well, at least in my estimation. But voting him in would be like voting in Obama for a second term. @Doc: We're on the verge of a severe financial crisis and we're still not out of the clear. We have presidents who care more about those illegals you're talking about than the people of the US -- why else wouldn't he round them up and close the damn border? We have the PATRIOT Act, we have soldiers dying overseas for no goddamn reason at all -- WHAT exactly have we accomplished in Iraq, if the moment we pull out it all goes to shit? -- and a myriad of other things wrong with this country that would push the people over the edge. I still think we're overdue and I think it's going to happen. This country is reaching its boiling point quickly.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Finishing" a Lap Dance
    Gotcha. And no, I didn't get that, lmao.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    LOL, troop!
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    Wow, you were doing really well there until you started talking about cum again, as if you have body-fluid tourrettes. America is nowhere near Marxism. Socialism, perhaps, if our gov't gets its way, but it won't be the more successful socialism of other nations, i.e. Canada. It'll be some twisted failure that will ultimately destroy us. The proles here have control over nothing. The gov't can seize at will what it wants as long as they have a legal loophole. Or it can force an individual or a business to conform. You see that now with all the regulations on big business, "green" or otherwise, that ruins our economy further by driving business out of the country. If you want to argue that, say, a dairy farmer has the freedom to milk his own cows and market his product, sure. But a dairy farmer WITHOUT gov't subsidies is going to be driven out of business just as surely as if the gov't had come and seized his cows. You see it all the time with small business. So yeah, they're in "control," but it's a very tense, limited sort of control. If you're going to blame Lenin for Stalin, you might as well blame the Big Three for Hitler's rise to power. Marxism has never worked outside of paper, but Lenin attempted what he could with what he had, and I commend him for it. Marx's system worked by stating that capitalism prepared the way for socialism, which in turn prepared the way for communism. Lenin's attempts left him stranded somewhere in the chaos that occurs after revolution, but he would not have instated the Bolsheviks if his intention was not eventually dictatorship of the proletariat. He worked along a pretty straight line when it came to Marxism. If you've ever read Lenin's work 'Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism,' you'd already know that this was a cohesive work that sprang from Karl Marx's ideas in 'Das Capital.' Obviously neither of these men had a problem with capitalism as long as it was done through imperialism and colonization.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    @jerikson: Yeah, Douchester is the resident cocksucker. Literally. We give him a pass, though; he's too busy overpaying strippers to jack him with tweezers to do much more than troll.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    Leninism was the closest thing to Marx's ideology. Which isn't saying a lot, seeing as how it ended, but my point stands. You forget he overthrew the ruling elite party, or else you're ignoring that fact. You're also ignoring the fact that he instated Bolshevism to combat Russian nationalism, which was the main stumbling block to dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin's main "straying" point was that he had make Marxism fit Russia's current economic state. Marx didn't think a revolution would occur unless a nation was exhausted financially, and Russia wasn't quite there yet. By inciting the people, he overthrew the Tsars and brought about the many Russian revolutions. Mao's China was anti-communist even though application of Leninist principles was attempted. Mao failed.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    She shoots, she scores!
