
Comments by TommyMoney (page 5)

  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Very disappointed
    None get naked on stage anymore... Zero. A few won't even lose their tops. R-rated Hooters these days, in effect. Boring as boring can be. Why anyone tips for the stage garbage presentation is beyond me... but hey, there'll always be some beta cucks giving their $ away cuz they saw some titties. Kinda like the teen whose balls have finally dropped and they're happy as shit to leaf through a Playboy. Woop-de-doo. For any serious stripclub aficionado: THIS. PLACE. SUCKS. WILDEBEAST. BALLS. (fact) Btw, they want $20 at the door for Stormy: chances she gets full naked at this Hooters is probably 50/50. As Trump would say/tweet: "SAD!"
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    I guess I'm a bit of a masochist, cuz...
    TY for the kind words. I never take any delight in 'bashing' a club -- particularly this one, which I have very fond past memories of -- but, I also want to always give a 100% accurate portrayal of the experience I encountered. It actually pains me to see this once-upon-a-time great club fall so deeply into the horribly-run shitshow abyss... but they literally don't even try to be a decent strip club these days. Everything about this club screams: LAZY & INDIFFERENT to the customer experience; to them, it's all about "how do we do the least amount of work and extract the most $ for doing next-to-nothing". Shame on the customer for expecting to see naked dancers actually up on stage at a strip club! Are they nuts? Shame on the customer for expecting to be noticed at the bar when wanting to order a drink! Are they crazy? Truth is: they leave so much money "on the table" to be made by pursuing the easy, quick-hitter route. Scrounge the quicky lapper from the customer that doesn't demand much in a strip club experience... but chase away the guys with the actual big bucks to spend that are there to be erotically entertained (and yes, the stage show is important to that experience). Believe me, as a guy that goes back close to 30yrs with this club: this club chased away the previous spending whales by not caring about the customer FIRST (and their greedy selves, second-- they care only about themselves, unfortunately). Facts and truth.....
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Homey atmosphere, friendly dancers!
    ^^... I was just there 2 nights ago, Friday. Was also there about 12 days ago (looking for Piper, no such luck). From 10:30pm-12:30am both times. Very disappointing. Most dancers not getting full naked onstage, forget spread eagle. Most dancers on the older side, not college girls (1 college cutie 12 days ago visit, topless only onstage). No stunners, looks-wise... which I'm OK with if they got full naked. But, alas... topless bullshit. Only 1 dancer lost the panties onstage Friday night... one (brunette w/glasses, skinny). I complimented her for doing so and tipped her generously, but she seemed standoffish with the compliment... seemingly interpreting it as I was knocking her sister dancers. Oh well.... no good deed goes unpunished. So sick of the culture in Massachusetts' supposed 'nude' clubs. Topless only rules nowadays... FACT. Some will flash you their goods for ~3 seconds and think their vag is God's gift and you should genuflect that she allowed you the 3 seconds. Most won't even do THAT. So, so different now from the 90's in Mass strip clubs... when wall-to-wall full butt nakedness was the norm. Stage presention horrible these days. Anyone got a Hot Tub Time Machine so I can go back to a REAL STRIP CLUB?
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    New York
    Strippers Won't Get Nude, Topless Only
    Was there again Saturday night, 4/7/18 (from 11pm to 12:30am)... zero, I repeat, ZERO gals got nude on stage. I tipped generously, didn't matter. One dancer never even lost her top, just moved around in full lingerie. Most exciting thing going on was the conversation I struck up with a 'civilian' gal who was there with some of her friends; told her she was the best thing happening in club and she gave me a tremendous hug and copped a feel of my package. Kinda, sorta saved my night there. In all honesty, designation should be updated to "Topless club" so no one is fooled and goes there thinking it's a nude club. When dancers aren't getting naked on a Saturday night in primetime... it's a Topless club.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Disappointing... Why Don't Girls Get Nude @ Nude Club?
    Pretty easy to discern what I implied, but I guess I have to spell it out, for some (insert eye-roll emoji here): I long ago learned that if a gal is lazy enough to give a half-ass effort in her stage presentation and not meet base expectations -- uh, like getting nude at a nude club -- then, you can pretty much take it to the bank she isn't worth spending $ on for lappers or anything else. All anyone would be signing up for from her is another half-ass, lackluster effort in the back room. No thanks... pass. Most here understood what was being implied. Only if I find the girl exceptionally attractive will I sometimes look pass her going-thru-the-motions lazy stage routine (hence the "rare exceptions" addendum).
