
Comments by Maverick100 (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    On my Way to Adalitas
    I'm not positive about this but getting into Mexico isn't the biggest problem (I'm Canadian and need a passport), getting back into the States without a passport could be the biggest problem.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    How do you politely tell a dancer you are not interested?
    Lots of good replies here. Usually the simple "no thanks" or "I promised so and so I'd have a dance with her" work. Saying you're broke can work but could screw up the rest of your evening if word gets out and the other girls all believe her. I agree that in a club you frequent often diplomacy is probably a better tact. If you're never going back there again, and you're in a bad mood speak your mind.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    The Wisest Dancer I Have Met
    A former ATF made her "business" legit, declares income, pays taxes, has invested wisely in real estate and is now a part owner in multiple rental homes. I'm sure I helped with some of the down payments... She seems to be the exception, most just piss the money away.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    Strip Club Resources
    Thanks again for the replys. Regarding my other question if it was obvious I wouldn't have even brought it up on this site. It's now a mute point for me. TUSCL rules, 'nough said.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    Strip Club Resources
    Thanks to all who replied to my request. It's an overwhelming show of support to how good TUSCL actually is, which is why I joined in the first place. Stripclublist does have some merits but as previously mentioned you have to wade through piles of crap to get a few decent tidbits of info and there is lots of petty pissing and moaning. Still, does anyone know how to post to that site? Thanks again.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    G-Spot - "New"(well revamped Vancouver SC)
    Thanks for the advice, I have now done as you recommended.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    G-Spot - "New"(well revamped Vancouver SC)
    Thanks for the advice, I have now done as you recommended.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    British Columbia
    Early Friday afternoon
    I meant VIP dances were nonexistent, not stage dances