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    I posited that you "school" me and compare Leninist Marxism with Mao's failure. Lenin overthrew the tsars and began the Russian Revolution. Mao murdered millions of his own people in paranoia. Lenin > Mao. Just fyi, in any ideology, a ruling group of the elite control the money and property. For you, it's how strippers control your wallet and get $600 a night out of you, as opposed to the $2-300 quoted prices for OTC I've seen around here. Guess you're just an example of a failed policy too, sweet-ums.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    I'll accept your admission that you're a troll with nothing to offer. Best to back out now, Douchester. I'd beat your ass to a pulp in this debate and you know it. Here, talk about cum again. It'll make you feel better, more at home. :P
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    Freud with have a heyday with you, sweetie. Cum is all you can talk about. If you'd like to compare Leninist Marxism with the failure that was Mao's China, I'm all ears. As far as proper roles, yours is beneath the sweaty balls of the truck driver who's marked you for his current ATF, so I suggest you leave the library computer alone and get back to where you belong. :D
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    I love Canada, farmerart. Perhaps I'll have to visit again :D @rh48hr: :p
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    lol. Me and my sexy brain.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    *before entering office, that should read.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    Current fiscal policy is an abortion of what could be, covered by the Flowery BS 101 class that all politicians seem to take before entering class. Listen to Obama; he says nothing and talks a whole bunch. I never watch any of his speeches. If you want an idea of where we're going as a nation, look at California, the most worthless state in the country. Very beautiful, but run by retarded people. @GMD: Yes, you may. I argued with a man once about how Bush and Obama are the same person, just different colours, during a slow grind while he played with my nipples. True story.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    I'll lecture you ALL NIGHT LONG, jerikson.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    @Rlionheart: Add to that fact that corporations (now, I'm not anti-big-gov, I'm just saying) has a hand in welfare, too. Food stamps, anyway. They get a kickback from this failed system, as well, which makes it rather impossible to talk about revamping on a small level (small meaning starting with the recipients themselves). You'd have to start with the food and marketing corporations receiving subsidies. Just one big welfare cycle. Why, exactly, is Social Darwinism dangerous? Obviously I'm not talking about throwing the elderly and disabled out onto the street with a great big "fuck you," but where do we draw the line between making someone provide for themselves and taking care of them their entire lives? Welfare provides NO incentives for people who work and every incentive for people who don't work. A single mother struggling to make ends meet and who perhaps works two jobs gets half the benefits a single mother who sits at home all day does. Is saying that Mother #2 needs to get a goddamn job Social Darwinism? I think not. I've seen this phrase tossed around way too much by people who I don't think know what it means. It's the same school of thought that has Republicans screaming about death panels and Democrats screaming that Republicans want your grandma to die, which is why I don't watch the MSM or adhere to either party; they're all the same bunch of pathetic whores. I will agree that these ideologies boil down to totalitarianism, which is very frightening for those of us who actually give a damn. This is the ideology, or result, which stands the test of time. Lenin used Marxism to focus ONLY on the poor class, the underclass (see: Bolshevism). He overthrew the monarchy and put an end to tsarism, which was good, seeing as how Nicolas was ignoring his people, which brings me to another point: whenever people are IGNORED by their leaders but still controlled, a bloody revolution ensues, followed by a period of chaos, followed by totalitarianism. The US is long overdue for a revolution, as we all know. Another fun fact: Lenin deliberately pitted the classes against one another in experimental gov't once he came to power. I talk too much. Just fyi, I never talk this much in the club. And never about politics unless the guy brings it up, which is usually never as he is too busy fondling my boobs. @jerikson: I'm going to school for the medical field but I don't dance part time. I dance full time. And I like doing it. I know the "stripper in college" school phrase is trite, but I mean it. Stripping is something I do for fun.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Finishing" a Lap Dance
    *I should edit and add to my odd wording that I stopped dating them because they came in their pants, not me in mine. god, fail.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Finishing" a Lap Dance
    Jesus H. Christ, jerikson, why does it matter *where* GMD gets off as long as you're getting off, too? Personally, I wouldn't want to cum in my pants either -- it's why I stopped dating teenage boys when I was younger -- but whatever floats your boat. Lapdancing isn't a one-size-fits-all thing; some guys get off on the sleaze of being ground through pants, others have more options.
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    13 years ago
    Economics/Political Ideologies
    @art: We already know Canada rocks, lmao. @GMD and rh48hr: Our gov't knows all too well how this would benefit us, and benefit that doesn't come from them has to be stopped. We're supposed to be dependent on the gov't for everything. It's why dissension and opposing viewpoints will eventually be quelled: see: 1984, Mao's China, etc, etc.