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    HOLY SHIT!... Olga still works there? This place opened around 1996 and she's been there pretty much from the beginning. She's always been a hustlin' ROB, pretty much. The Jack Shack next door has been busted a couple times over the years for full service/prostitution... so, they've scaled back... but, bring enough cash and you can get full service (I have, tho admittedly not in a number of years) -- btw, perfectly legal in Massachusetts & Pennsylvania to serve alcohol w/full nude. Problem is, culture in Mass. is shit and most just go topless. It's a definite problem. Penn. is better with nude & alcohol.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    Old Faithful
    knight & errant speak the truth, not the reviewer. Hustle factor is high here, with gals expecting a tip matching the price of the dance. Oh yeah, and oft times some girlies will avoid stage altogether or not get full nude when up on it. Some 'nude' club (insert eye-roll emoji here). Place rarely has a lot of customers, as it has a rep for not delivering on what it tries to sell/portray that it is. Overall, it's a 4 or 5 on a scale of 10... 6 on its best night. TRUTH (extras are near non-existent, save for the extremely rare exception)
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    It's ok
    LOL... 2008 was nowhere near its prime. Longtime vets know the Mardi Gras ceased being its exceptional-balls-to-the-wall-100%-full-nudity-by-9's & 10's-all day-all night MOONS AGO... with just about anything available. 9's & 10's pressing their pussies against plexiglass on side stages, shower shows, never a stitch of clothing on the girlies up on stage during entire set, dancers busting their asses erotically entertaining and being rewarded handsomely for it (And on & on). This place use to be like this for a couple decades... until around 2000 when the Gras slowly descended into boring entertainment hell with do-nothing girlies expecting money for doing very little. Gras has lost all their spending Whales due to decline, and now is populated by broke ass customers (for most part, allowing for few exceptions). Did you guys know that Mardi Gras was the #1 rated strip club in world on Tuscl back in late 90's? Yep, that be a fact (Tuscl archives will confirm). And... it deserved to be, 100%. Since 2000ish tho... it has morphed into a below-average strip club. If video existed of the old 80's, 90's MG, you guys' jaws would drop...guaranteed.
  • review comment
    7 years ago
    Clip Joint
    Spot on review by Ct Dan. I find it amazing that I literally have a sample size of thousands of visits over various decades (close to 30yrs) in all of the Springfield clubs, yet miraculously, I somehow don't experience the nude girls on stage like some of these reviewers and "all promises kept" in VIP/CR like some of these guys post. Years ago in the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's... sure. But for years & years now, the Springfield area clubs (all owned by same family) are long on promises BROKEN in back room/VIP & very little full nudity on stage. Yeah, I just must be going on the wrong night, even tho it's been a zillion nights (insert eye-roll emoji here). I'm with Dan 100%... CLIP JOINT. Back in the long-ago days, Springfield clubs were exceptional. Those days left moons ago... (Anthony's been a 2-bit whorehouse pretty consistently thru the years, tho)
  • review comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Same ol same ol
    ADDENDUM: Couple Tuesdays ago lights came up @ 1:45 even tho I and a couple others had the 1 gal onstage fully engaged and were spending $. WTF. Like I said, Gras doesn't even try anymore and mgt doesn't give a shit. Place *never* would have closed/lights up so early in glory days -- plus 1 girl onstage for last half-hour is a joke. Trust me, men.... you guys missed when this place use to be great, years ago. Use to be so much nakedness and sensory overload no one ever wanted to leave. Use to be a blast; now it's mostly a bust. YEAH, YOU GO GRAS!
  • review comment
    10 years ago
    Man, what has happened to this...
    Accurate ^^... few girls get naked on stage. Topless club for most part.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ten Things For Strip Club Owners to Consider
    90% of SC owners only look at things from their own perspective, not the customer's. Unlike most businesses, they know they deal in a "product/service" that will attract customers even when poorly run. For example, referencing #8, the SC owner knows if he tells you Skyler isn't there you're not coming to the club. So, from HIS perspective, better to lie to you to get you down there because he knows once you're in the club, you'll spend the money you were allocating for Skyler (by your own admission). The fact that you're "pissed" means nothing to him... he's got your money. That's all he cares about. Not saying this is the proper mentality but this is how it is and it won't be changing anytime soon.
  • article comment
    13 years ago
    Ten Things For Strip Club Owners to Consider
    Verbose. Microwave dinners? Not ever, never. Some valid points (lest I be accused a "hater") and a couple irrelevant points from a Strip club owner perspective (so why would they consider them?) but one of the most important things a SC owner should consider is making absolutely sure _that the dancers do their job correctly_... for too many of them simply don't. "If you would be pungent, be brief; for it is with words as with sunbeams--the more they are condensed, the deeper they burn." - Robert Southey