
Comments by hassenpfeffer65 (page 4)

  • review comment
    8 years ago
    Worth your time
    Good one Vin! I was there a few months ago and remember Ruby - very cute, almost innocent looking. That day I chose to visit the opaque glass booths with another dancer and had a very disappointing experience - can't remember her name but she perspired profusely which was a real turn-off, left me feeling a little slimy. Looks like I made the wrong decision!
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    A trip back in time for sure
    My review below was also a Wednesday. One of the dancers told me I came on the right night as it was was unusual to have 6 ladies working mid-week.
  • review comment
    9 years ago
    New York
    I have one word for Bada Bing ...
    Accurate review. I stopped by here last December at 8:00 P.M. And it was practically empty.
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Hank Moody
    I'm fine. I'm disgusted with my life and myself, but I'm not unhappy about that.
    Was in Vegas for the weekend...
    I've had to push a dancers head away from my neck in the past for fear of bruising or marking. It's disappointing to tell a hot aggressive dancer to cool it but physical evidence is unacceptable. Great review, brother! A fun read.
  • article comment
    7 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    The Art of the LDK
    Nice article, and I appreciate the PH Letters version of your LDK experiences in the comments! The only part missing is how you handle the aftermath of your climax. Do you pretend there's no sticky mess? I assume you carefully choose the color of your thin golf pants so the wet patch isn't obvious?
  • article comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Barebacked Against My Will
    Excellent article! You're a shoe-in for the 2015 TUSCL award for Fine PL Literature! "(I effing love-it when a woman takes the lead sexually; f'ing love it; makes me feel as if they want-it themselves...)". Amen, brother!